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News Posted September 30, 2005

Smallville #5-3 "Hidden" Guest
Playing "Gabriel" in the third episode of Smallville's fifth season is Johnny Lewis.

Lewis was a regular on the sitcom Quintuplets, and recently appeared on the Sept. 29 episode of The OC. One of his first big jobs was a TV show called The Sausage Factory - which is a title that makes us think of the DVD commentary for the Smallville episode "Exile."

Click here for more Season 5 spoilers!

TV Guide Description For "Hidden"
Special thanks to: The_Real_Lois_Lane

TV Guide's description for the October 13 Smallville, titled "Hidden," may reveal a new spoiler or two.

Click here to read it!

Season 5 Makes A Strong "Arrival" In The Ratings
The good news? In the first week of the Thursday night ratings race, Smallville performed very well against its Thursday-night competition. Ratings actually increased in the second half hour. The show also did very well in its target demographics.

It will be curious to see how things will go in the coming weeks, if Smallville will maintain its audience. The next few weeks will be challenging for shows like Alias also, now that the big "who lives or dies in the premiere?" mystery for that show is gone.

Interestingly, The OC didn't pose much of a threat; though Everybody Hates Chris on UPN is a surprise hit. Unfortunately for UPN, most viewers tuned out as soon as Chris was over.

(And as a note: Confusing and weird as this may sound, we are aware that the actual figures are different in various different places. For example, a look at Mediaweek would provide some even different numbers. We hope this is an accurate representation, or at least close to it.)

Here's the overnight-ratings breakdown:

Timeslot Rank
Overnight Rating (Last week's ranking in parentheses)
Survivor: Guatemala
10.4/16 (10.9/16)
Will & Grace (SP) (8:30-9)
8.3/12 (N/A)
Alias (SP)
6.3/10 (11.7/18)
Joey (8-8:30)
6.2/10 (6.0/9 (SP))
Everybody Hates Chris
5.0/8 (6.6/10 (SP))
Smallville (SP)

4.4/7 (2.6/4 (R))

The OC
4.0/6 (4.4/7)
Love, Inc.
2.9/4 (3.7/5 (SP))

(R) denotes repeat airing; (SP) = Season Premiere

The Fortress Footage Is New
There has been some speculation that some of the spectacular footage of the Fortress of Solitude in the September 29 season premiere is reused footage from the classic Superman movies. We have been told this is most definitely not the case.

The special visual effects used for the Fortress in Smallville were all created by Mat Beck and his team at Entity FX.

Mistake In New Opening Credits
So, do you think the new opening credits for Season Five look cool? We do. Except for one thing...

The name of Smallville's leading lady is spelled wrong. It's Kristin with an I, not an E. We are told that this was "a mix up at the post house" and that the misspelling will be rectified in time for next week's show. Additionally, the show extends their apologies to Kristin for the mistake.

UPDATE: As of episode #5-2, "Mortal," the credits are fixed.

News Posted September 29, 2005

Some More Early "Arrival" Reviews!
Now Playing Magazine has posted their advance review of "Arrival," the Smallville fifth season premiere airing at 8PM (ET) on the WB tonight, September 29. Here's a brief sample:

"Despite the disappointingly circuitous route it took to get there, the fourth season ended on a high note, and it appears as though the fifth season will carry on that momentum. The premiere offers a lot of satisfying answers, but also presents some new questions that hopefully set the tone for the year. The network has already announced several promising storylines and guest stars for the coming season, [spoiler removed from excerpt - don't want to ruin it for you - just click the link if you want to see what it says]. Even if it were as poorly executed as last year’s season premiere (which, thankfully, it’s not), this one would be worth watching just for the last five minutes."

The grade they give the premiere episode is an A, so, it sounds like it's worth seeing!

Click here to read it! Spoiler Warning!

Over at Eclipse Magazine, they gave the season premiere a B-. Here's an excerpt from that one:

"This is it, we are promised: the season of ‘Smallville’ [The WB, 8 p.m.] where Lex Luthor makes the decision to go down the wrong path, while Clark Kent [Tom Welling] begins to learn that he has a responsibility to the whole planet! Despite the continued presence of Lois Lane [Erica Durance], the season premiere, ‘Arrival,’ fairly crackles with the energy of a series that has regained its focus."

Click here to read the Eclipse review - again, spoiler warning

Ain't It Cool News (What's up WB? Did every major website get a screener but not us?!?) had this to say about the episode, which Hercules gave three stars:

"The good news for me and those like me? You don’t have to have seen any part of season four to enjoy the season-five opener. It does a swell job of catching you up on who now knows Clark is Superboy, [spoiler deleted], where the Lex-Clark relationship stands, and any other questions that might niggle at you."

