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News Posted October 30, 2005

Triplet's "Thirst" Review
It's time again for another Smallville review by Triplet!

This time, she reviews the October 27 episode, "Thirst."

Click here to read her review!

Keep in mind the review contains spoilers for the episode.

Zap2It Article Talks To The Reunited "Dukes of Hazzard"
Special thanks to: Ron

Zap2It.com's Kate O'Hare spoke to Tom Wopat and John Schneider about their reunion on the November 3 Smallville. Wopat, who starred with Schneider on The Dukes of Hazzard 25 years ago, guest stars as senator Jack Jennings.

In the article, they talk about some of the inside jokes to look for in the episode. (Whoever wrote "Chickasaw County" into there, you rock; but the real question is - does Sheriff Little live there?) They also discuss how easy it is for them to work together again, and Schneider jokes that he only works with people with the initials T.W.

"The difficult part is," Wopat said to O'Hare, "they're yelling for 'Tom' on the set, and we've got two TWs here."

Also in the article, Tom Welling claims he was too young for the original Dukes of Hazzard, even though *ahem* he's older than the webmaster who is writing this article, who caught the show's last five years or so when they were on Friday nights at 8 on CBS. Good try, Tom.

Click here to read the article at Zap2It.com!

News Posted October 29, 2005

Aquaman Spin-Off Poll Results
This past week on KryptonSite we set up a new poll asking if the fans are interested in an Aquaman spin-off series from Smallville.

The results are in! 8,463 people voted... and it was a really close race. Ultimately, Yes, definitely! took the top spot with 2,556 votes, or 30%.

Coming in second place was "I'd consider watching" with 2,430 or 29%. Taking third was "There are other DC Comics characters I'd rather see," which had 28% of the vote (2,373). As you can see the results were close. We may have to have another poll asking about which DC characters next.

Finally, 1,104 fans said "No way" to the idea of watching an Aquaman spin-off. Considering that was only 13% of those who responded, I'd say he performed swimmingly.

News Posted October 28, 2005

TV Guide's Description For "Splinter"
The_Real_Lois_Lane and SVilleGal03 have both sent us the TV Guide description for "Splinter," the episode airing on November 10.

Click here to read it!

"Thirst" Ratings!
Smallville has continued to maintain its good ratings. While most shows dropped this week, Smallville was lucky enough to keep its audience - and it finally flew past Everybody Hates Chris on UPN.

Next week should be interesting as The OC finally returns to FOX's schedule.

The show again scored very highly in many key demographics. Click here for the WB's press release.

Here's the overnight-ratings breakdown.

Timeslot Rank
Overnight Rating (Last week's ranking in parentheses)
Survivor: Guatemala
10.7/16 (10.8/17)
Will & Grace (8:30-9)
5.6/8 (R) (7.0/10)
Joey (8-8:30)
5.0/8 (R) (6.1/9)
4.9/7 (5.4/8)

4.4/7 (4.4/7)

Everybody Hates Chris
4.3/7 (4.6/7)
Movie: Maid in Manhattan

3.2/5 (N/A)

Love, Inc.
2.7/4 (2.8/4)

(R) denotes repeat airing

News Posted October 24, 2005

The Original "Dukes of Hazzard" Reunite!
Nope, it's not Coy and Vance, nor is it Stifler and the guy from Jackass; Smallville instead is bringing in the genuine articles as Tom Wopat guest stars on the November 3 episode.

Click here to see some promo images of the Bo 'n' Luke reunion!

"Exposed" Official Description Changed
Some additional details have been added to the WB's official description for the episode "Exposed."

Click here to read them!

For more Season 5 spoilers visit the KryptonSite Spoilers Page.

News Posted October 23, 2005

Aquaman Has The "Best Week Ever"
The VH1 series Best Week Ever has deemed this weekend that Aquaman has had the "Best Week Ever." The weekly news and entertainment recap show featured clips from the Smallville episode "Aqua," Entourage (where the main character is playing Aquaman in a movie), and there were clips from Alan Ritchson's American Idol appearance.

News Posted October 22, 2005

Triplet's "Aqua" Review
It's time again for another Smallville review by Triplet!

Aquaman may have been introduced in this week's episode, but there were other elements that were far more impressive to her...

Click here to read her review of "Aqua!"

Keep in mind the review contains spoilers for the episode and possible plot twists for the show's future.
News Posted October 21, 2005

The WB Details November Sweeps; Official Descriptions & Spoilers For "Exposed" Through "Solitude"
The WB has detailed their November sweeps plans which includes official descriptions for several upcoming episodes of Smallville. Some of them we didn't have spoilers for yet, but we do now!

"Exposed" - "Splinter" - "Solitude"

For more Seson 5 spoilers visit the KryptonSite Spoilers Page.

TV Guide's Description For "Exposed"
The_Real_Lois_Lane has uncovered for us the TV Guide description for "Exposed," the episode airing on November 3.

Click here to read it!

"Exposed" & "Splinter" Promotional Ads!
Special thanks to: Mr. Video

The WB has prepared poster-like advertisements for two upcoming episodes of Smallville - "Exposed" and "Splinter."

Click the thumbnails below to see:

"Aqua" Another Ratings Success
The WB has touted the new WB Thursday as "the scheduling move of the season." They've put out a press release about the success of the October 20 episode.

Click here to read the press release!

"Aqua" Ratings!
Smallville swam ahead of FOX this week, as they showed repeats of their doomed show Reunion and got their lowest numbers yet. The lack of baseball or The OC did, however, do Smallville some good, as it and Survivor are the only shows this week that improved.

The WB will most likely be making an announcement, but it is expected that the show did very well in its target demographics.

