Issue #68--December 7, 1995

"How do you know all this stuff?"


Well, we're finally back... a few days after we said we'd be back, but we're back. School and several other things delayed this newsletter, sorry about that.

To give people time to answer the trivia and stuff, issue #69 of the Krypton Club Newsletter will be sent out on (hopefully) Friday.

In other news, if you're on America Online, you're in luck! ABC Online is finally doing things to make FOLCs happy. There is now a sightings section similar to the one you can find in this newsletter, where you can find out where your favorite L&C people are going to be. There's a new folder for FOLCs to post in, and best of all, ABC Amy (the person in charge of all this) will be uploading new pictures of L&C every week for our downloading pleasure! It's a lot of fun; if you have AOL, check it out at Keyword: ABC Primetime, then click the "Series, Movies, and Specials" icon and go down to the "Lois & Clark" section!

Remember, anyone is welcome to write for the Krypton Club Newsletter; all you have to do is send us something... we try to print as much of it as we can! And remember, tell your friends about us!

Craig Byrne and Dan Patterson

Presidents of the L&C Krypton Club


By Dan Patterson and Craig Byrne

December 1, 1995 will definitely a day to remember for several Krypton Club members. On this day, a group of 10 lucky FOLC's went on the WB tour at Warner Brothers Studios in Burbank. On the tour were Krypton Club co-presidents Dan Patterson (a.k.a. Superman92) and CraigByrne, as well as ClarkXX, Pontellier, Supergal17, Diane Levitan, Mr Fizzz, Bomber524, Kathy Foulger, and Sun Go Kou.

The tour began at 3PM. We watched the short movie on the history of WB, and then the people in the theater were split up into groups. We were asked to remain seated and wait for Laura, our tourguide. Laura was the perfect guide. She's and L&C fan and, even better, she knows Dean Cain. Our first surprise from her was her telling us that we could walk instead of taking a tram like we did when we visited the WB studios back in July.

Then we were off on our tour. First we went to the exterior of the Daily Planet, and got pictures of ourselves in the revolving doors and around that area. We toured the streets and saw the theater, the courthouse, the very common alleyway, Metropolis Park, the orphange from Season's Greedings, Chelsea Records, and more. We even saw the part of the park where Clark proposed to Lois (and vice versa). Unfortunately, the fountain was taken out of the park (it was a temporary prop), so seeing the place where our two favorite people got together wasn't nearly as meaningful.

We then went out to the small pond used in "Ultra Woman," "The Green, Green, Glow of Home," and "Top Copy." There were bullets on the ground by the pond that had been used in filming "Never on Sunday," the twelfth episode of the new season. We picked some up, and our tourguide let us keep them. Bomber524 (Becky Foulger) went insane and picked up 12 bullets =^). Next, we went to the western area of the WB lots and went into the Kents' saloon from "Tempus Fugitive." We then took pictures of ourselves in the famous Kansas State Jail, where, of course, our buddy Tempus ended up. Our next stop was the Kent's farmhouse. After having taken photos of all of these sets, we were told to put our cameras away as we continued on the tour.

After that, we headed over to a warehouse where many vehicles were stored. We saw Lois' Jeep Cherokee and Supergal17 (Wendy King) opened the back door and found the Metropolis License plate. Also in the warehouse were New Troy taxicabs (which can be seen in such recent episodes as "Super Mann"), Metropolis Police cars, all three Batmobiles, and the car from the "Dukes of Hazzard," the General Lee! (Would you believe that all of these years on the "Dukes" they were lying to us? The doors DO open!)

Soon, it was about 4:30 PM and we had used up most of the time for our tour. Laura decided it was time to take us by the cast trailors. The cast was filming in the Daily Planet so they weren't around and we also couldn't go in the DP. As we walked by, Pontellier and Mr Fizzz exclaimed that Justin Whalin was doing his hair in his trailor. Before we turned the corner we watched him for a bit through his open trailor door. We had been informed earlier Justin wouldn't be there and we were surprised to see him at Warner Brothers that day.

Laura told us we could come back later and we headed towards Lois' apartment. It was a "hot set" meaning they would be filming there soon, and no one but L&C people were allowed.... Laura didn't care and took us right through. After that we went through Clark's apartment. By this time it was about 4:45 PM and our tour was almost over. We headed back to the cast trailors again. On the way, Mark Curry (Hangin' With Mr. Cooper) walked by and gave us high fives. (He's cool!)