Herc's review can be found here

So Where Is Erica Durance In The New Opening Credits?
A new design for the Smallville opening credits debuts with tonight's episode, and one question that has lingered in the minds of many is where Erica Durance will fall in the opening credits order.

Apparently Erica appears fourth - following the show's three leads (Tom, Kristin, and Michael). Then there's the "young actors group" before the adults, and yes, this is in alphabetical order.

That being said, Erica replaces Jensen Ackles as #4 on the Smallville opening line-up. Right after Michael Rosenbaum, and before Allison Mack.

And if you're looking for spoilers from the episode's story, then of course, check out the KryptonSite Spoilers Page.

News Posted September 28, 2005

Tom Welling Reference On Veronica Mars
Special thanks to: Brian

The September 28 episode of UPN's Veronica Mars featured the character of Logan Echolls (played by Jason Dohring) making a comment that he'd like to see himself being played by Tom Welling in a movie version of Season 1's events.

Tom as Logan Echolls? Just as long as Allison Mack can play Veronica...

For more on Veronica Mars, visit Neptunesite.

Tom Welling Talks Season 5 In Wizard Magazine
Issue #169 of Wizard Magazine, now available at comic book stores and newsstands, features an all-new interview with Tom Welling where he talks about Season 5, Brainiac, how long he'd like the show to last, Superman Returns, and more!

Click here to read some highlights - be warned of spoilers!

News Posted September 27, 2005

SciFi.com Reviews The Smallville Season 5 Premiere!
The lucky folks at SciFi.com have obtained an early copy of the fifth season premiere of Smallville. Here's a sample, non-spoilery bit from the review:

"With some major revelations, an increase in the tension between Clark and Lex and a new villain on the horizon, Smallville's season-five premiere was well worth the wait. The WB promises 'everything you've waited four seasons to see ... will happen.'And it just might, based on where this first episode of the season is taking us."

Click here to read the review - be warned of spoilers!

(And hey - if anyone with the show or the network is reading this and would like any more advance reviews, you know where to find me... I promise I won't post spoilers! - KryptonSite Craig)

News Posted September 26, 2005

Original "Jimmy Olsen" Dies
Tommy Bond, who portrayed the character of Jimmy Olsen in the 1948 Superman movie serial and its 1950 sequel, Atom Man vs. Superman, has died at age 79 from complciations of heart disease. Bond was the first actor to play the character in live action. He is also remembered for playing the role of "Butch" in early Little Rascals films.

Legend has it that Bond was approached to reprise Jimmy for the 1950's Adventures of Superman TV series with George Reeves; Bond turned down the role, which instead went to Jack Larson, who may have been the most famous Jimmy Olsen in history.

First Look: Aquaman on Smallville!
Special thanks to: TV Guide

The Oct. 1-7 issue of TV Guide, which should begin arriving in subscriber mailboxes today and will be hitting newsstands on Thursday 9/29, features the first in character photo of Alan Ritchson as Aquaman from the episode "Aqua."

The article also reveals some additional details about Smallville's take on the character.

Click here to take a look at the photo!

With the photo we've also posted some highlights from the article.

For more spoilers about "Aqua," check out the KryptonSite Spoilers Page.

News Posted September 25, 2005

Hi-Res Screen Captures From The Season 5 Preview!
Special thanks to: Mr. Video

A preview of Season Five aired after the September 22 repeat of "Commencement." The trailer contained clips from several episodes of Season Five; not just the premiere! Also in the trailer is the first in-character appearance of James Marsters on Smallville!

You may have seen our Trailer #5 Lo-Res screen captures earlier; now, thanks to Mr. Video we have over 55 hi-res screen captures from the trailer for your viewing pleasure!

To take a look at some screen captures from previous trailers, look below...

Trailer #1 Low-Res - Trailer #1 Hi-Res - Season 5 "Everything You've Waited To See" - Trailer #2 Hi-Res - Trailer #3 Hi-Res - Trailer #4 Hi-Res - Trailer #5 Lo-Res

Also to include some new spoilers from this new trailer, we've updated some premiere spoilers on the KryptonSite Spoilers Page for your reading pleasure!


Two Of This Week's DC Comics Feature Smallville Tie-Ins
Two comic book releases that came out this past Wednesday featured ties to Smallville.

Supergirl #2, written by Jeph Loeb ("Red," "Insurgence"), features some mentions of some elements that will surely make you think of the show. As these bits include major spoilers for the comic, you'll have to click here for more information.

Also this week... the Teen Titans/Outsiders Secret Files features the very first comic book story written by Chris Castallo. Castallo was until recently the Senior VP of Development at Tollin-Robbins Productions, and was involved with Smallville as it was being developed.

