Issue #50--September 28, 1995

"It's just you and me, Joe and Judy Regular... wanna neck?"


We made it! Issue #50--hooray!!!!! Inside this newsletter you'll find a bunch of nifty L&C stuff, as we celebrate 50 issues of the Krypton Club newsletter, plus we celebrate L&C in general! Be on the lookout for a list of ALL the newsletters we've ever done before, a top ten of our top tens, plus the fourth (and possibly best) Krypton Club interview!

Thanks to everyone who answered the survey we had. Here are some things we were able to learn from you....

* Most everyone's favorite part of the newsletter is the "spoilers" and the "ferreting out of information" that we pass along to you.

* The most requested things for the newsletter to see were "More Interviews." Interviews, interviews, interviews. You know, interviews are somewhat hard to get... * The twice-a-week schedule seems to be fine with Krypton Club members.

* The most popular "L&C" season among FOLCs is the second half of the second season.

* The general most popular actor on "Lois & Clark" is Teri Hatcher.

* The #1 complaint most FOLCs have with "L&C" is that they underuse the supporting characters. We couldn't agree more.

The favorite episodes and quotes, and least favorite newsletter feature really didn't get so many of the same responses for us to post anything. Thanks for answering this survey; hopefully you won't be disappointed with what we have for you in the future!

Craig Byrne and Dan Patterson

Presidents of the L&C Krypton Club


By Dan Patterson and Craig Byrne

Mike Carlin did one. John Byrne did one. Roger Stern did one. Dan Jurgens agreed to one, but never returned the questions for them. And sure, it was fun interviewing and printing interviews with the makers of the Superman comics, but we know what you REALLY wanted to see is an interview with someone more directly related with "Lois & Clark." Luckily, one kind soul was nice enough to let us do an interview. On TV, she's known for her costume-making expertise and her love for her family. In real life, she is also known for being a wonderful person with her friends and her family. So here it is, an interview with "Martha Kent" herself, K CALLAN!!!! (It wouldn't be fair for ONE of us to conduct the interview, so questions came from both of your Krypton Club co-presidents, Dan and Craig)....

CRAIG: What was your first role in your television or movie career?

K: The first movie I ever did was a film called "Joe" starring Peter Boyle. It was my first film as well as Susan Sarandon's.

DAN: What do you enjoy doing when you're not acting?

K: I like to cook. I like to have people over. I build things. Mostly I am impatient and when I want something, I can't wait, so I end up making lots of things whether from fabric or wood. Not great, but it works. I also am an author. I have 5 titles that are show biz reference books...about getting agents and making your career happen. They are for actors and writers and directors. I also have a party book called "The Life of the Party" which has lots of specific parties from invitations, to food to activities (they are all based around fun things to do). There is an idea for every day of the year.

CRAIG: Are K Callan and Martha Kent anything alike?

K: Very much alike. I've been practicing on my own kids in order to be prepared to play Martha!

DAN: Have you ever or would you ever like to play an evil character?

K: A few years ago I played a kinda bad mom on "Quantum Leap." I've never played anyone really a murderer or anything. I think it would be fun.

CRAIG: How many hours a day, on average, are spent filming "L&C?"

K: 4-6 hours when we shoot, but frequently, we only work one day...when we only have one scene.

DAN: How familiar were you with the Superman legend before "Lois & Clark?"

K: Well, I named my first cat "Lois Lane." That must mean something.

CRAIG: We've all heard about the "first impressions" of when Teri met Dean. What did you think when you first met your "TV husband" Eddie Jones?

K: Eddie and I hit it off right away. We have the same agent, so we already felt like we were family.

DAN: If you could work with any actor or actress in the world, who would it be and why?

K: Geez, this is hard and requires thought (particularly is God is listening and is going to grant my wish.) I'd really like to work with Alan Rickman. I love his work. I'm crazy about Bette Midler. I'm a fan of Barbra Streisand's entrepreneurialness. I'd sure like to work with DeNiro. There are so many actors who move me and/or inspire me. I'd just like to stand next to them.

CRAIG: What is your favorite scene that you've ever filmed doing "L&C?"

K: Making Clark's Superman costume in the pilot, followed by the scene with Lois a couple of weeks ago.

DAN: What is the biggest challenge you have faced as an actress?

K: I think the biggest challenge any actor faces is the rejection. Learning to deal with that is an ongoing thing. No matter how far along you might get, there is always someone who won't see you or a part you won't be able to play because you're not famous enough, pretty enough, young enough...whatever.

Thank you K for this wonderful opportunity!


There are pictures of Teri Hatcher (Lois) and Bruce Campbell (Bill Church Jr.) in the "Casting Call" section of the newest issue of WIZARD magazine. Be warned though, there is also a top ten list at the end of the magazine that really puts down L&C and shows WIZARD's 8th-grade mentality.