As we walked by Teri's trailor the door was open! We could see the dozen roses setting on her desk that we had sent earlier. We couldn't see any cast members around though. We rounded the corner and we saw Justin Whalin signing autographs for some lucky "Sports Illustrated for Kids" contest winners! After he was finished, we approached him. Due to us, as the people surrounding Justin put it, "not being cleared by the production office" we weren't suppose to be allowed to get close. Justin, however, didn't mind and told Anthony (the guy whom the Nazis in "SuperMann" were based on) that it was okay. Justin smiled and was very nice and easy to talk to. We started talking about upcoming episodes and he realized that we knew more than he did. We asked him about getting online and he said he had no computer knowledge and also no computer. He mentioned that they had just gotten their new Sega games and I talked to him briefly about John Madden Football '96. He said they were filming "The Dad Who Came In From the Cold" and that he had a large part. He hadn't met his "dad" yet and filming was going to begin on Monday. Actually, Justin wasn't even supposed to be around, but we were lucky and he was there for the Sports Illustrated winners. =^) Craig and Dan were introduced as presidents of the Krypton Club. Justin shook our hands and said the newsletters were great and requested we send some more by way of the production office. (see, they DO know we exist! Watch out!)

After we had talked to Justin for about 5 minutes, Dean Cain stepped out of a trailor about 30 feet from us! He was talking to those same contest winners from Michigan. As we talked to Justin, Pontellier, ClarkXX, and Mr Fizzz were signaling to Dean from afar. First they waved and Dean waved back while chatting to the others, and then Mr Fizzz ripped open his shirt to reveal his "S." Dean did the same, but looked puzzled when nothing was there.

We weren't allowed near Dean due to legal reasons, and also, that Anthony person was having a cow. We talked to Justin for about 10 more minutes when Laura told us we'd have to leave. We were so upset because Dean was right there and they wouldn't let us near him.

As we turned the corner and were walking away sulking, a woman came running up behind us. She said, "Dean really wants to meet you guys, if you have the time." AND OF COURSE WE HAD THE TIME!!!! We went rushing back and everyone was so excited... We walked up to Dean in a rather calm fashion, well calm considering that it was Dean Cain! He said "Hi guys" and we all shook his hand and said hi back. We asked if he had recieved our box of See's Candy and he said, "Oh, that's from you guys?" He loved the carmels and when we told him that all the candies in the box were carmel he seemed pleased. Justin joined the group again after wandering around a bit.

We asked him about him getting online, and we attempted to tell him about IRC, which thoroughly confused him! Dean said, "I am the most non-literate computer person." So we told him how to get to the Backstage Buzz chats on America Online, and he said "I think I can handle that!"

ClarkXX (Jeff Boening) asked Dean about another "Off Camera." Dean said there wouldn't be another one unless it was a series. He then went on to say.. ."Unless..." and Dan finished his sentence by saying "someone else hosted it." Dean agreed with a "yes." :) We also talked about upcoming episodes... but those parts of our converstion will have to go in a spoiler special... Dean was surprised at how much we knew and Justin said, "Trust me, they know more than us!"

We also asked Dean about his upcoming movie career. He said he reads about 4 scripts a week. He said he had liked to recently, one about a Tarzan spoof, and another movie titled "Third Down Forever." Obviously a football movie. We had been talking for awhile now, and we noticed Teri Hatcher stepping out of her trailor. She looked back and then jogged away, heading for the DP set. Craig started talking to Justin on the side about everything from "L&C" to "Charles in Charge," and we were talking to Dean. A lot of stuff was said, and it's impossible to remember it all... but that was most of it summed up. =^)

Diane Levitanstepped up and asked for a picture.... (Even though we weren't supposed to... thank God for Diane asking anyway) ClarkXX suggested a group picture. We all jumped into a group. And then the woman who came up to us earlier started snapping photos. Pontellier aka Melanee said to Dean, "I'm holding your leg" as we huddled up. Dean said it was okay. Mel later confesses that she moved her hand up to his hip later.... (We can see all you ladies dying of jealousy). Supergal17 also asked for an autograph, so we all immediatley pulled out photos and paper. Dean broke Dan's first pen! Then he signed some more, and used my other pen... It took him about 3 times to get it to work, and he suggested another kind of pen. He was very nice to work at it like that. Craig didn't have a photo on him, so he had Dean sign his disposable camera, LOL!!! [For those of you who think that was really stoopid... I took the film to be developed and they let me keep the camera and the case, so see... I wasn't that stoopid after all!--Craig] Pontellier got a check signed. Dean told her not to cash it. LOL! As Dean was getting ready to leave, Diane, Wendy, Craig and Mel got pictures alone with him.

