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Wonder Woman Season 3 DVD Review - Posted June 21, 2005

Review: Wonder Woman Season 3 DVD Set
Reviewed by Craig Byrne
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In only a little more than a year's time, all three seasons of the 1970's super-hero television hit Wonder Woman are now on DVD. As a bonus, all three sets lined side-by-side on a shelf show off a red, white, and blue motif.

Although her comic book series has rarely set the comic book sales charts on fire, despite participation by such talents as George Perez, Phil Jiminez, and Greg Rucka, Wonder Woman still remains an icon to this day, thanks in many ways to the TV series and the performance of Lynda Carter in the lead role. As I stated in my Season 2 review, not many actresses could have pulled it off. But Lynda, however, had it, and still does. When the new movie directed by Joss Whedon comes out, whoever takes the role of Wonder Woman has a big tiara to fill. (That, and if Lynda Carter doesn't play Queen Hippolyta, the movie execs need to be shot).

Between Seasons 1 and 2 of Wonder Woman things became a bit more modern. With Season 3 things seemed to change a bit more, and in my mind, for the better. Gone were the comic book-style captions. Although the comic book opening sequence and theme song were fun, it was nice to get something a little more serious for the third year. Diana Prince's HUGE glasses also disappeared over time.

The Season 3 DVD set maintains a really nice packaging design that maintains the comic book roots of the original series while at the same time not looking cheesy. And, like I said, it's nice to have all three sets side by side.

The set features commentary on the episode "My Teenage Idol Is Missing" with Wonder Woman herself, Lynda Carter. In the commentary, Ms. Carter talks about where she hoped the show would have ended, about the fads and feminism at the time of the show, and, of course, she talked about that episode's guest star, then-teenage heartthrob Leif Garrett. (Leif did the rounds on late 70's television during his pop star years... look for him also on other series such as CHiPs) Although it seemed that Carter had a list of things or a script she may have been referring to, it was really nice to hear her talking about it and even better considering it's 25 years after the fact and she's still willing to discuss it.

The third season also features some of Wonder Woman's alternative costumes, like the groovy motorcycle outfit, and she sometimes wears a cape.

There's another extra on the set, about the influence of Wonder Woman as a role model, but I must confess that I couldn't see ANYWHERE on the packaging which disk it's on, which is incredibly frustrating. Even more frustrating is the insistence on using double-sided DVD's. Part of the joy of having a multi-disc player is the possibility of watching every episode back to back just by switching discs. Not so fortunate with the double sided deal.

As part of a 50th Anniversary promotion, the DVD comes with a bonus episode of a TV series featuring another DC Comics super-hero, Shazam! Wow. Maybe because it was on before I was born, but that show was SO cheese. Kind of in a charming way. I don't know or comprehend why, for example, Billy Batson will save a kid from an oncoming car without turning into Captain Marvel, or what the Shazam! lightning bolt on the RV does for a secret identity. And that red shirt - ouch. Either way, I had never seen it before, and out of some morbid curiosity I think I'd actually like to see some more. Either that, or see that property reinvented for the 21st century - just too bad they can't jettison the "Shazam!" name, which evokes Gomer Pyle in my mind.

Anyway, for comic book fans, or for fans of the Wonder Woman character, Wonder Woman is a great package, and a great series to own all the way through. I've only been able to watch a few of the episodes thus far, but the ones I've seen so far - particularly in this third season - I have liked a lot. Episodes that I haven't watched yet, with titles like "The Boy Who Knew Her Secret," sound VERY intriguing and I can't wait to see more.

Bonus! Look for guest stars like Craig T. Nelson, Ed Begley Jr., Joe E. Tata ("Nat" from 90210!), Gavin MacLeod (Captain Stubing!), Wolfman Jack, Knots Landing couple Ted Shackelford and Joan Van Ark, Rene Auberjonois, and Rick Springfield - all in the third season.

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Note: The views of Craig Byrne don't necessarily represent the thoughts and feelings of everyone at KryptonSite.

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