Here's the overnight-ratings breakdown.

Timeslot Rank
Overnight Rating (Last week's ranking in parentheses)
Survivor: Guatemala
10.8/17 (10.7/16)
Will & Grace (8:30-9)
7.0/10 (7.0/10)
Joey (8-8:30)
6.1/9 (6.2/10)
5.4/8 (5.5/8)
Everybody Hates Chris
4.6/7 (4.7/7)

4.4/7 (4.3/7)

Love, Inc.
2.8/4 (2.8/4)

1.9/3 (R) (N/A)

(R) denotes repeat airing

News Posted October 19, 2005

Fan Film Review: Patient J
Does a Batman film need a rubber costume to be effective? Can the villain legitimately be the lead character? KryptonSite's Craig Byrne takes a look at a fan-produced 34-minute film titled Patient J. Although it's not Smallville or Superman related, those comic book fans who visit this site might want to check this out.

Click here to read the review!

News Posted October 14, 2005

TV Guide's Description For "Thirst"
The_Real_Lois_Lane has uncovered for us the TV Guide description for "Thirst," the episode airing on October 27.

Click here to read it!

"Hidden" Ratings!
Smallville may be near the bottom of the charts, but it was still a very close ratings battle for Thursday night, and the show again did well in many key demographics. The high ratings for the past two weeks have remained steady. It will be curious to see how FOX will fare once The OC is back on instead of baseball.

Here's the overnight-ratings breakdown.

Timeslot Rank
Overnight Rating (Last week's ranking in parentheses)
Survivor: Guatemala
10.7/16 (10.7/16)
Baseball: Astros vs. Cardinals
7.0/10 (5.4/8)
Will & Grace (8:30-9)
7.0/10 (6.9/10)
Joey (8-8:30)
6.2/10 (6.1/9)
5.5/8 (5.7/8)
Baseball Pre-Game (8-8:30)
5.0/8 (N/A)
Everybody Hates Chris
4.7/7 (4.8/7)

4.3/7 (4.5/7)

Love, Inc.
2.8/4 (2.9/4)

(R) denotes repeat airing

News Posted October 12, 2005

This Week's "Ask Ausiello" Reveals New Spoilers
TVGuide.com's Ask Ausiello has revealed some previously-unknown Smallville scoops for Season Five in this week's column.

Click here to read some highlights!

Thanks to Tabby and Chiri for the tip!

News Posted October 11, 2005

New "Aqua" Images Featuring James Marsters!
The WB has released two more images from the October 20 episode, which is titled "Aqua."

The two new images feature James Marsters as Professor Milton Fine, aka Brainiac!

Click here to take a look at the new pics!

For more spoilers about "Aqua" visit the KryptonSite Spoilers Page.

"Thirst" Official Description
The WB has released their official description of "Thirst," the fifth episode of Season Five featuring special guest star Carrie Fisher!

Click here to read it! Spoiler Warning!

For more spoilers visit the KryptonSite Spoilers Page.

News Posted October 11, 2005

"Mortal" Ratings!
While we had posted that Smallville did well in the ratings for the past week's episode, "Mortal," we didn't have any exact numbers. Luckily, now we do.

Here's the overnight-ratings breakdown. Keep in mind that despite the lower showing Smallville still did VERY well in its target demographics. Here's a press release about that.

Timeslot Rank
Overnight Rating (Last week's ranking in parentheses)
Survivor: Guatemala
10.7/16 (10.4/16)
Will & Grace (8:30-9)
6.9/10 (8.3/12)
Joey (8-8:30)
6.1/9 (6.2/10)
5.7/8 (6.3/10)
Baseball: Astros vs. Braves
5.4/8 (N/A)
Everybody Hates Chris
4.8/7 (5.0/8)

4.5/7 (4.4/7)

Love, Inc.
2.9/4 (2.9/4)

(R) denotes repeat airing

News Posted October 8, 2005

Triplet's "Mortal" Review
Isn't it just fitting that "Triplet" reviews an episode of Smallville featuring twins?

Click here to read her review of "Mortal!"

Keep in mind the review contains spoilers for the episode.

New "Hidden" Trailer Features "The Morning After"
Special thanks to: Mr. Video

What happens when Clark Kent is no longer a vir- very patient man?

The WB has put together another trailer for "Hidden" which takes a look at that situation. As always, KryptonSite is on hand with screen captures from the trailer, thanks to Mr. Video.

Click here to take a look at this Clana-centric trailer!

News Posted October 7, 2005

James Marsters In Smallville Magazine #11
Issue #11 of the Official Smallville Magazine is now hitting newsstands. It offers a comprehensive look at what's to come in Season 5, and interviews with folks like Tom Welling and new cast addition James Marsters.

Click here for some highlights of the Marsters interview, where he talks about playing "Brainiac."

Images of the two covers for the issue can also be found at the above link.

Screen Captures From The Newest Smallville Trailer!
Special thanks to: Mr. Video

Following the Oct. 6 Smallville was a new trailer for the "Hidden" episode which also included some shots from episodes airing later in the season.

Click here to take a look at some screen captures!

TV Guide's "Aqua" Description
Special thanks to: The_Real_Lois_Lane

TV Guide has posted their description for the Octoer 20 episode of Smallville.

Click here to read it - Spoiler Warning!

News Posted October 4, 2005

Triplet's "Arrival" Review
"Triplet" is back with her review of Smallville's fifth season premiere, "Arrival."

Click here to read it!

Keep in mind the review contains spoilers for the episode.
News Posted October 1, 2005

The WB Touts Smallville's Ratings Success
The WB has issued a press release detailing the ratings successes for Smallville's Season Five premiere.

Click here to read it!