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Smallville and its characters are copyright ©2005 Warner Bros. & DC Comics. This is a fan site and not authorized by the WB or DC. The term "Kryptonite" is a trademark of DC Comics. Page copyright ©2005 KryptonSite, unless the material is noted as coming from someplace else or being by an individual author. Smallville stars Tom Welling, Kristin Kreuk, Michael Rosenbaum, John Glover, John Schneider, Annette O'Toole, Sam Jones III, and Allison Mack.


JUNE 2005
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Send all news items, comments, etc. to PlanetKrypton@aol.com!
News Posted June 30, 2005

Wizard #166 Offers More Season 5 Hints From Gough
The latest issue of Wizard magazine features some more hints as to what's coming in Smallville's fifth season, from the mouth of the show's co-creator and executive producer, Alfred Gough.

Click to read - spoiler warning!

News Posted June 27, 2005

Original 1950's Adventures of Superman On DVD!
Special thanks to: TVShowsOnDVD.com

TVShowsOnDVD.com has posted that the first season of the original Adventures of Superman TV series, starring George Reeves as Clark Kent/Superman, will be headed to DVD on October 18. More details can be found at the site.

Interesting trivia: The name of the original Adventures of Superman producer Whitney Ellsworth was the inspiration for Smallville's Whitney.

6/26 Robot Chicken Dedicated To Sam Loeb
Special thanks to: Roland

Roland wrote in to tell us that the June 26 episode of Robot Chicken on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim was dedicated to the memory of Sam Loeb. Sam, the son of popular Smallville writer and supervising producer Jeph Loeb, was a frequent visitor to the Smallville offices, and sadly passed away at the age of 17 earlier this month. Kudos to Adult Swim for the tribute.

You can read more about Sam in the June 17 news.

News Posted June 22, 2005

Gough & Millar Are "Fully Loaded"
Look for a familiar names in the credits to the movie "Herbie: Fully Loaded" which hits theaters today.

The Disney movie stars Lindsay Lohan and promises the same kind of fun of the original "Love Bug" movies of the 60's and 70's. The screenplay is written by Smallville creators Alfred Gough and Miles Millar, who are no strangers to doing new things with a classic franchise. So, be sure to check it out!

News Posted June 21, 2005

DVD Reviews: Lois & Clark and Wonder Woman
Recently available in stores have been new DVD sets of the third season of Wonder Woman and the first season of Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman. We here at KryptonSite have had the opportunity to review them, because of the super-hero connection, so you surely want to know what webmaster Craig thinks, right?

Here are links to the reviews. From these pages you can find photo galleries and more information about both of the sets:

Wonder Woman: The Complete Third Season Review
Lois & Clark: The Complete First Season Review

News Posted June 19, 2005

TV Guide Lists John Schneider As One Of TV's Hottest Dads
The latest issue of TV Guide magazine has a feature on TV's "hottest" dads, and Jonathan Kent (played by John Schneider) made the hot list.

"Jonathan makes plaid sexy," Annette O'Toole told the magazine. "And he's quite useful in the hayloft."

Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there who are reading!

News Posted June 17, 2005

Very Sad News...
We have regretfully just learned that Sam Loeb, 17-year-old son of Smallville Supervising Producer Jeph Loeb, passed away on Thursday after battling cancer for three years.

Anyone who met Sam, who would often come with his father to various convention appearances and events, would agree that he was a very friendly, bright, awesome young man. Sam was a budding comics writer himself, having written a story for Dark Horse's Tales of the Vampires comic book series (issue #5).

Our condolences go out to the Loeb family and to everyone else that was lucky enough to have gotten the opportunity to meet Sam. For an idea of what a brave young man Sam Loeb was, read Jeph Loeb's 2003 St. Edward's commencement address about heroes.

Comic book artist (and Loeb family friend) Rob Liefeld has posted on Millarworld.net that Sam Loeb's favorite charity was the Sarcoma Alliance. You can find more details about the charity here and make a donation in his name.