Christopher Reeve will be on ABC's "20/20" show tomorrow evening at 10PM EST.

Ever wanted to know what it would look like if "Martha Kent" had married "Bill Church?" Rent the 1970 movie "Joe"... I (Craig) just did, I haven't finished it yet, but it was really fun to see K Callan and Peter Boyle in the movie.

TODAY'S L&C TOP TEN LIST by various Krypton Club members

Here they are, as picked by Dan and Craig, the top ten Krypton Club top tens....


From Krypton Club Newsletter #37

#10. "Lucky Leon" was *far* too good for it to need a followup (IMHO)

#9. Agent Scardino, aka "Please... call me Daniel"

#8. ACUPUNCTURE???!! Gee, like poking holes in flaking skin is *really* going to be productive and effective?!

#7. Agent Scardino, aka "Please... call me Daniel"

#6. Hawaiian shirts... Aaaaaaaaaa!

#5. Agent Scardino, aka "Please... call me Daniel"

#4. Jim Pirri's hair!!! Buddy, get a *haircut*... and get a *real* character!

#3. Agent Scardino, aka "Please... call me Daniel"

#2. That pathetic excuse for a prop - the frozen "virus"! For Gawd's sake, you can see the plastic *line* running down the middle of it! Get a *real* prop!

And... the #1 thing about 'Resurrection' that annoys Jenn is...



From Krypton Club Newsletter #34

The top five Lois Lane pet peeves....

#5. Some guy named Tenney keeps calling her.

#4. Clark won't agree to try contact lenses.

#3. People keep stoping her on the street and saying, "Hey, aren't you Teri Hatcher?"

#2. Bally's Health Club keeps pestering her to join.

And here it is, the #1 Lois Lane pet peeve.....

Clark won't tell her he's Superman!

The top five Clark Kent pet peeves.....

#5. Dan Scardino

#4. The way his glasses fog up when he's thinking of Lois.

#3. People keep stoping him on the street and saying, "Hey aren't you Dean Cain?"

#2. The sports channel in Metropolis doesn't feature women's beach volleyball.

And the #1 Clark Kent pet peeve is....

Lois won't tell him she knows he's Superman!


From Krypton Club Newsletter #33

#10. It will turn out that the whole proposal thing was a dream sequence, and the season opens with Clark finding Lois in the shower. (That might not be such a bad idea after all...)

#9. It will turn out that the Lois Lane we've been watching for the last two years was actually a clone named Ben Reilly. (Only Spider-Man comics fans would get that one....)

#8. Clark interrupts Lois and tells her one big thing before she gives "the answer."

#7. Right before Lois gives Clark "the answer," Clark hears someone yell "Help! Superman!" and must go and save them.

#6. Lois will figure out the truth, that Clark is actually Superman.

#5. Lois will tell Clark "no," because she's saving herself for Superman. (D'OH!!!!)

#4. In mid-proposal, Jimmy walks up and says, "Hey, C.K.! Telephone!"

#3. Lois will say "yes, of course I'll marry you!"

#2. Lois will reveal to Clark that she has learned that she is pregnant with her and Dan Scardino's love child.

And here it is, the #1 (and not neccessarily true) thing that could happen in the 3rd season premiere....

Clark will wake up, look at the clock radio, and hear "I've Got You Babe" playing on the radio... it turns out that "And The Answer Is" was all a dream.


From Krypton Club Newsletter #49

#10. Decorate a Christmas Tree

#9. Wear it as a Halloween costume -- and REALLY scare someone!

#8. Donate it to charity. No wait, no self-respecting charity would accept it.

#7. It would probably make a nice umbrella!

#6.5 Make it a promo for NASA's Newest Fall Fashions

#6. Sell it to Michael Jackson for use in his next video.

#5. Build a time machine and dump it in the future -- it would have looked great on Tempus!

#4. Add it to Pee-Wee Herman's ever-growing alumanum foil ball.

#3.5 Cut it into strips and gag the the costume designers!!!!!! (ah, sweet, ironic

revenge!) #3. Wear it to a KKK sermon and start a riot.

#2. Bring it to Jay Leno and have him rip it up on national television (hey, he did a great job with that banana suit!)


Burn it!!!! (that's if it's even flammable!)


From Krypton Club Newsletter #48

#10. "Only the galactically stupid wouldn't watch "Lois and Clark."

#9. "Do you have a little schmutz on your S? Clean up your Sundays by watching "L&C!"

#8. "Will Jimmy get a new shirt? Find out the exciting news this Sunday!"

#7. "Is Clark Superman, or does he just look like him? Find out on L&C!"

#6. "Please call him Sir Daniel. It's Scardino's return in his newfound career as a musketeer on L&C!"

