Issue #4--May 25, 1995

"It's like we're supporting characters in some TV show, and it's *their* show!"


Teri Hatcher will be on the cover of the next issue (#277) of Entertainment Weekly for the TV Winners & Losers story. The issue will be on newsstands this weekend and up on AOL soon (keyword: EW). Special thanks go to Mike Rose from EW Online who gave us that information.


Just tell your friends to e-mail one of us at Krypton or



(Note: This was in response to "And the Answer Is...")

Although I liked the episode overall, I do have a major gripe. I cannot believe they actually had Clark a) commit a felony and b) put Lois' life in danger. I can live with the diamond heist (as Clark could have rationalized that he would return the jewels after catching the bad guys), but risking Lois' life......NEVER. This act goes against everything that Superman/Clark stands for, against every fiber of his moral being!!!!!! In this one scene the writers threw away 50+ years of Superman lore. The most enthralling and interesting aspect of the Superman character is not that he has amazing powers, but rather, that even with these powers, he never places his needs above those of everyone else. Superman stands alone at the top of the DC universe not because he is the most powerful, but because he is the most MORAL. His neverending battle for Truth, Justice, and the American way sets the standard that everyone else can only try to uphold.

I realize that this scene was a major plot device, but I just cannot accept it. Clark would never puposely endanger another person, no matter what the personal cost!!!!!!! He would have found another way!!!!!

One other point......hasn't Clark ever heard of a Mask or Gloves????? He is lucky he never chose to pursue a life of crime!!!! Just my .02.


By Superman92(with excerpts from on line fans)

As I've read through the email, the overall consensus on the season finale is frustration. The majority of letters I have read have many complaints. The first being that Clark did not tell Lois he is Superman. The second complaint seems to be the cliffhanger proposal. The third is the fact that Lois risked her life and that Superman put her in danger. There have also been some complaints about the fact that Clark robbed a jewelry store. While the season finale was good any many ways, most fans are not satisfied with it's outcome. A great suggestion came from Agcanas: "What would've been better was a two-hour finale like Melrose or 90210. I think they could've done a lot more with the show had they had more than their 60 minutes." A few words sum up the fans' frustrations----no revelation and no answer! Most people feel that at least one of them should have been included in the finale.


JLerebours: "I agree that the supporting characters have lately been pushed to the side, I really enjoy Ma & Pa Kent and Jimmy and Perry I hope that they get more air time next season."

Avigeal4LC: "I give this episode a 9.0. The pluses were:

-The romance seemed to be finally steady, and it seemed like Lois finally got over Superman,

-The use of Tempus

-The proposal, etc.

-Nigel came back

-The Jimmy/Perry supporting characters

-Clark's parents

The minuses were:

-No revalation(Although I think that Lois might already know)

-No answer to the proposal

-Too much time focused on Mazik as a villian

-The way they escaped from the Kryptonite/gas

Other then these few things, thought overall, I thought the ep. was great."

Airfleet: "Lois is getting smarter and its paying off big time."


Do you think that Lois knows that Clark is Superman?

Send your response to Krypton92 or KryptonFX!!! The results will be posted ASAP.


By Doctor Dan

Even after research and input from many on line fans, there is yet to be a cure for this dreaded disease--LCWS. Symptoms include denial, frustration, constant references to Lois and Clark and more! While a cure has not been found yet, many treatments are recommended. If you feel you have become a victim, please take the following steps:

1. Watch tapes of Lois and Clark! This helps to ease the suffering of waiting for next season.

2. Buy Lois and Clark trading cards!

3. Say your favorite Lois and Clark lines over and over.

4. Schedule a trip to Warner Brothers and watch Lois and Clark being filmed!!! Taping starts in late July, early August.

5. Join a fan club! (you have already taken this important step.)

6. Stare at pictures of L & C until your eyeballs go numb!

7. Put on some tights and a blanket and run around your house yelling, "I GOT YOU BABE!"

8. Read Lois and Clark fanfiction!

9. Dress up like Elvis and sing the Lois and Clark theme!

10. Beat your head on the desk very hard during Biology class hoping that you will knock yourself out, taking you away from the insect collections and allowing you to dream of L&C. (That's a personal wish.)

Any suggestions for treatments of LCWS? Send them to Krypton92 or KryptonFX. Doctor Dan has been known to chat with Superman92.


Here's the question for today.....

What was the name of the Love Boat Mermaid played by Teri Hatcher?

The answer to yesterday's trivia question: The name of the orphanage in "Season's Greedings" was Coates Orphanage. I'm not sure if this is a coincidence, or if the orphanage is named for Phyllis Coates who played Lois in the 1950's "Superman" TV series. SOUNDSQUAW and TOMMY TERENYI got it right. LISA FREEDMAN jokingly guessed that the orphanage was called "Space Rat Kids."

Send your answers and trivia guesses via e-mail to or Even if you don't know it, it's worth a try!

Well, that's all for today's newsletter! Hope we gave you your daily dose of Lois and Clark. Thanks again for all of your input. We'll try to print some of your mail and input in the newsletter, but remember, if we printed everything, we'd have a really long newsletter!

We gotta fly and remember, we put the "Super" in Superman!

Dan(Superman92) and Craig

What are you waiting for? Join the Krypton Club if you haven't already!

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The Krypton Club is not affiliated with ABC, December 3rd Productions, or Warner Brothers. Special thanks goes out to Tom Terenyi for help in producing these pages.