First Look: Tom Welling In "The Fog"
Special thanks to: James

Entertainment Weekly has posted the first look at Tom Welling from his new movie, "The Fog," which is filming this summer.

The article contains an interesting tidbit about Tom and the new Superman movie. Despite rumors that he was considered, Welling says he wasn't approached. ''They literally would have had to cancel Smallville for me to be available," he said.

Click here to take a look at the article, and click here for a larger look at the picture.

News Posted June 14, 2005

Bruce Wayne: The Series That Never Was
One of the top questions we'd get for a while there here at K-Site was "When will we see Bruce Wayne/Batman on Smallville?" What many fans never knew is that, before a Young Clark Kent series hit the WB screens, the network had plans to do a series involving the youth of another popular DC Comics icon.

Tying in with the June 15 release of the film Batman Begins, we'll take a look back at the television series that would have told its version of the story of how Batman begun.

Click to read our special spotlight!

News Posted June 13, 2005

Lois & Clark Actor Lane Smith Dies
It is with great sadness that we share the news that actor Lane Smith, who many fans recently became re-acquainted with on the Lois & Clark DVD set, has died this morning at the age of 69.

Smith had suffered from ALS in his later years. To fans, he will always be remembered for his portrayal of Perry White in all four seasons of Lois & Clark.

Here is the statement we received from a family member:

Hi and thanks for your concern and good wishes and prayers. We are sorry to tell you that my Uncle Lane Smith died earlier today, a blessed relief from his ALS. Thank you so much for your support.

From the Family of Lane Smith

We've set up a Lane Smith memorial thread at K-Site that you're all welcomed to post in, and we'll do our best to get it to his family so they can see how much his work was appreciated and loved.

Stay tuned to K-Site in the coming days for a more fitting look back at Lois & Clark's favorite "Chief."

News Posted June 12, 2005

Report: John Schneider & Margot Kidder at the 2005 Superman Celebration
Special thanks to: Jeremy& Michael Lee

John Schneider and Margot Kidder answered some fans' questions at the 2005 Superman Festival in Metropolis, IL this weekend, in addition to the movie question posted a few news articles down.

Jeremy and Michael Lee sent us their report from the event, with quotes from both of them about their Smallville roles, how long they think the show will go on, and more. Some interesting nuggets within!

Click here to read more!

And Some 2005 Celebration Photos...
Special thanks to: Gancsos/TomWelling4Supes, Jeremy & Michael Lee

And here are some photos from the Celebration! Click to see!

Tom Welling Is Cheaper Again
Special thanks to: James

Tom Welling was listed as returning for the sequel to Cheaper By The Dozen in a recent Variety article. Tom plays Charlie Baker, oldest son of a family of 12 kids. The movie is now in production. There had been some wondering or speculation among fans as Tom's participation had not previously been announced. (Don't trust something just because it's on IMDb!)

Thanks to James at TomWelling.org for the tip.

Schneider Talks About The Movie
Special thanks to: Jeremy Lee

John Schneider and Margot Kidder answered some fans' questions at the 2005 Superman Festival in Metropolis, IL this weekend.

When asked if he was participating in the new Superman movie, Schneider had this to say (keep in mind this is paraphrased, so it may not be an exact verbatim quote):

"No, and I am actually kind of glad. Smallville is not really about Superman, it's about Clark Kent and there is a certain amount of mystery involving that particular part of the story and if Tom or Annette or myself played a role in the movie, then that would mean Clark's story was over, that would mean the end of Smallville."

Stay tuned for more details from the Superman Celebration.

News Posted June 10, 2005

Lois & Clark DVD Set: Official Press Release
Have you gotten your Lois & Clark DVD set yet? No? Warner Home Video is surely doing anything they can to change your mind.

Click here to take a look at the official press release to go with the Season 1 set. From there you can find links to a number of things, including some images that, to our knowledge, have never before been seen on the Web!