However, all good things have to come to an end. Laura informed us we had to leave. It was about 5:30 PM, we were half an hour overtime and Dean was most likely late for filming. We thanked Dean and Justin and left very happy and on cloud number 92.

The fun wasn't over just yet... Thanks to a kind friend at WB, Craig and Dan were able to go back for a brief period of time. We went into the hallway by Lois' apartment and watched Teri and Dean do a rehearsal for ten minutes. They were in a hurry and behind in filming... When the scene was done, both Dean and Teri ran right in front of us. Dean said "Hey, it's you guys again!" and patted us on our shoulders. Craig and Dan said hi to Teri and she smiled and said "Hi" to both of us. It was great!

We all had the time of our lives! We'd like to extend a big THANK YOU to Laura, the greatest tour guide and a very nice and funny person. We'd also like to thank Dean and Justin for being so kind to us and for breaking the rules for us fans. =^) And also, Craig and Dan would like to thank our "good friend." You know who you are! =^)

And for all of you fashion-watching people... here's what they were wearing...

Dean: Nike Shoes, a green zip up Nike sweatshirt/jacket with a white shirt underneath and a cap on backwards.

Teri: Brown slacks (typical Lois style), a small brown overcoat/dressy jacket, and a white shirt underneath. She looked very nice. =^)

Justin: Justin was sporting a new hairstyle. Kind of feathered and slicked back. It was a lot shorter and really cool looking. He was wearing a white, slightly baggy linen shirt and tan slacks, with brown or black stylish loafers.


Teri Hatcher, the lovely Lois Lane on our favorite show, will be turning 31 on Friday, December 8th. To celebrate this occasion, the Krypton Club Newsletter would like you to send us your birthday wishes to her, which we will print in Friday's newsletter, print up, and send to Warner Brothers.

So send your Teri birthday wishes to "TERI WISHES" at or! Please try to get the wishes to us by Thursday night!


Last week's "Question of the Week" responses as to what YOU thought of "Super Mann" will be printed in Friday's newsletter!


The night of Teri's birthday, December 8, will prove to be a "Super" night! "Virtually Destroyed" will be featured on "Entertainment Tonight" and "Extra" that night, and then Teri Hatcher will be appearing on "The Tonight Show With Jay Leno" on NBC, and then afterwards (and on another network), Dean Cain will appear on "The Late Late Show With Tom Snyder" on CBS! "Leno" airs at 11:35PM EST in the United States; "Snyder" can be seen at 12:35. Check your local listings for times for "ET" and "Extra."

The December 4 issue of "Entertainment Weekly" features a great review of "L&C," giving the show a B+! Look for it at your local newsstand!

There is a short article on Dean Cain in this week's "TV Guide" (the issue with "Party of Five" on the cover)

Dean Cain is featured as one of the "Hottest Guys" in this month's issue of "YM" magazine.

There is a picture of Dean and Teri in the latest issue of "Vanity Fair" magazine.

Dean Cain was seen on a segment with Howard Stern in "E! News Week In Review."

Speaking of Stern, "Entertainment Tonight" aired a very short clip on December 1st of Teri during their news segment about the Howard Stern/Jay Leno stint. "ET" reporters asked several fans what they thought of Stern's behavior on the show. Then they flashed to some celebrities. TH was the first. She said: "I'm a firm believer in 'if you don't like it, turn it off.'" She was referring to the censors that were put in to edit out the raunchiest of Howard's continuously vulgar remarks and flailing attempts at humor, as "ET" reporters made several comments about the debate over censorship.

Teri Hatcher appears on the cover and in an article in this month's issue of "Comics Scene" magazine. The article also features several pictures of "L&C" from the first and second seasons. Nothing TOO earth-shattering is revealed in the article, but the pictures are fun to look at for any FOLC!