Both comics have ties to DC's upcoming Infinite Crisis, so you may not want to miss them.

News Posted September 24, 2005

TV Guide's Season Premiere Write-Up
Special thanks to: David "Krypto" Withrow

David has sent us the TV Guide write-up for the season premiere, which airs on Thursday. The write-up contains what may be some new spoilers.

Click to read - Spoiler Warning!

For more spoilers, as always, check out the KryptonSite Spoilers Page.


News Posted September 23, 2005

Another Season Premiere Photo!
The WB has released another image from the Season Five premiere. You may recognize it as it ran in TV Guide's
Returning Favorites" issue a few weeks ago.

Click here to take a look!

For more spoilers about Season 5 visit the KryptonSite Spoilers Page.

News Posted September 22, 2005

"Arrival" Preview Clip
Special thanks to: Massena

AOL has posted a one-minute preview clip of a scene between Clark and Lex from the fifth season premiere, "Arrival."

Click on the link below to see it! Connection might require an AOL account.

Clark & Lex preview clip from "Arrival"

For more spoilers about Season 5 visit the KryptonSite Spoilers Page.

News Posted September 21, 2005

First Look At The New Opening Titles!
A new broadcast design production company called SOLID is responsible for the new, high-definition main title sequence that we'll be seeing when Season 5 begins on September 29.

"In approaching a show that challenges our own understanding of physical phenomenon, we developed contemporary motion graphics to create a sense of space and dimension," Jennifer Holstein, SOLID's Executive Producer, said in a press release. Matt Fife, Creative Director /Co-Founder of Rarebyrd, said,

"This year marks an important fifth season for this series, a milestone for the show’s creators, cast and crew in claiming their place in mainstream culture. Along with this new season, came a new HD main title sequence," said Matt Fife, Creative Director and co-founder of Rarebyrd, a company that provided SOLID with editorial material including new green screen talent elements directed by Fife and co-produced with the Smallville production in Vancouver.

The press release tells that "care was given to select shots that capture the show’s iconic narrative and theatrical storytelling. The talent shots were choreographed against the show’s footage to jointly bring the viewer through the Smallville experience, connecting one shot to the next."

As we've said, you can look forward to seeing the result of this new title sequence as Smallville Season Five begins on September 29.

Screen Captures From An "All Ages" Trailer
Special thanks to: Mr. Video

So was the "Everything You've Waited To See" trailer a bit too steamy? The WB has made an "All Ages" trailer for Season 5 that'll take care of that problem. Thanks to Mr. Video, we now have screen captures.

Did we mention that the caps include at least two shots that we haven't seen before? Caps are in hi-res. Click below to take a look!

Trailer #4 Hi-Res

To take a look at some screen captures from previous trailers, look below...

Trailer #1 Low-Res - Trailer #1 Hi-Res - Season 5 "Everything You've Waited To See" - Trailer #2 Hi-Res - Trailer #3 Hi-Res

Nam-Ek Cast For "Arrival"
Playing "Nam-Ek" in the first episode of Season Five is Leonard Roberts. (See a picture) You may recognize him from the movie "Drumline;" genre fans will remember him as Riley's right-hand man "Forrest Gates" in the fourth season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

He joins the already-revealed Alana De La Garza, who plays Aethyr. For some spoilers about Season 5 visit the KryptonSite Spoilers Page.

News Posted September 20, 2005

New Season Premiere Photos!
The WB has provided us with several images from the Smallville fifth season premiere, "Arrival." These images provide a first look at some new super-powered characters that are coming our way!

Click here to take a look!

For more spoilers about Season 5 visit the KryptonSite Spoilers Page.

News Posted September 18, 2005

It's That Time Again: Screen Captures From Two New Teaser Trailers!
Special thanks to: Mr. Video

The WB has aired two 10-second teaser trailers for Season Five. Thanks to Mr. Video, we now have screen captures from both of them. Caps are in hi-res. Click below to take a look!

Trailer #2 Hi-Res - Trailer #3 Hi-Res

To take a look at some screen captures from previous trailers, look below...

Trailer #1 Low-Res - Trailer #1 Hi-Res - Season 5 "Everything You've Waited To See"

News Posted September 17, 2005

More Alfred Gough Interviews Online
Smallville Executive Producer Alfred Gough has done some more interviews in addition to the ones that surfaced earlier this week.

At TV Filter, Gough talks about many things, but most interesting is his reasoning for why we'll probably see Perry White on the show again at some point but Pete Ross is unlikely. UGO.com's interview is a also interesting, as it talks about Smallville's interpretation of Aquaman but also reveals that the Smallville actors are contracted for seven seasons.

