kryptonsite 2010


The 2010 KryptonSite Awards: And The Winners Are...


The annual KryptonSite Awards honor the best and worst of any given season of Smallville, and it's a tradition we've had here on the site since the first season. It's a chance to reflect on what we saw the previous year to [hopefully] remain excited for what's ahead.

This year, we did some things a little differently - instead of narrowing down to nominations for Best and Worst Episodes as well as the guest star voting, we allowed a large list of choices - that way, everything was a contender. Fortunately, this change didn't seem to discourage voters, as we had a great turnout this time. It's certainly a different crowd than the people who voted in the site's early days - but hopefully it's still indicative of the fandom as a whole, and not just the people who are posting in the forums.

So let's get started... with Best Actor!

Smallville: The Complete Ninth Season hits DVD in September!
Season 9 DVD Pre-Order - Blu-ray Season 9 DVD Pre-Order

Smallville and its characters are copyright ©2010 Warner Bros. & DC Comics. This is an independent website and not authorized by the WB, the CW, or DC. The term "Kryptonite" is a trademark of DC Comics. Page copyright ©2010 KryptonSite, unless the material is noted as coming from someplace else or being by an individual author. Smallville Season 9 starred Tom Welling, Justin Hartley, Cassidy Freeman, Callum Blue, Erica Durance, and Allison Mack.