#5. "You saw her heartrending performance in the classic Bally's clayman commercial; now see Teri Hatcher on L&C!"

#4. "If you like plaid flannel shirts, you can't miss Jimmy Olsen on ABC!"

#3. "Each Sunday, we risk Dean Cain's life by hanging him 50 feet in the air by wires for your viewing pleasure! Only on ABC!"

#2. "It's a bird! It's a plane! It's Dean Cain in tights! Watch him closely on L&C Sundays!"

And the #1 L&C commercial slogan rejected by ABC.....

"They're real, they're spectacular, and they're only on ABC. Lois and Clark, Sundays!"


From Krypton Club Newsletter #8

10. "Uh, excuse me, Lois. Call of nature."

9. "I gotta go. I'm getting a tattoo."

8. "I have to go get some special detergent for my Superman sui-- my blue vinyl suit."

7. "I just got a tip from our CA branch. An ex-football player is about to kill his ex-wife and her male friend. I'm going to phone it into Perry and call the LA cops."

6. "Melrose Place is on, I can't miss it, I'm going home."

5. "I-gotta-go-I-really-need-to-I'll-call-you-later-love-you-bye."

4. "See, we're on a TV show, and every time I run off, we both get a bonus, and the ratings go up."

3. "My 'cow-chip of the month club' shipment is probably here, let me go check, I'll be right back."

2. "Lois, I think I'm under some spell. Everytime you mention relationship/commitment to me, my inner clock chimes, I get an instant paranoia, and am forced to leave."

And the #1 excuse Clark can use when he wants to run off....

"I'm Superman. I have to go save the world." "Yeah, right, Kent. Tell me the truth."


From Krypton Club Newsletter #44

#10 In the upcoming episode "Resurrection Resurrection," Jim Pirri guest-stars as Dan Scardino takes the Resurrection pill. Lois and Clark must get his body to the morgue before Lex Luthor steals it to become a clone of Superman.

#9 In "Kick Me In The Jimmy," Jimmy Olsen becomes a kickboxer.

#8. In the episode "The Cool Surface" a writer named Jarvis hunts down Lois, swearing he knew her in another life.

#7. In "Perry White Goes To Graceland" Perry and his wife Alice travel to Graceland, where Alice is murdered by an evil Elvis impersonator.

#6. In "Jimmy vs. Jimmy" Michael Landes's Jimmy Olsen returns as he battles Justin Whalin's Jimmy Olsen in the death match of the century! Only one survives!

#5. In "We Have More To Talk About," Lois discovers that she's pregnant with Superman's baby and she doesn't know how to tell Clark.

#4. In the episode "Stoned Boy" directed by Christopher Cain (Dean's father), Superman gets shot in the face at the beginning of the episode and is never heard from again.

#3. In "They're Real and They're Spectacular" Lois is reunited with Jerry Seinfeld, who continues to wonder whether or not they're real.

#2. In "The Powers That Be," Lois and Clark finally take the plunge and decide to sleep with one another. This episode will air in the 10PM time slot usually occupied by NYPD Blue.

And here it is, the #1 SPOILER that you'll probably never see......

In "Gullible's Travels," a gullible FOLC believes that the spoiler to "The Powers That Be" will actually happen.


From Krypton Club Newsletter #20

#10. Some aspiring actor/actress who is trying out for the part of an extra on 'Baywatch'.

#9. Some person Lois pays to do it ---- She just loves to see Clark change into Superman.

#8. Darn writers ----- Don't want L&C to get together until THE right moment, sometime five years from now.

#7. FOLC who'll do anything to meet Dean.

#6. Some wimpy, jealous guy who wants to see if Dean flexes when he crosses his arms or if he's just that ripped.

#5. Dan Scardino, who hasn't gotten over being dumped by Lois. What a shame =>.

#4. FOLC who can't find any L&C stuff in the stores and just can't take it any more.

#3. Lois' father. He said he'd deep any guys away from her ----- even after he sat in the back of her prom with a shotgun.

#2. Some kid who just downloaded the picture of Teri in 'Cool Surface' and his parents are coming.

And here it is. The #1 person(s) who keep yelling "Help!" whenever L&C get together...............

Aliens whose planet is being bombarded by guns kicked by the Resplendent Man, missiles shot at meteoroids, and the various other things that have been hurled into space on the show that no one has thought of since.


From Krypton Club Newsletter #38

#10. Dan Scardino talking plunger. Every time you flush hear, "Please, call me Daniel."

#9. Perry White's toupee of wonder! As Perry put's it, "I'm not only a hair club client, I'm also the president!"

#8. Mayson Drake's bomb in a box kit (not recommended for children)

#7. Pamela Anderson's autobiography entitled, "Dean Cain: Been there, done that."