In the issue of PREVIEWS from Diamond Comics Distributors about items shipping in February, not only is there a piece of reader artwork with Teri as a Red Sonja-like warrior on the letters page, there is also a solictitation for the first "L&C" book in the DC Comics area! Check it out at your local comics shop!

George Reeves' death is the topic of Friday's "Unsolved Mysteries" on NBC.


By Marilyn Beck

Laura Peterson ( found this article in the Dec. 5 "Orange County Register." Enjoy!

Look for that super achiever, Superman Dean Cain, to be the latest small-screen star to explode upon the big screen.

He’s certainly being sought after. The one-time football All-American from Princeton is reading four or five film scripts a week. He reports, “I have my eyes focused on three or four films. It will be a matter of timing, of working things out. I’m sure I’ll be making a movie during next summer’s hiatus from the series. I just want to make sure I’m not going out there and accepting a project simply to fulfill my ego. I have the feeling that if that project isn’t good, it could be the end of my career.”

With his double role in “Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman” - Clark Kent and the Man of Steel - Cain is, as he puts it, “working awfully hard.” But that hasn’t stopped him from writing two segments of the show. The first, broadcast last season, will be rerun this month. The second, “Virtually Destroyed,” will air Dec. 10 and will have Lois and Clark being wooed into a perilous world of virtual reality by Lex Luther’s son, a computer whiz.

Cain, says all is well between him and Gabrielle Reece, “in spite of what everyone has to say.” He goes on to say, “It’s frustrating to read about your private life when you’re not reading the truth. If I put out a rebuttal every time something was incorrect, I would grow old very fast.” He and his volleyball star/love have no plans to wed, but “We’re together and everything is great.”


We have been told that Savoy Pictures, the film company that was responsible for Teri Hatcher's new movie, "Heaven's Prisoners," has been bought. This hopefully means that the movie will (finally) be coming out sometime in the near future. We'll tell you as we hear more about this.


Would you like to become e-mail buddies with some more FOLCs? Sure you do! Here are some people you can write.... oh wait, no one's sent us anything! So we'll start you off.... just put in your name, where you live, your age, some (non-L&C ) hobbies, and your e-mail address... and happy corresponding!

Name: Anna Moniodis Age: 13 Residence: Canton, MI (25 minutes away from where Dean was born) E-Mail Address: Hobbies: Soccer, softball, swimming, drama, dancing, FRIENDS, writing my pen pals, and of course L&C.

Name: Shii-Lyne Calvi Age: 15 Residence: Sunny(I wish) California E-mail Address: Hobies: What do you think? L&C!

Name: Kieran Pechter Age: 13 Residence: Ewing, NJ E-Mail Address: Hobbies: ER, reading Crichton books, piano, AOL, Star Trek, Computers

Name: Mina95 Age:14 Sex: Female Residence: NJ, USA E-Mail Address: Hobbies: L&C, hanging out with friends, movies, reading, soccer...

Name: Shelita Thomas Age: 20 Residence: Philadelphia, PA, but currently at school in Indiana, PA E-Mail Addresses:,, DCJJYXA@GROVE.IUP.EDU Hobbies: L&C, reading, writing, singing, and movie and TV trivia

Name: Jenny Becker Age: 16 and a 1/2 Residence: Spokane, Washington E-Mail Address: Hobbies: movies (any kind whatsoever), skiing, javelin on track team, music, sleeping, stuff w/ friends, and of course L&C

Name: Ryan Turner (nickname on irc - RyanT) Age: 15 (1/2) Residence: Charlotte, North Carolina, USA E-mail Address: Hobbies: Soccer, Hacky-sac, L&C, Basketball, Bunjee Jumping, Acting Crazy and Mindlessly (not really an act), and School (not by choice)!

Name: Michael Hoffman Age: 16 Residence: Swift Current, Saskatchewan E-Mail Address: Hobbies: Cruising in my car, computer, internet, Stephan King, Explaining to people why lois's hair was better last year, music (Smashing Pumpkins-Green Day),TV,Ircetc...