Click here to take a look!

John Schneider In Toronto Charity Walk
Special thanks to: Oieura

John Schneider (Jonathan) is a scheduled celebrity participant in thesecond annual Toronto Wal-Mart Walk for Miracles, which takes
place Sunday, June 12 to benefit Children's Miracle Network and
the Hospital for Sick Children Foundation.

The event hopes to raise $1.5 million to help create awareness for Canadian children's hospitals and raise funds for critical hospital equipment, ambulatory-care services, research, education programs and specialty services at hospitals.

For more information on the event, which takes place in Toronto on June 12, click here.

Fans can also meet John Schneider as well as Smallville guest Margot Kidder (Bridgette Crosby) at this year's Superman Celebration, which runs this weekend in Metropolis, IL. (If anyone gets some photos or news bits they can share, e-mail us!)

Lex Luthor Feels For Darth Vader
StarWars.com has posted another, longer interview with Michael Rosenbaum (Lex) where he talks more about the similarities between the destinies of Star Wars' Anakin Skywalker and Smallville's Lex Luthor.

"It's this tug of war with this kid who's a lost soul to begin with," Rosenbaum explains. "He's trying to be good, but he knows what he's doing is wrong. Sometimes people have to make these pivotal decisions that change their lives. Obviously, the character of Lex Luthor I'm playing on 'Smallville' is having similar issues. He's destined to be the villain against Superman, but he's trying everything he can to be the good guy. I think that's what Anakin is trying to do. He knows what he's doing is wrong; he feels remorseful. And there's a point when you see this guy who's struggling with his feelings and his emotions with these difficult choices, and then there's this complete transformation in not only the way Anakin looks, but also his eyes -- he's dead behind them. He's given up. He thinks that the Council doesn't trust him, or like him and won't give him a chance. "

"On 'Smallville' my mother is killed and we don't know how she really died," Rosenbaum continues. "And who is my father? Lex and Anakin both have these traumatic things that happen to them, and yet people see them and think they're monsters who deserve what they get. But then you see the story of Darth Vader in this film and you really feel for him. You know he's a bad guy and he should be locked up, but at the same time it's not so simple. "

Read the entire interview here.

News Posted June 9, 2005

John Glover in the "Paris Letter": Press Release & Photos!
June 12 presents the Roundabout Theatre Company's opening of "The Paris Letter" by Jon Robin Baitz and starring Smallville's magnificent "Lionel Luthor," John Glover. The performances continue through August.

Click here to take a look at the official press release for the show. You can find some photos (taken by the Roundabout Theatre Company's Joan Marcus) by clicking here.

Those of you who are fans of Alias might also be interested to know that the show also stars one of that show's most intriguing actors, Ron Rifkin, and there are some photos of Rifkin in this gallery also.

Enjoy the photos!

News Posted June 7, 2005

2005 KryptonSite Awards: The Nominees!
We've finally added some stuff together and are proud to announce the contenders for the 2005 KryptonSite Awards! Fans were invited over the past few weeks to send in their favorites from Season 4, and now you can see who there is to choose from. Click on the icon below to visit the nominations page:

Kristin Kreuk Is One Of Toro Magazine's "Women Of Summer"
Special thanks to: Brian & Astro

Kristin Kreuk is one of Toro Magazine's 25 "Women of Summer" in their latest issue.

The magazine is apparently only available in Canada. You can find Toro's website (with this picture as well as another new KK shot!) at www.toromagazine.ca.

Lex Luthor, Lois Lane, & Batman
We hear that Michael Rosenbaum (Lex) and Erica Durance (Lois) were both spotted at the Hollywood premiere of "Batman Begins" on June 6.

IESB.net has posted photos as well as video interviews with Michael and Erica.

In Michael's interview, he is asked if he's a comic book fan, talks about what he's been up to this summer, and does his impression of movie Lex Luthor Kevin Spacey. Click here to see that.