#6. Alcoholic Ice Cappucinos!

#5. The Prankser talking doll, pull the string and hear, "That's ridiculous cousin."

#4. A poster with the slogan, "Jack's Back!" Familiar, isn't it?

#3. Jimmy Olsen's fashion guide, 50 pages of flannel! (Note: all pages feature Ned)

#2. "Stoner Boy, Dean Cain in his Party Years." (by National Enquirer)

And... the #1 rejected idea for L & C merchandise is.......




From Krypton Club Newsletter #12

#10. "Clark, I've got to go, when I was mad at you I told Dan I'd go out with him tonight."

#9. "Clark, Ha ha ha ha ha"

#8. "Clark, I hate myself." (stomps off and slams a door somewhere in Clark's face)

#7. "Clark, couldn't this wait until we got out of the rain? I'm still kind of suceptable to colds what with the freezing thing and all."

#6. "Clark, I can't believe you didn't return all those diamonds you stole."

#5. "Clark, what have you been waiting for. (In Perry's voice) We'll never get this paper out by deadline!" (Dream sequence ends)

#4. "Clark, it seems like I've been waiting for months to answer you."

#3. "Clark, Hello, duh, you forgot to tell me that you're Superman."

#2. "Clark, this has gone on long enough between us. I mean, they've been taking us on this emotional roller coaster ride, and I'm sick of it. The only reason to keep on doing this is because we're scared."

Clark: "Of what?"

Lois: "Of the fact that we might lose ratings, to Murder She Wrote, and Seaquest, and even .......The Simpsons."

And the #1 thing to happen after the "To Be Continued....."

Clark (Call in the background "Help, Superman"): "Um, Lois, hold that thought, I just remembered that I forgot to cancel my subscription to the Cheese of the Month Club, and If I don't go now, they deliver me 10 pounds of Gouda tommorow."

Now we need top ten lists to fill our NEXT fifty newsletters! Send them to,, or!

One of the main questions we've been asked in the four months the Krypton Club has been around is "What made you decide to start your own club?" So here they are, the origins of the Krypton Club.....


By Dan Patterson aka Superman 92 & Krypton92

A long time ago in a far off galaxy...... I met Craig Byrne. It was my first on line chat, and I was under the screen name Superman92. The "92" was chosen because I was tired of trying to get a valid screen name that wasn't already in use. Superman79 and many other desired numbers were taken. I typed in "92" and it worked. Craig at that time had the screen name SupermanFX. We got to know each other because we were both Supermans. After that evening, Craig and I kept in touch and we became good friends.

After discussing the fact that fans were in need of up to date information and a chance to interact with each other, we decided to start our own fan club. Both of us enjoyed writing and especically writing about our favorite show, Lois and Clark. First we needed a name for our club. I suggested "The Daily Planet," but that name was already being used by another online club. Then Craig suggested the "Kryptonite Club." I liked the sound of it but logic tells us that kryptonite hurts Superman and our club isn't against the Man of Steel. We finally decided on the Krypton Club, it had a very nice ring to it and also was Clark's home planet.

At the start of the club we sent out daily newsletters. That had been our original intention when we thought of the naming the club, The Daily Planet. Putting out a daily newsletter was a lot of work and it didn't help that we had started during the off season. It became tough finding good information on a daily basis. We decided to do the newsletters twice a week. We were both happy with the decision. Not only did the newsletter improve in quality, but our work load decreased and we were still providing up to date information per week, rather than every few months like other sources. We were also unique because we were interactive. Fans had and still have a voice in the club.

We have come a long way since then. Our newsletters are much longer, we have many more resources and sources, and of course there are a lot more of you members! I have met Craig in person and visited the sets of "Lois & Clark" with other online friends. Craig has interviewed such Superman comics greats as John Byrne, Roger Stern, and Mike Carlin! And as you've seen in this newsletter, K Callan has even done an interview for us!

Speaking for myself and Craig, I'd like to say thank you to all of you fans who have joined the club. Without you this club wouldn't be possible. We take pride that you can interact with us and voice your opinions to the many other FOLC's. We are at newsletter #50 now, and I'm looking forward to #100! We give you our promise that we will continue to strive for excellence and keep you up to date on the best show on the planet, "Lois & Clark!"


By Craig Byrne

I remember the beginnings of the Krypton Club a little differently, but maybe it's just my interpretation. Back in April (I think) Dan and I started chatting about "L&C" in the ABC Backstage Buzz chat rooms, and we always seemed to agree on things. One major thing we agreed on is that most of the other "L&C" fan clubs are very slow in getting out information and that they really don't follow any rules and opinions but their own. We thought it would be a great idea if we sent out a daily "L&C" update to the "L&C" fans who were really suffering from bad LCWS (Lois & Clark Withdrawal Syndrome), and after tossing around a ton of names, we decided on the "Krypton Club" as a good name for our club.