Click on the links below to read the full interviews! Spoiler Warning!

TV Filter - UGO.com - Backstage.com

Read KryptonSite's interview with Al Gough - September 2005

News Posted September 16, 2005

Gough Talks About Actors Who Are "Written Off"
Executive Producer Alfred Gough is one of the television industry professionals who is interviewed in an article about actors or characters who are written off of a show after a short time. In the interview he has very nice things to say about John Glover (Lionel); he also talks about the character of Pete Ross and why he just did not work out for the show, and offers some insight into what happened when Jensen Ackles was hired last year as Jason Teague (be warned for some very obvious spoilers, considering Jensen has left for Supernatural):

"When we first sat down with Jensen, he said, 'Gosh, I don't know if I want to go on a series and be committed for however [many] years you're going to be on the air,'" Gough told the interviewer. "We said, 'Jensen, to be perfectly honest, this is probably a one-season arc, maybe two. I'd like to leave it open-ended. We see this season, but I don't quite see where you [fit in beyond that].' But we never know. You start breaking the story, and the character pops, and you find things to do. It ultimately ended up being a one-season arc because he played into the over-reaching plot of the season. By the end of the season, [the arc] had played out, so he got hit by a meteorite."

Click here to read the full article!

Thanks to ProudPenny for the tip.

News Posted September 15, 2005

Al Gough Speaks To TV Guide Online
Smallville's Executive Producer Alfred Gough spoke to TV Guide Online about some of what to expect from the fifth season. He goes into detail about the Aquaman character and some major guest appearances, and also reveals a bit about the future of the Clark and Lana relationship.

Click here to read the interview - full of spoilers!

For more spoilers about Season 5 visit the KryptonSite Spoilers Page. To read our recent interview with Mr. Gough, click here.

"Mortal" Official Description
The WB has released their official description of "Mortal," the second episode of Season Five.

Click here to read it! Spoiler Warning!

News Posted September 14, 2005

The Song Remains The Same
We have learned that even though the look of the opening credits will change in Smallville Season 5 (see article below, in the Sept. 13 news), the song "Save Me" will still be retained as the theme music.

News Posted September 8, 2005

Spoilery "Lionel Luthor" Photos Surface
John Glover's official website has posted two interesting images of John Glover (Lionel) on the set of Smallville Season 5.

Click here to see the pics - Spoiler Warning!

News Posted September 4, 2005

New Kristin Kreuk Interview At College Website
Special thanks to: Umar

Collegebound.net has posted a new interview with Kristin Kreuk (Lana) where she talks about her own scholastic experience but also offers some thoughts about Smallville. Here's what she had to say about the Clark and Lana relationship:

"I think their relationship is complex. They know they love each other, but it's something they can't pursue until Clark can be honest with Lana. [She doesn't know he's really Kal-El, a.k.a. Superman.] The most important thing in a relationship is honesty and trust -- it's an insecure relationship otherwise. If Clark and Lana are to get together, they have to find a way to be honest with each other."

Click here to read the full article including a three-question Smallville Q and A!

News Posted September 2, 2005

"Aethyr" Cast For Season Premiere
Playing the role of "Aethyr" in Smallville's September 29 season premiere is Alana De La Garza. Alana was a regular on The WB's short-lived The Mountain and was briefly a recurring cast member on All My Children.

Click to read more spoilers from the episode!

Screen Captures From A NEW Trailer!
Special thanks to: Mr. Video

Mr. Video has sent us screen captures from a NEW general Season 5 trailer promising "everything you've waited to see." He's sent us caps of scenes we haven't seen before in the other trailer.

Fans of one particular ship will really like this one....

Click here to take a look at the screen captures!

Hi-Res "Arrival" Trailer Caps!
Special thanks to: Mr. Video

Though we posted screen captures from the first "Arrival" trailer earlier this week, they can't compare to the nicer, larger caps we get from Mr. Video. So, if you like your trailer caps to be a little bit larger, you're in luck!

Click here to see the hi-res caps!

And, a bonus at the end of the gallery... during the Thursday night repeat of "Lucy," a variation of the trailer was shown including some clips that were not seen in the original trailer. Screen captures from the new clips can be found here.

News Posted September 1, 2005

Video: Tom Welling Reveals Season 5 Secrets
Special thanks to: Jack1487

Some newly-posted videos at a WB affiliate site reveal some of Tom Welling's plans for the future, and also offer some hints as to what's to come in Season 5. Most of the spoilery material he talks about has already been known for several weeks.

In the videos, Tom also reveals that he is tentatively planned to direct episode #19 of this season.

Click here to watch the videos at WB58TV!