In Erica's interview, she reveals that next season will hopefully bring some more investigative stuff for the characters, and there will probably be "more annoying of Clark" in her future. Click here to see what she has to say.

No Comic Con Smallville Panel This Year
Fans attending Comic-Con International in San Diego in July may have one less thing than usual to look forward to this year.

Primarily due to the hiatus projects that are keeping many of the actors busy this summer, we hear there will be no Smallville panel at the Convention. It had become a bit of a tradition for a really great Smallville panel every year, hitting its peak last year as actors Allison Mack, Erica Durance, and John Glover joined the show's producers on stage.

We'll let you know if this plan changes, although it sounds doubtful.

News Posted June 6, 2005

Second Smallville Yearbook Magazine Covers!
The second Smallville Yearbook Magazine by Titan Publishing will be hitting newsstands and comic book stores this month. There will be many features, including a recap of Season 4; exclusive interviews; and also a pretty darn cool news section if we say so ourselves. The magazine is larger than your usual Smallville mag, clocking in at around 100 pages!

We've got larger looks at the magazine's covers. Click here to take a look at the newsstand cover, featuring the entire cast; and click here to see the Tom Welling "Diamond exclusive" cover which you can find at comic book specialty shops. The release date is said to be the 14th of June, though fans have often spotted these at Border's and certain other newsstands a few days early.

News Posted June 3, 2005

Lois & Clark DVD Set Is Almost Here!
Don't forget that the first season of the 1990's Superman TV series, Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, will be hitting stores on Tuesday. If you order yours on Amazon.com now you could still get it on the release date!

The DVD set also features the Season 4 premiere of Smallville, "Crusade," as a DVD extra.

Click here to pre-order a copy!

And for those of you who are unfamiliar with Lois & Clark and/or would like to know more about the show... check out KryptonSite's Lois & Clark page, done to correspond with the show's 10th anniversary! There are interviews, an episode guide, a list of famous guest stars, and more. And yes, that is "Susan from Desperate Housewives" playing Lois Lane. Enjoy!

Now if only Al and Miles would finally give in and get Dean Cain on Smallville sometime... (hint, hint)

John Schneider Hosting Children's Miracle Network Telethon This Weekend
Special thanks to: Gina

As he has done many years before, John Schneider (Jonathan) will be one of the hosts for the 2005 Children's Miracle Network Telethon which will be broadcast on television stations across the U.S. and Canada this weekend (June 3-5). To see is the Telethon is airing in your area, visit their website.

News Posted June 2, 2005

Smallville Thursday Night Premiere: July 14
Special thanks to: Mr. Video

The WB will be trying out the new Thursday-night timeslots for Smallville and Everwood a few months before the season begins, starting on July 14.

Smallville's Wednesday-at-9 repeat airings will also continue for the forseeable future.

The WB has not announced when Season 5 is starting, and won't announce this information for several months. Please don't e-mail and ask! As soon as this information is announced, we will post it. We're assuming September or October, but nothing solid is known.

New WB "Image Campaign" Video!
The WB has launched a new "Image Campaign" promotional video which you can find on TheWB.com at this link. The video contains scenes from Smallville as well as the rest of the WB line-up, including some of their upcoming shows like Supernatural featuring Jensen Ackles.

Judging from her presence in the video and the recent Season 4 DVD cover art, you'd think The WB sure loves them some Erica Durance.

Click here to take a look!

News Posted June 1, 2005

Glover & Mack Spotted In Salisbury, Maryland: Photos!
Special thanks to: John Horney

The Delmarva Shorebirds minor-league baseball game benefitting the Alzheimer's Association of Maryland and featuring special guests John Glover and Allison Mack was a success, and many fans had the opportunity to meet with "Lionel" and "Chloe" and get autographs while enjoying the game.

Professional photographer John Horney has shared with us some of his photos from Monday night's event.

Click here to see them!