Membership grew to around 175 within the first two weeks. It was diffucult sending out daily "L&C" updates every night (especially the night of May 26--my graduation night), but we still managed to do it. By June 5th, we had come to the decision that we'd have to do the newsletter only twice a week.

That made things a lot easier. Since then, we've only gone back to the daily format for one week (our 25th-issue week) and we've gained a whole lot more members (over 600 at last count.) The newsletters seem to (in my opinion) be a lot better than those from when we first started. We've been sending out great fanfiction and we've sent out Spoiler specials that have "spilled the beans" weeks and even months before the episodes aired, or before any of the other clubs reported them. And several Krypton Club members were able to meet each other in Burbank in late July; we're hoping to do this again in December.

I hope all of you know you're welcome to submit things for the Krypton Club newsletter. We'd love to print them! Also, once we're on the World Wide Web and our episode guide is completed, the Krypton Club (will hopefully) soar to become the greatest "L&C" fan club in history! High aspirations, yes.. but remember, we're here for you, and e-mail us if there's anything we can ever do to help you with "L&C" information. We might not know all the answers off-hand, but we'll try! Thank you for joining the Krypton Club!


We have heard that Teri Hatcher's new film "Heaven's Prisoners" has been delayed yet again, this time to Oct. 27. We'll tell you if we learn any more or exactly why the movie, which has been delayed several times already, was delayed again.


Synopsises for episode #3, "Contact," and episode #4, "When Irish Eyes are Killing Me," have both listed Olivia Brown as "Star" as a guest star. Could "Star" be a new "L&C" regular? Guess we'll find out on Sunday!

And now for something completely different.....


By Lara-Elaine Koch

"It's a show," they all say to me. "How can you love a show?"

That is the reply I get from people when I tell them about my love for "Lois and Clark." They give me weird looks when I come in on Monday with a huge smile on my face, and they grimace when I mention "L&C" to one of my fellow FoLC friends. They just don't understand how I could become so attached.

"Watch the show," I tell them earnestly, a smile on my face. Oh, sure, they promise me they will, but do they? No. So, then I must explain why I am a FoLC. "Well," I say, "For starters, when I watch the show, it makes me happy. Don't you like to do things that make you happy? I like to be happy, hence, I watch this show. Another reason why is becuase it makes me laugh, and I do not know one person who does not like to laugh. Need more? How about the fact that I have met over a hundred friends, friends who do not only share my interests, but friends I can depend on to talk to when I don't feel that great. Friends who don't put me down, and they try their darndest to lift me back up. Friends who make me laugh. Friends that I would do anything to meet, but know i will probably not. Doesn't everyone want friends like that? I do. And I know that if I hadn't started watching this show two years ago, i would have never met them, and I would have to be living around people like you who's pleasure is picking on something someone else likes. So, see, That is why i watch Lois and Clark. Any other questions?"

And they look at me for a moment, and I just stand there, looking right back at them. Then they turn, slowly, and walk away. And when I get home every evening and log onto my computer, I know my friends will be waiting for me. My fellow friends who not only share the same love of "Lois and Clark" that I do, but friends that I can count on. Forever.

--Lara-Elaine Koch, 9/20/95 (True story, as a matter of fact. :) )


For those of you keeping score, here's a list of every newsletter we've ever done before... hopefully when we get together our World Wide Web page you will be able to download old newsletters. For right now we are unable to send back issues; this list is only here for you to see all the quote's we've used (or screwed up on.)

#1 "Great Shades of Elvis!" (5/22/95)

#2 "Clark...." (5/23/95)

#3 "Like supporting characters..." (5/24/95)

#4 "What goes in a salad...." (5/25/95)

#5 "Lois Lane Luthor, Lois Lane... Kent!" (5/26/95)

#6 "I am top banana!" (5/27/95)

#7 "Oooo, who's the new tight end?" (5/28/95)

#8 "Jimmy, give me back my dress!" (5/29/95)

#9 "From the desk of Cat Chow" (5/30/95)

#10 "I think they eloped." (5/31/95)

#11 "If you were a baseball player..." (6/1/95)

#12 "That's BRILLIANT, Jimmy!" (6/2/95)

#13 "Betcha he's a crossdresser!" (6/3/95)

#14 "I lie to him all the time!" (6/4/95)

#15 "Don't fall for me, farm boy." (6/5/95)

#16 "Can you get me some oolong?" (6/8/95)

#17 "The light makes them look bigger!" (6/11/95)

#18 "C.K., you are the man!" (6/15/95)

#19 "Halfway to Metropolis..." (6/18/95)

#20 "My mind is so conflicted!" (6/22/95)

