Issue #1--May 22, 1995

"Great Shades of Elvis!"


Welcome to the very first edition of the L&C Krypton Club newsletter. Each day you'll notice a different L&C quote. That will be your indication that what's coming to you is a Krypton Club e-mail. Today's "Great Shades of Elvis," tomorrow's could be... who knows?

The Krypton Club is NOT meant to compete with any other online L&C clubs. The purpose is different. The purpose of the Krypton Club is interactivity. With the daily newsletter (sent through e-mail), you can not only read about L&C-related stuff, but there is a daily trivia question for you to respond to. And we are always welcoming anything and everything into the newsletter. We're interactive, we like your input!


Just tell your friends to e-mail one of us at or



While this episode had many positives, there were quite a few negatives as well. I'll start with the bad stuff. Two words--NO REVELATION! Clark did not get to actually tell Lois he was Superman, that was very frustrating. The phone ringing thing was especially annoying. There were also many plot holes in the episode (I won't go into detail). The cliffhanger was frustrating because now we have to wait until next season for the answer! Also, I felt the way Supe got out of the chamber was very tacky. Why would there be a vent in a gas chamber when the purpose of the chamber is to keep gas in?

Also, as Whyt Ravyn put it, gas sinks, it doesn't rise. I guess it was just a way to get rid of Kryptonite. Now for the positives. The romance in the episode was superb. Not only did Lois and Clark have romantic scenes, but so did his parents. The typical TV plot of "if something happens to me tell so and so I love him/her" was romantic also. Lois also finally told Supe that she loves CK. Lois did start to figure out that CK=Superman. The stroke across the face obviously shot some sense into her. (It's about time!) And of course the proposal and a kiss was a big plus! It looks like my wishes may come true next season with Lois getting a clue!

Romantic, yet Frustrating

OVERALL RATING (1-10, 10 being best, and decimals allowed)


What did you think of the episode? Send your opinions to or!


Each day we will be asking a different L&C-related trivia question. Here's the question for today...

First season L&C cast member Tracy Scoggins appeared on a very popular TV series in the 1980's. Emma Samms ("Madame Ex") was also on this show. What show was it?

Send your answers via e-mail to or The answers to trivia questions will be posted in the next day's newsletter.

We gotta fly! Thanks!

Craig and 92

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The Krypton Club is not affiliated with ABC, December 3rd Productions, or Warner Brothers. Special thanks goes out to Tom Terenyi for help in producing these pages.