Issue #3--May 24, 1995

"It's like we're supporting characters in some TV show, and it's *their* show!"


Teri Hatcher will be on the cover of the next issue (#277) of Entertainment Weekly for a "TV Winners & Losers" story. The issue will be on newsstands this weekend and up on AOL soon (keyword: EW). Special thanks go to Mike Rose from EW Online who gave us that information.


Dean Cain will be online Thursday, May 25th at 10pm(ET)/7pm(PT) in the ABC Auditorium/Cyberplex on AOL! Get a chance to talk to Superman himself! To interact with Dean, just click "Interact" on the chat room screen. Then type in your question, and send it to him! It's that easy! =^)


Rumor has it that "Murder, She Wrote" has been moved to Thursdays and "Cybill" will take the new Sunday at 8 slot on CBS. That would mean L&C is the only drama on Sunday nights, and dramas have been growing in popularity... maybe L&C will "kick butt" after all!


Just tell your friends to e-mail one of us at Krypton or


"L&C" made #20 in overall ratings last week. Here's how they fared against the other shows of primetime TV. Each rating point represents an estimated 954,000 households, or 1% of the nation's TV homes. The share is the percentage of households watching a program of those households in which TV is being watched during the timeslot. Shown are rank/season rank, (x denotes one-time showing, program and rating/share:

1/2 E.R (NBC) 23.4/37

2/7 Friends (NBC) 21.3/32

3/1 Seinfeld (NBC) 20.7/32

4/x (ABC Monday Night Movie) 20.4/31

5/x (NBC Monday Night Movies) 17.6/27

6/x (ABC Sunday Night Movie) 16.0/26

7/4 Grace Under Fire (ABC) 15.3/24

8/x Home Improvement Special (ABC) 15.2/23

9/11 Mad About You (NBC) 15.2/26

10/8 NYPD Blue (ABC) 14.9/24

11/3 Home Improvement (ABC) 14.2/22

12/14 Frasier (NBC) 13.5/21

12/x Friends Special (NBC) 13.5/20

14/43 Coach (ABC) 13.4/21

14/x (NBC Sunday Night Movie) 13.4/22

16/13 Ellen (ABC) 13.2/21

17/6 60 Minutes (CBS) 13.1/25

18/28 PrimeTime Live (ABC) 12.9/22

19/48 Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman (CBS) 12.7/25

20/16 20/20 (ABC) 12.0/22

20/54 Lois & Clark 12.0/21

Source: Reuter/Variety

TODAY'S QUOTE was suggested by Soundsquaw.


Written by: "An Extra"

Edited by: Superman92

(Note: the writer of this story wished to remain anonymous)

We are supposed to be sitting there listening to the trial when Superman "smells" the C-12 bomb. We all look around yet aren't supposed to notice the briefcase that is shaking and emitting blue smoke. I really don't know how I am supposed to justify not seeing this when it's sitting close to my feet. After several takes, Teri turns around and says "We should give (the extra) a white cane and glasses! I mean, how is she NOT supposed to see this?"

I always enjoy my time on the set. Sometimes I talk with Teri, other times I don't. It all depends on what is going on at the time. I am better friends with Dean than Teri, but she does know me well enough. A little fun fact, like Lois, she likes chocolate, but she doesn't eat it as much. She is usually watching what she eats, although she really doesn't need to.


JBecky: "I don't think Lois was really all that Galactically Stupid until about Top Copy. Think about it. This okay guy comes in from Smallville, KS and seems to be somewhat of a farm-boy, although he's travelled the world. He's ready to settle down and become a person with goals and a reporter for the world famous Daily Planet. You think he's kind of a geek, and than you meet this guy who's got to be from another planet, and he's your unattainable crush, like a movie star or a singer. (Like me and David Letterman.) You think of Clark as the best friend you've ever or will ever have, and Superman this elusive hero who belongs to all of the world, and not just... her. I don't think I would have made the connection, either. You can't really judge unless you've been in the situation, and I, personally, don't know anyone who has fallen for a guy with two *oppisite* selves, although, I have a friend who is kinda like that. (I realize this rambles, but, oh well, that's me!)" (This was in response to Dan Patterson's editorial Lois Lane: Flake or Reporter?)

Setauket John: "Perhaps you can ask the readership of the newsletter what they thought of the Chief and Jimmy's discussion regarding their limited part in recent episodes. I think it went something like this: 'It is like we are supporting players in a TV show about Lois and Clark'. Has anyone else noticed it, or has Perry and Jimmy been completely written out of the show except for a few cameos? 'Great Shades of Elvis!'- Bring them back-Please!" (well, fans, what do you think?)


Here's the question for today.....

What was the name of the orphanage in "Season's Greedings?"

The answer to yesterday's trivia question: Linda King was Lois's rival in "The Rival." LISA FREEDMAN and JBECKY got this one right. SETAUKET JOHN guessed "Mayson Drake," and while Mayson was a rival of Lois's, she didn't appear until about 8 months after "The Rival" first aired.

Send your answers and trivia guesses via e-mail to or

We've gotta fly! Bye! Before we go... opinions on "And the Answer Is...." Lisa Freedman gave the episode a 9.5.

Craig and 92

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The Krypton Club is not affiliated with ABC, December 3rd Productions, or Warner Brothers. Special thanks goes out to Tom Terenyi for help in producing these pages.