Issue #11--June 1, 1995

"If you were a baseball player..."


You might want to print this one up or save this to a disk--it's a long one today!


Welcome to new members Ann-Marie Myers, Karen Whitney, Sarah Wolfe, Ga Bruin, Action Dan, SBarfi7059, Angie AAAA, Chirp, and CFind1955! Welcome to the Krypton Club! Every day when you get a piece of e-mail with a L&C quote as the heading, that's your indication that the Krypton Club newsletter is there!


by Craig Byrne

Before 1986, the character of Superman had become an all-powerful almost god-like person, and Lois remained "galactically stupid." In the original pre-1986 continuity, Clark did not have Ma and Pa Kent to turn to; and back then, it wasn't "Superman is what I do, Clark is who I am," it was the other way around. Lex Luthor wore a futuristic suit of armor. Clark and Lois never fell in love (well, Clark fell in love with her, but the feeling wasn't mutual). Superman and Lois got married in several "imaginary stories," but not once did Lois figure out that the Man of Steel was truly mild-mannered reporter Clark Kent.

Soon, it was obvious that the entire Superman storyline had to be changed. Soon John Byrne, one of the most popular artists in the comic book business, then well-known for his work on The X-Men and The Fantastic Four, was signed to write and draw the comic book mini-series "The Man of Steel," which re-invented the Superman character.

Under Byrne's new continuity, Clark was the true person, and Superman was the disguise. He also became more vulnerable, making him a lot more interesting. Ma and Pa Kent are still living under this new continuity (Can anyone imagine "L&C" without K Callan and Eddie Jones?). And Lois--even though she swooned over Superman in the beginning much like she did in the first season of "L&C," she became the very independent, strong-willed woman we enjoy watching every week. In this continuity Lex Luthor became the ruthless businessman we all enjoyed seeing every week last year.

Mr. Byrne was kind enough to let me do this interview for the Krypton Club newsletter. Before anyone charges "nepotism," I can promise you that Craig Byrne and John Byrne are not related (we both just have really cool names!). Here is the interview, complete and uncut:

CB: Before you revitalized the Superman character, what things did you find to be wrong with him?

JB: He had become trapped by the ridiculously high level of his own power. It was hard to imagine ever being truly impressed by anything Superman did, since he could push planets areound. (What twigged me to this, by the way, was the scene in the first movie in which he rips off the car door to get to Lois; after seeing him push over mountains, the audience cheered at THAT, because it was COMPREHENSIBLE.)

CB: I remember reading in one of your letter columns (it was either in "Superman" or "Next Men," I forgot) that you were introduced to the character through the "Adventures of Superman" series. How would you compare the old 1950's series to the current one?

JB: The old series dealt much more with Superman, of course, even though they had a lower budget. What I liked the best about it -- and what I brought into "my" version -- was the portrayal of Clark Kent. George Reeves interpretation was much stronger and self-reliant than the wimp he was in the comics. Last year when I visited the "Lois and Clark" set, tho, I complimented Dean Cain on his Clark, which is very different from Reeves, but at least as entertaining.

CB: Are you pleased with how "Lois & Clark" is following the comics Superman storyline?

JB: I have seen only a couple of episodes of "L&C" this season, but I enjoyed the fidelity the program showed in its first year -- especially where it picked up on specific points I had introduced, like Ma and Pa Kent still being alive, and Smallville being in Kansas.

CB: Who is your favorite Superman-related character, and why?

JB: Odd question. I suppose, if I am understand this correctly, I would have to say Clark Kent. Clark, as I think my work demonstrates, is to me the "real" character, while Superman is just as red and blue suit.

CB: Would you ever consider writing an episode of "Lois & Clark?"

JB: I'd love to, if anyone ever asked!

CB: Do you think "guest heroes" should be able to appear on "L&C?"

JB: It would be interesting, but probably confusing to "civilian" viewers. When Roger Stern was writing the "Death of Superman" novel he called me for advice, since I have published two novels, and one of the things I told him was to get rid of all the heroes except Superman. I reasoned that most people are not aware that Superman and Batman live in the same world, and certainly are totally oblivious to the likes of Guy Gardner. If Doomsday had to fight something big, I said, have him trash the army and navy before he gets to Superman.

