Issue #6--May 27, 1995

"I am top banana!"


Welcome to new Krypton Club members Tam 57, Sage 17, XFMulder1, RWohl, Silueta, Dynasty 8, Aymee13662, R.L. Sharer, IBThat, TWAChris11, Molly Herwood, Garfiel808, STATMAN AL, Loislan807, JennCu, GordNBarb, and Joy108!


Teri Hatcher will be on the cover of the next issue (#277) of Entertainment Weekly for the TV Winners & Losers story. The issue will be on newsstands this weekend and up on AOL soon (keyword: EW). Special thanks go to Mike Rose from EW Online who gave us that information.

TODAY'S L&C TOP TEN LIST (a new feature!) by JBecky (new Krypton Club secretary):

From the Home Office in Clearwater, MN (with a little help from 92, in CA), The Top Ten Reasons Clark Hasn't Told Lois (Or Anyone) He's Superman.

10. He wants Lois to like the Supersex w/o knowing why it's super.

9. He doesn't want Connie Chung asking Perry's mom what Perry

thinks of Clark/Superman. 8. He wants to get all the use out of OJ's guest house he can.

7. He doesn't want to change his name to Clark Stone.

6. Humming "I Got You Babe" under his breath and wants to figure out why first.

5. Ma & Pa Kent want his powers all to themselves.

4. Doesn't want his crossdressing to interfere with his stories.

3. With his football injuries, he's afraid he couldn't score.

2. "A mild-mannered reporter? Really a superhero? Please." He never wants to prove Lois wrong.

And the #1 reason CK hasn't told Lois he's Superman.......

Two words......He's stupid!


The opinions keep coming in! A majority of fans still thinks that Lois knows CK = Superman! Emmie says the following: "I think Lois knows because she looked a little peeved at the end, and I think that if Lois figures out Clark is Superman that she'll be upset because Clark didn't tell her right away."


Perhaps it is Clark that has made her turn more "flaky" (for lack of a better word). Pehaps she now has a partner on equal grounds and this has made her more relaxed in her reporting skills (she doesn't have to prove herself to him, she knows he's good, etc.) and also the "love thing could explain her flakiness. But none of this is any excuse for her not knowing CK=S. The VOICE IS THE SAME!!!! With looks aside, this alone should clue her in!!!! He makes the same gestures and cute little uniquely clark things and he doesn't disguise his voice at all!!!! I keep telling myself that Superman is like an alien -- such a radical difference from how she percieves Clark to be that the idea of them being the same is inconprehensible. And when she first met Supes, she fell in love with the "god" and so she didn't place him at all on the same level as Clark, a lowdown "Hick". Plus, she worked with Clark so much and he never showd any signs of powers, and Supes was almost unreal -- he was her fantasy love in a way (I don't know if this makes any sense). It does make sense, now that she's over Superman (therefore he's lowered in her mind) and realizes she loves Clark (therefore he's higher in her mind) that she's starting to put two and two together. It is stupid that she's a journalist and can't figure it out, but maybe that's the beauty of it. Of course, it will always be unrealistic that she didn't recognize CK=S sooner, but this is the best rationalization I can think of. Also, I'm glad she's figuring it out for herself, because if Clark told her, her pride would be WAY wounded and she'd feel stupid (and you know how sensitive she is about that!). Zoomway posted a great proposal scene -- he starts to tell her, she finishes the sentence -- that means she was smart enough to (finally) figure it out, but he was honest enough to (finally) tell her. Just my thoughts!!! :-)


Nordburgh's screen name and member name are "Nordburgh." He is single, and he was born in Long Island, New York in 1972. He's not sure what kind of computer he has because it won't tell him, and his hobbies include music, L&C, and romantic engagements. His occupation is "male heterosexual," and his quote is "If everyone would take my advice, the world would be a better place."

His favorite episode of "L&C" is "Whine, Whine, Whine" and his favorite L&C quote is "Don't have a stroke Lois, that's what police are for." He watches L&C because he "enjoys what the show stands for. It promotes morality and decency. And the romance is great too!"

Send us a profile! Send them to Krypton92 or KryptonFX


Here is the trivia question for today.....

Which L&C cast member received a Daytime Emmy for Best Afterschool Special?

The answer to yesterday's question was "The Wonder Years." EMMIE and PONTELLIER got this one right. There were a few wrong answers though. LISA FREEDMAN guessed "Red," SETAUKET JOHN guessed "Home Improvement," and SOUNDSQUAW guessed "Charles in Charge" or "The Torkelsons" (those two guesses may have been right, but I haven't seen them the "Wonder Years" was the answer I was looking for =^p)

The funniest guess was from PHILIP BARON, who said the show was "Fun Dudes." "When Landes appeared, the show was titled 'Fun Dudes', then to prepare for Whalin's role, the show was renamed 'Fun(ny looking) Duds (not duds as in clothes, duds as in "This Jimmy is a complete dud, where'd Landes go?)'."

Send your answers and trivia guesses via e-mail to or Even if you don't know it, it's worth a try!

That's it for this newsletter! Hope you enjoyed it!

We Gotta Fly! Don't take any wooden kryptonite!

Craig and 92

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The Krypton Club is not affiliated with ABC, December 3rd Productions, or Warner Brothers. Special thanks goes out to Tom Terenyi for help in producing these pages.