Name: Kaoru Aono Age: 19 Residence: San Francisco, California E-Mail Address: Hobbies: Erasure, piano, attending SF Symphony concerts, working with children K-5th grades, & loving my boyfriend |)

Name: Cassie Zistl Age: 12(I'll be 13 on Dec. 14) Residence: Galena, Ohio, USA (Galena is also another Smallville) E-Mail Address: Hobbies: Music, Writing, and L&C(of course!)

Send all pen-pal info to "PEN PALS" at or!


Here is the "L&C" trivia question for today....

Which "L&C" cast member will be appearing in an upcoming movie called "Suzie-Q?" For bonus points, which actress who played a "L&C" villain is also going to be in that movie?

The answer to last Tuesday's trivia question: Sean Whalen and Justin Whalin are NOT related to each other. Their names aren't even spelled the same way! Kelly Feenstra, KHonikel, Joy Mulford, TBONEBTONE, Meli79, Meredith66, M28W, CZwygart, LoisLane75, Anaeve, Brittinski, ClarkXX, Jenn Farwell got that trivia question right.

Send your answers to "TRIVIA" at or! You have until Thursday night to respond!


The Krypton Club has its very own letters column for you! Send all correspondence to "LETTERS" at or! There is no way we can print everything, but we do read all of our mail, and remember, if you write something and do not wish us to print it, please say so! Thanks!


Subj: No Subject Date: 95-12-03 22:47:55 EST From: To: KRYPTONFX@AOL.COM

Craig and/or Dan,

I live in Spokane, Washington. Just last week, there were two kids who put a "bomb" by our federal building. In our newspaper, I read that the "bomb" was made of a cut up broomstick, wires, and covered in a Nazi flag. They were interviewed and they said that they were watching Lois & Clark. ("Super Mann") They thought the Nazi idea was really cool, so they made their "bomb", snuck out and 3 a.m. and hid it by the federal building. One is still in jail, and the other is out and on electronic monitering. The whole downtown area was evacuated and the bomb squad came and got it out. That's all I know. That really makes me sick.


[That is really pathetic how people can use a television show as an excuse to be mindless. You're not the only one who gets sick reading a story like that. --Craig]


If you have an announcement you'd like us to print, send it to "ANNOUNCEMENTS" at or!

Today's quote came from Dean Cain on Friday night.
Many people have e-mailed us, saying that they are looking for tapes of Dean and Teri on "Entertainment Tonight." Here's a list of who's looking for them... e-mail them if you can help!

Starting next Monday (December 11), weekly polls will be held in ABC Online on America Online. The polls will be called the "Superrman Challenge." It'll review a major plot point of the next week's episode, in the first case it will be "Home is Where the Hurt Is," and fans will be asked to vote on what they think will happen.
Attention Northern California FOLC's!!! and will be organizing a Northern CA Folcfest. If you live are interested in attending, please email your name, where you live, and suggestions of when and where to have the fest. Thank you!
Elysa Jacobs (Elysa.L.Jacobs@Dartmouth.EDU) has trading cards L&C 1 and L&C 9, but she is very anxious to find BJ2. She is willing to trade or pay to get it.
Cristi Klunder ( is looking for a copy of the movie "All Tied Up" for her brother for Christmas. If you can help her, e-mail her!
FFahid ( is looking for a copy of the Pilot episode of "L&C."
Iain Paterson is trying to find LC1 (The red-bordered 'Look! Up in the Sky!' promo) to finish off her L&C card collection. Anyone willing to sell or who knows of a possible source..please let her know at ""
Please do NOT respond to the "" address. Craig is currently unable to retrieve mail at that address. Instead, write or reply to the "" or "" addresses.
AGAIN.. A SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! FOLCs in the "Buckeye State" will unite in a Columbus, Ohio FOLCfest on Saturday, December 9th. If you are interested in coming, please e-mail Tony at "!"

Birthday wishes for Teri and more "Question of the Week" responses! See you on or around Friday!

Dan Patterson and Craig Byrne

Presidents of the L&C Krypton Club

SEND REPLIES & CORRESPONDENCE TO KRYPTON92@AOL.COM OR KRYPTONFX@AOL.COM! (If you write us something and don't want us to print it, please say so!)
What are you waiting for? Join the Krypton Club if you haven't already!

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The Krypton Club is not affiliated with ABC, December 3rd Productions, or Warner Brothers. Special thanks goes out to Tom Terenyi for help in producing these pages.