CB: Do you prefer the comic Superman to have short hair, like on L&C, or long hair, like in the recent comics?

JB: Oddly enough, the long hair in the comic seems to have been inspired by the long hair Dean Cain sported when "L&C" debutted. Of the two, I prefer the shorter, since the long hair somehow underlines the stodginess of the costume.

CB: Do you think Lois will say "yes" to Clark's TV proposal, like she did in the comics?

JB: I hope not. Having Lois and Clark engaged has eliminated a vital element - sexual tension - from the series.

CB: Have you ever been tempted to draw the Superman comic again?

JB: We have talked about some more Superman projects. Ideally I would be looking for something somewhat divorced from the ongoing continuity, something in which I could acknowledge what was happening in the other books without actually having to participate.

CB: Is it true that Doomsday will be in an upcoming issue of Wonder Woman? Will Superman be along for the ride?

JB: Yes. No.

CB: Do you see any flaws in the "L&C" series that you think could be improved?

JB: I think Teri Hatcher should appear totally nude at least three times per episode. Otherwise, I have no complaints. [Hey! He sounds like me! --Craig]

CB: Are there any specific characters from the comics you'd like to see on "L&C?"

JB: I'd like them to have used Maggie Sawyer, since they did introduce a tough lady cop, but under another name. And it would be fun to see them extrapolate the relationship I began to espablish between Superman and Jimmy's mom. Plus, Morgain Edge might be fun. [Note: Morgan Edge was replaced by "Bill Church" for some reason in the "L&C" storyline --Craig again]

CB: What has your favorite "Lois & Clark" episode been?

JB: None of them stand out as whole episodes. Mostly I remember bits and pieces, nice set pieces and characterizational bits from different shows.

CB: What comics will you be working on in the near future?

JB: As of two weeks ago I have a green light from Marvel and DC to do a Batman/Captain America crossover, but this is not even close to being on the schedule. Beyond that, Paul Kupperberg and I have discussed resurrecting the Doom Patrol.

You can find comics by John Byrne in every good comic book store. He is still one of the "fan favorites" of comics that consistently puts out good comics. He begins his run writing and drawing the "Wonder Woman" comic starting in July. He will also be doing a "Darkseid/Galactus" crossover for Marvel Comics and DC Comics. You can also find John Byrne's work in the "Lois & Clark," "Man of Steel," and "Next Men" trade paperbacks. Thanks again Mr. Byrne for this great opportunity.


I read a rumor in a comics magazine that Superman may be making a cameo appearance in someone else's sequel. "Batman Forever" anyone? I don't know if this is true or not, so don't take this as fact!

SUPERMAN CURSE? by Craig Byrne

On the tabloid shows lately they have been talking about a "Superman Curse" that has plagued everyone who has played Superman, from George Reeves, who ended up shooting himself, to Christopher Reeve, who was recently seriously injured and paralyzed from a horsing accident. Hopefully no harm will come to Dean Cain, our current Superman. One thing I was wondering though, is Kirk Alyn (the original "Superman" from the 1940's movies) still alive? Does anybody know?


The other day we asked which L&C character you'd most like to see come back. Here are the results so far; you have until FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 1995 to send in who you think should return:

Sarah (from T:JO): 17 Dan Scardino: 1

Jack: 12 Dick Van Patten: 1

Cat Grant: 10 Dr. Friskin: 1

Lucy Lane: 6 Prankster: 1

Lois's Mom, Ellen Lane: 6 Superman's lawyer (from WWW): 1

Michael Landes: 5 Sam Lane: 1

Lex Luthor: 2 Mayson Drake: 1

Rolph (from Top Copy): 2 Alice (who still hasn't been seen): 1

Tempus: 2

Sarah, the girl from "Target: Jimmy Olsen" who liked to analyze Lois and was a possible love interest for Jimmy, is still in the lead with 17 votes. Jack, the boy who might have known CK = Superman, is second with 12, and Cat Grant is a close third with 10 votes. What do you think? Send your responses to or! You've got today and tomorrow to do it!