#21 "But he's MINE!" (6/25/95)

#22 "It's time to bring out the big guns!" (6/28/95)

#23 "My mother made it for me." (7/6/95)

#24 "Get your own damn coffee!" (7/10-11/95)

#25 "Superman is what I do, Clark is who I am." (7/11/95)

#26 "Hold the elevator!" (7/12/95)

#27 "Don't suck up; I don't like it." (7/13/95)

#28 "Tell us more about this 'Lois'...." (7/14/95)

#29 "You haven't said a word since 1866." (7/16/95)

#30 "There's no such word as 'chumpy'." (7/20/95)

#31 "I win, you lose, we're both happy." (7/23/95)

#32 "It wasn't Jimmy, was it?" (7/30/95)

#33 "I said nine, I thought you'd be naked... uh, ready." (8/3/95)

#34 "Clark... whatcha workin' on?" (8/6/95)

#35 "Smooth." (8/10/95)

#36 "I'm in danger of choking on my own vomit." (8/14/95)

#37 "Everything's going fine, assuming Lois lets me have my turn in the bedroom tonight." (8/17/95)

#38 "A little louder, I don't think they heard you in Gotham City.

#39 "Hello! Duh! Clark Kent is Superman!" (8/24/95)

#40 "It's not Clark's style to go chasin' out after some babe." (8/27/95)

#41 "They don't call 'em tights for nothing!" (8/31/95)

#42 "Liar, you are SO attracted to me!" (9/3/95)

#43 "Is that Kryptonite in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me?" (9/8/95)

#44 "The way you just touched me..." (9/10/95)

#45 "If the world opened up from under my feet, I wouldn't stop until I have said this...." (9/14/95)

#46 "Lois, will you marry me?" (9/17/95)

#47 "Who's asking, Clark... or Superman?" (9/18/95)

#48 "I'll be there for you... and you're not alone anymore." (9/21/95)

#49 "By the way.... I hate bananas." (9/25/95)

#50 "It's just you and me, Joe and Judy Regular... wanna neck?" (9/28/95)

Fanfiction #1 "Am I going to have to spank you?" (8/8/95)

Fanfiction #2 "Lex Luthor Strikes Back" Part 1 of 2 (8/15/95)

Fanfiction #3 "Lex Luthor Strikes Back" Part 2 of 2 (8/22/95)

Fanfiction #4 "The Confrontation" (8/29/95)

Fanfiction #5 "We Have To Talk" (9/5/95)

Special #1 "You wanna fly like him, and I wanna fly with him." (7/2/95)

Special #2 Spoiler Special! "You are a strange one, Clark Kent." (7/18/95)

Special #3 TV Guide Interview with Dean Cain (7/22/95)

Special #4 Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! (8/1/95)

Special #5 Teri Hatcher on the IRC (9/18/95)

Spoiler Special #5 "You eat like an eight-year-old, yet you look like Mr. Hardbody." (8/11/95)

Spoiler Special #6 "That is SO unfair. You know I can't fly." (8/17/95)

Spoiler Special #7 "When is the last time Lois answered something with a simple 'yes' or 'no'?" (9/4/95)

Spoiler Special #8 "Are you using your 'alter ego' as an excuse to avoid me?" (9/10/95)

Spoiler Special #9 "I just want you to meet a super guy..." (9/14/95)


Every newsletter, we try to spotlight a different member of the Krypton Club so FOLCs can get to know each other better. All a person will have to do is send us profiles and we'll be more than happy to print them. In this newsletter you'll find new profiles of your Krypton Club presidents, so you might get to know us better.

You may notice that as of this issue the profiles have a new format. Please follow this format in the future when producing your profiles. Also, those of you who had profiles printed within issues #1 and #20 who'd like to do an updated one, feel free to. We still have several profiles in the old format; we won't be printing any "old format" profiles after issue #55. So remember, if you want to send in a profile, please try to follow the new format! Thanks! =^)

And here they are, the Krypton Club co-presidents.....


SCREEN NAME: CraigByrne and KryptonFX on AOL, "Krypton" on IRC BIRTHDAY: December 6, 1977 SEX: Male PLACE OF RESIDENCE: Annapolis, MD OCCUPATION: Writer for college newspaper, cashier at comic book store, student HOBBIES: Comics, old TV shows, fX, L&C!!!! L&C FAVORITES: ....QUOTE (limit 1): "What goes in a salad does not go on a pizza." ....EPISODE (limit 1): "Barbarians at the Planet" (Season 1, #20) ....GUEST STAR (limit 1): Sonny Bono ("I've got you babe!") ....VILLAIN (limit 1): Lex Luthor ....SUPPORTING CHARACTER (limit 1): Jack NON-L&C FAVORITES: ....MOVIES (limit 2): Back to the Future, Wayne's World ....TV SHOWS (limit 2): Breakfast Time, Backchat GOALS IN LIFE: For the Krypton Club to have 1000 members by the time we reach issue #100, and to someday interview Teri Hatcher. (You mean realistically? I'd like to enter the field of journalism....I wanna be CK when I grow up!)


