Spoiler Special #6--August 17, 1995

"That is SO unfair! You know I can't fly!"


Why wait another month for "We Have A Lot To Talk About," when you can hear all the info here? Get ready for MAJOR spoilers. If you don't want any, don't read any further! SPOILERS ARE EVERYWHERE! Remember, this isn't everything, just the GOOD stuff.

The episode opens with the final scene of "ATAI." Clark pops the question. Lois's response does not start with the word "Clark...." (as one would expect), it begins with "Who's asking, Clark or Superman?" as was cut from the original "ATAI" ending.

"How long have you known?" Clark asks her. "Since yesterday," she responds, telling him about the way both Clark and Superman touched her face. "It's the new glasses, isn't it?" Clark asks.

Clark asks Lois again if she'll marry him, and she says "no," because "too many things are happening at once." But, she makes it clear that it's just "no" for now, and she could change her mind later.

Lois claims she's not mad, just upset. By the end of the scene you can tell she's kind of mad. Clark is very hurt by Lois's "no." He then tells her he has to tend to an emergency.

The villians in this episode are the Churches. Bill Church Sr. apparently has reformed and has married a 20-something-year-old bimbo. Sr. starts a group called the "Church Group," dedicated to do good and reduce the crime rate. Mrs. Church apparently has a plot up her sleeve, and Church Jr. helps her with it. How does it turn out? What, you think we'll tell you EVERYTHING?

Everything turns out good by the end though. Clark even takes Lois up flying, with "Fly Me To The Moon" playing in the background.

Here's some other info:

* There is NO scene with Super-babies.

* There is a scene with Lois in a sweaty tanktop that would make one think of Teri's Bally's commercials.

* There is a very WAFFy scene between Lois and Martha where they talk about Clark.

* Clark's excuses have disappeared--"Cheese of the Month" references have become "Let this go. I heard a siren."

This newsletter's quote came from "We Have A Lot To Talk About," as Clark flies off to do some good, right in the middle of a conversation with Lois.

Hope these spoilers soothed your LCWS! Only one more month until we get to see how the episode looks on screen!

Craig and 92

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The Krypton Club is not affiliated with ABC, December 3rd Productions, or Warner Brothers. Special thanks goes out to Tom Terenyi for help in producing these pages.