Fanfiction Special #3--August 22, 1995

"Lex Luthor Strikes Back" Part 2 of 2


Welcome to the third Krypton Club Fanfiction Special! Remember, if you do not wish to receive fanfiction, e-mail or and tell us that you don't want the fanfic. You'll still get your twice-a-week (plus spoilers) Krypton Club fix, no matter what you do.

Thanks to EVERYONE who's sent in fanfiction. We have quite a lot, but believe us, it's worth it.

This week's fanfiction is part two of Ketsia Lerebours' "Lex Luthor Strikes Back," which was begun in last week's fanfiction special.

And here's part two..... Enjoy!


By Ketsia Lerebours

We open up our story with Lex Luther having escaped from the Metropolis prison and now seeking revenge on the three people he blames for his down fall, Lois Lane, Clark Kent and Superman.

"I'm not going anywhere with you, Lex," said Lois Lane, "You are mad if you think you can get away with this. Clark and Superman will come after me".

"Let them try," said Lex Luthor, as he ordered one of his men to give Lois a shot. Within minutes she lost conscience. They walked out to the waiting truck (the truck was covered in lead), they threw Lois in and drove to Gotham City. Once in Gotham they stopped at a stone mansion. Once inside Lois was taken to the basement and thrown into a cell.

Lois awoke an hour later. She walked to the bars trying to find a way out, but there was no way out. By the time she was brought food Lois was despondent. She lay on the bed in the cell starring at the ceiling. It took her a while to realize that the man who brought her the food was alone and that he was unarmed. As he set the food on the table near the bed. Lois leapt from the bed and raced for the open cell door. She picked up a little folding table which was outside the cell door and turned and slammed it against the guard's head, he promptly lost conscience.

After a quick glance around to be sure that no one else was in the basement Lois ran up the stairs to the first floor. She had almost made it outside when she was grabbed from behind and dragged back to where Luthor was waiting.

"That was very foolish of you," he said in an angry voice as he paingully grabbed her arm and pulled her back inside. "I should kill you now and save myself any further trouble," he said as he shoved her back into the cell.

"What, and lose your opportunity to torment Clark and Superman? This little annoyance is not enough to make you forego that opportunity," said Lois.

"You are right. Nothing is more important then that," he said as he threw her back into the cell.

"I''ve sent word to Superman that I have you. He should be arriving soon and as for your precious Clark, well, he should be dead by now thanks to the men I sent after him."

Meanwhile, back in Metropolis, Clark Kent was awakened by two men. "Hello, Mr. Kent," said one of the men who held a gun in his hand. "Lex Luther gave us a message to give you. The first message is that you don't have to worry about your wedding date with Lois Lane. Lois is with him now and he has other plans for her. The second message is that you should make peace with your maker because you are about to meet him." After saying that the man with the gun ordered Clark out of bed.

Clark did what he said, hoping that he could get a clue as to what their plan was, he knew that he had to keep them talking so that he could find out where Lois was being kept. "You won't get away with this" said Clark. "Superman will....."

"Oh, you think Superman will come and save you?" asked the second man. "Don't bet on it. Superman won't be able to save you in time, and if he wants to save Lois Lane he has to go to Gotham City, where Lex has a nice little Kryptonite present prepared for him." With that they grabbed Clark, tied his hands, gagged him, tied weights around his ankles and drove to the Metropolis river where they threw his body in. Clark waited a few minutes to make sure that they were gone, then he cut the ropes that tied his hands and the weights around his ankle and flew out of the river.

Back in Gotham City, Lois Lane was desprately trying to reason with Lex Luthor, who seemed to have lost sense of reason. "Lex, please for the love you once felt for me abandon this crazy plan, you're not yourself, you need psychiatric help."

"Love?" snarled Lex, "What do you know about love? I loved you like I never loved any other woman and how did you return that love? You betrayed and humiliated me. Tell me, Lois, was it love for me that made you call off our wedding? Don't ever speak to me about love!".

"Now, you must excuse my love, but I have a few things to take care of upstairs," said Lex as he left the basement. Once upstairs one of Lex's men reported that the radar had picked up Superman. After hearing this Lex order his men to prepare Lois for Superman's arrival.

Minutes later Superman crashed throught the wall. "Ah, Superman still making entrances and busting through walls I see... You know," Lex said in a conversational voice, "you really should consider using doors, you would save a ton on your dry cleaning bills."

"I didn't come here for advice Luthor. Just tell me where Lois is," said Superman in an angry voice as he picked Lex up by his collar.

"Of course, of course," said Lex, "Let me lead the way."

Superman held Lex by the arm as they walked down the stairs to the basement. "Here she is" said Lex, "all gift wraped for you, gift wrapped in Kryptonite that is" laughed Lex.

Horrified, Superman stood stunned as he saw Lois trapped in a cage whose bars were made of Kryptonite. The cage was suspended over a big hole in the floor where pool of acid could be seen. "Let her out" said Superman angrily.

"Sorry, Superman even if I wanted to, which I don't, I can not release her. There is no key to the cell and no lever to stop the cell's fall into the acid. Once we stepped down the stairs a hidden mechanism went on, and the cage has 5 minutes before its plunged into the acid below," said Lex with a harsh laugh.

"You can try to get her out by tearing the bars off, but at a deadly cost to yourself. So what will it be, Superman--your life, or that of your ex-girlfriend?" asked Lex Luthor.

"Superman, don't come any closer," said Lois, "save yourself."

Superman, keeping his distance from the cage, but still feeling the affect of the Kryptonite, quickly accessed the weakness of the cage. Suddenly, without warning, he ran back up the stairs and flew off.

"I geuss your hero decided to save himself," laughed Lex as the cell began to descend into the hole in ground where the acid was kept. "Goodbye my almost bride. Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha."

Suddenly, the floor started to shake. Superman had built an underground tunnel and neutralized the acid. Although feeling weak from the exposure to the Kryptonite, Superman was still able to burn a hole through the cage, enabling Lois to get out.

"No! cried Lex, "My plans. All my beautiful plans, not again" he cried in a tormented voice.

After subduing Lex and his goons, the couple, realizing that they had only an hour befor the commencement of their wedding, moved quickly. Lois called the police and told them that Lex was alive and that he would be delivered by Superman.

Superman strapped a parachute on Lex's back and said "Sorry Lex. I have a wedding to attend," as he dropped Lex over the Metropolis maximum security prison where two guards awaited his arrival.

Lois and Clark made it to the church with 15 minutes to spare. They kissed on the steps of the church. "See you in a few minutes" said Clark as he walked down the aisle of the church.

Later as the wedding march began the guest stood and turned as the bride walked down the aisle. She looked lovely in her ivory colored wedding dress with its Juliet sleeves and V neckline trimmed with seed pearls. She wore a long ivory veil of illusion lace held in place with dainty seed-pearled crown of flowers.

As Lois Lane walked down the aisle on her father's arm toward her future with Clark Kent, she knew that her life with him would be nothing but one big adventure and she was looking forward to it.


Whew! Seeing a wedding like that can give a person WAFFs! (Warm And Fuzzy Feelings). We've got to fly! See you next week!

Craig and 92

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The Krypton Club is not affiliated with ABC, December 3rd Productions, or Warner Brothers. Special thanks goes out to Tom Terenyi for help in producing these pages.