NAME: Dan Patterson SCREEN NAME: Superman92, Krypton92, Supe92(IRC) BIRTHDAY: 3-8-79 SEX: Male PLACE OF RESIDENCE: Durham, CA OCCUPATION: Co-President L & C Krypton Club, Student HOBBIES: Lois and Clark, basketball, computers, video games. L&C FAVORITES: ....QUOTE (limit 1): "Whatever you say Lois, whatever you say..." (hard to pick just one) ....EPISODE (limit 1): "Pheromone, My Lovely" ....GUEST STAR (limit 1): Adam West ....VILLIAN(limit 1): Lex Luthor ....SUPPORTING CHARACTER (limit 1): Martha Kent NON-L&C FAVORITES: ....MOVIES (limit 2): Groundhog Day, Speed ....TV SHOWS (limit 2): Seinfeld, Tonight Show GOALS IN LIFE: 3 routes I'm deciding on.... Journalism, Marketing/Advertising, Computer Programming

Send profiles to,, or!


On Monday, we asked what you thought about "Ordinary People"... here's how you responded....

Jenn Farwell: "One acronym springs to mind when I think of 'Ordinary People'... WAFF! This was definitely the WAFF EPISODE OF THE SERIES!!! :):):):):) It's also my *_>FAVOURITE<_* episode!!! :):) Thank you thank you THANK YOU, TPTB! "

P. Welke: "I loved OP, especially when Lois fell into the pond. Grrrrrrr! (Oh, yeah right guys, like you WEREN'T thinking that?!?)"

Anna Allen: "Although the Spencer thing was laughably stupid, I *loved* the scenes between LL and CK, particularly her twit about the island, her qualms about being a mother, the way they talk about Superman--and his beautiful, sweet and honest discussion of the way he feels about her. WAFF and *AWESOME*!"

Lisa Freedman: "My thoughts on OP (I finally saw it--my cousins rock): Romance was awesome, but a head in a box? I think even *I'd* do better making up a villain. What's next? A man with no arm with a Kryptonite powered prosthesis?"

Ziploc: "I think that episode was really stupid, the villian Spencer Spencer was sooo fake and Lois just finding the brick was foul. But the island was cool and when the hut fell down that was pretty funny. I give it a 6."

Shelocta: "I enjoyed 'Ordinary People' even though the villian was lame. I had the same questions about the superhearing. How come Clark didn't hear that guy screaming before his head was removed and how come he didn't hear the gunman coming up on him an Lois? Was he too distracted by what they were doing to pay attention?"

TeddiL: "I liked it a lot; every scene between Lois And Clark was great! Yes, I agree that the Joe Izuzu the head plot was idiotic but if you fast forward through those parts the episode is perfect--I particularly loved the scene where Clark told Lois how he felt about her---VERY WELL WRITTEN, DIRECTED, AND ACTED!"

SLai7: "What do I think of Odinary People? Well, I agree with Dan. It is getting alittle too creepy and weird for younger people. I don't like watching scary things and I hope the plot gets back to normal. I also agree with Dan that their relationship was getting a little too serious, too quickly. My dad saw that campfire thing and he almost made me turn it off because he thought that they were going to...thank goodness that the plot finally started to thicken at that time!"

NMAHONEY7: "I totally agree with Craig's assessment of "OP." I enjoyed the romance even more (if that's possible!) when I could fast-forward through all of the silly villany. And by the way, if Lois won't marry Clark after his "I don't know how I feel about you..." speech, then she IS galactically stupid!!!"

Chris Sundgren: "I agree with both reviews of the 2nd episode. All of these stupid villians that are supposed to be a challenge to Superman. I too would like to see more action and even some real flying scenes. What a bad plot to follow up the great season premiere."

AshNM: "'Ordinary People' did not have a great villian, but the romance between Lois and CK was excellent!!!!!!!!"

JennCu: "WAFF,WAFF,WAFF, WAFF, WAFF!!!!!! Did I mention WAFF?*" * WAFF = Warm And Fuzzy Feelings

Stumpy: "Disappointing episode all around. Not only were the romantic scenes too cute, but the schism between the realism of the L & C relationship and the comic-book villians grew even wider. The writers have painted themselves into a very difficult corner: how to have a "natural" Clark Kent and a comic-book superhero exist in the same program. This episode felt like two different shows pasted together. Almost as if one writer wrote the villian scenes and another the L&C scenes. Too bad."