Teri's much-talked-about film "The Cool Surface" will air Thursday/Friday morning at 1:10 a.m. on Showtime. See Teri as you've never seen her before!

Also, Dean Cain can be found in the newest issue of "Yolk" magazine. Check it out!

Teri is proclaimed the "Sexiest Woman in Cyberspace" in the June 3 issue of TV Guide. Check it out!

TODAY'S L&C TOP TEN LIST by Brearley and her friend, Jessie

Here they are, the top ten reasons why marrying Superman would be a great idea....

#10. Home renovations in a snap.

#9. The profit made from selling"I married an alien" stories to the National Enquirer, the Sun, and Star Magazine.

#8. Get a cheap bag of charcoal, and instantly you can have a bag of diamonds, ready for sale on the black market.

#7. Imagine the savings in medical bills!

#6. No fear of getting mugged on the street when you're with him.

#5. Martha Kent would make a very cool mother-in-law.

#4. The satisfaction you get out of telling your friends your Mrs. Superman.

#3. Two for the price of one visits to Dr. Friskin!

#2. Super sex.(Oooh-La-La!)

And the #1 reason why marrying Superman would be a great idea....

Free airline travel to anywhere in the world, anytime you want.


Real Name: Kelly

Birthdate: May 15, 1981

Sex: Female

Location: Wisconsin, USA, Earth

Occupation: 8th grader

Hobbies: Lois & Clark, fishing, reading, friends, AOL

Favorite eps of L&C: Tempus Fugitive, The Green, Green Glow of Home, Whine, Whine, Whine

Favorite characters (present & former) of L&C: Superman, LL, CK, Landes Jimmy, Cat, Jack, Mayson, Lex, and just about everyone except Scardino

Favorite quote: "Is that Kryptonite in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?"

Send your profiles to or, and you'll see them in here soon! We've gotten a lot of them lately, so don't be upset if they're not in immediately! Thanks!


I might get blasted by some people for saying this, but here goes. I have a comment about what was said in the Newsletter about Dean's sister. Whether he has a sister or not is irrelevant IMHO. What I focused on was the comment about his biological father. First of all, many mags print things that aren't true or were never said. But, even if Dean said exactly what was printed (let's assume that for the sake of argument) ... it showed that Dean is a very loyal person. I think it was very sweet of him to say he feels it would be disrespectful to Chris Cain - his REAL father - to talk about his biological father. After all, his biological father hasn't seen him for 29 years. What, he's going to pop up after all those years just because Dean's job happens to put him in the public eye???? It seems that in Dean's eyes, Chris has always been his father - enough to give him his name. I really respect Dean for that. About the comment about the sperm donor ... well, it's a bit flippant. However, IF Dean really said it, he's entitled. If that interviewer kept pursuing a topic which obviously, bothers Dean, then Dean has every right to say something rude and to the point.


Here is the trivia question for today.....

In "Season's Greedings," what was the toymaker's name? (The character's name, not the actor's name)

The answer to yesterday's question as to what super-hero was bitten by a radioactive bug, kind of like Superman was supposed to be in the episode "Joey the Bug" was Spider-Man. Correct answers came from GORDNBARB, ARTEMIS, FREDD GORHAM, JIM BOOGIE, SOUNDSQUAW, JLEREBOURS, BREARLEY, JBECKY, PONTELLIER, LORI WARD, IMANI PEARSON, NORDBURGH, DEBBY STARK, LISA FREEDMAN, NAREIKA, and RWOHL.

Wrong answers came from SETAUKET JOHN, who guessed "X-Man," and LOCILAKE, who guessed "The Tick."

Send your answers and trivia guesses via e-mail to or Even if you don't know it, it's worth a try!

That's it for this newsletter! Hope you enjoyed it!

We Gotta Fly! Remember to do the L&C "Who should come back?" poll!

Craig and 92

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The Krypton Club is not affiliated with ABC, December 3rd Productions, or Warner Brothers. Special thanks goes out to Tom Terenyi for help in producing these pages.