JLerebours: "The romance was just superb, the emotions (love, passion and insecurities) which came out bodes well for this season. The villain plot was so stupid that I started praying for the return of the new leader of intergang (Mindy "the annoying voice" Church)."

Pam Jernigan: "I loved this episode; the relationship stuff is what I'm watching for, and I got more than I'd hoped for. We start with a resumption of L&C's old teasing habits, and move on to some very touching, sweet scenes on the island. I'll FF through SS when I rewatch and be perfectly delighted with this episode for a long time to come. "

LaudyMunch: "I didn't like 'Ordinary People' very much. They could do a MUCH better job with the villian. And, if Lois and Clark's relationship keeps moving they way it did in this episode, it'll take all the excitment out, fast."


Here's the L&C trivia question for today.....

Which "L&C" cast member appeared on a 1970's episode of "All in the Family?"

The answer to Sunday's trivia question: The Kents' names on the 1950's "Adventures of Superman" were Sarah and Eben Kent. Jenn Farwell, Michael Taylor, TeddiL, GordNBarb, Mary Moore, OSCARFAN, OurCousin, Rebel9909, and Remy007 got this right. Lisa Freedman got half of this, the "Sarah" part, right.

Send your answers and trivia guesses via e-mail to,, or! You have until Sunday evening!


The Krypton Club now has its very own letters column for you! Send all correspondence to,, or! If you write us a letter and wish for it to NOT be printed in the newsletter, please say so. Remember, we cannot print EVERYTHING we receive... but we do read all of it.

Subj: Re: #49 "By the way ..... I hate bananas." Date: 95-09-26 15:43:22 EDT From: OSCARFAN To: Krypton92,

In a message dated 95-09-25 21:24:20 EDT, you printed:

<< Subj: Re: #48 "I'll be there for you...." From: To:

Hi Craig!

Would you happen to know if actress Jessica Collins is the same young lady who was once a contestant for Miss Teen USA? Just wondering. There was someone by that name about 7 or 8 years ago who resembled her. -Kaoru

[Does any kind soul out there know the answer to this one? --Craig] >>

The short answer is, "yes." Here's a longer answer, which I culled from a syndicated soap opera column I found using the WESTLAW database:

Q. Tell me what you can about Jessica Collins, who portrays Dinah Lee Mayberry on "Loving." Where can I write her?

A. Collins, from Amsterdam, N.Y., was Miss Teen New York and first runner-up in the 1988 Miss Teen USA pageant. After graduating from high school, she headed to New York City to study acting. She did TV commercials before landing the role in "Loving" in 1991. Write to her at ABC-TV, 77 W. 66th St., New York, N.Y. 10023.

I realize that this isn't proof in and of itself, but there can't be two actresses named Jessica Collins, because it's a violation of Actor's Guild rules for two actresses to have the same professional name.


[Thanks for clearing that up! --Craig]

Subj: Re: #49 "By the way ..... I hate bananas." Date: 95-09-26 10:45:16 EDT From: WConger To: Krypton92

Funny that Craig mentioned that he half expected to see Mr. Roarke and Tatoo on Lois & Clark's "island paradise" last Sunday night. "Ordinary People" was shot at the LA Arboretum in Arcadia (just 3-4 miles from my house), which *was* used as "Fantasy Island" in the old TV series.

Wally Conger


Today's quote came from Sunday's episode, "Ordinary People."

The Krypton Club L&C Episode Guide is coming! It will take a more fun approach than any other episode guide that has come before. Expect to see Krypton Ratings (what we thought of the episodes) and Memorable Quotes listed in the guide, as well as a L&C timeline. The first season is already finished; we're waiting to complete the second season and early third before sending anything out.
Remember, changes are made to the member list every Monday. That means, if you need to change your address or want to be taken off the list, please let us know in advance. Thanks. =^)
BJPoirier and KLV13 are having a mini-FOLCfest at Walt Disney World on October 21. If anyone is interested, please e-mail or!
Wendy King ( only needs BJ6 to complete her L&C card collection. She is willing to trade BJ4 for it...e-mail her!
We Gotta Fly! We'll see you on Monday, as we begin the long road to #100! Don't forget to watch "Contact," Sunday on ABC! Thanks for putting up with this incredibly long newsletter! Look for us to return to normal (well, normal for us) on Monday!

Dan Patterson and Craig Byrne

Presidents of the L&C Krypton Club

SEND REPLIES & CORRESPONDENCE TO KRYPTON92@AOL.COM OR KRYPTONFX@AOL.COM! (If you write us something and don't want us to print it, please say so!)
What are you waiting for? Join the Krypton Club if you haven't already!

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The Krypton Club is not affiliated with ABC, December 3rd Productions, or Warner Brothers. Special thanks goes out to Tom Terenyi for help in producing these pages.