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Look at a list of the music heard in Smallville and order some, too!


New Merchandise On The Horizon!
Here's a potpurri of some books currently available:

"Whodunnit" by Dean Wesley Smith (Smallville Series #4)
No details available

"Speed" by Cherie Bennett and Jeff Gottesfeld (Smallville Young Adults Series #5)
Clark Kent tries to solve a slew of racially motivated attacks and confront the culprit in "frozen time."

"Buried Secrets" by Suzy Colon (Smallville Young Adults Series #6)
Clark and Lex Luthor's shared romantic interest uncovers information about Clark that no one else knows. But Lex will stop at nothing to uncover the truth. No, we didn't make up this one --
the description really says "Clark and Lex Luthor's shared romantic interest."

Smallville 2004 Wall Calendar
Hopefully this year's edition won't quickly go out of stock, and hopefully they'll remember this time around that the show has more characters than just Clark, Lex, and Lana. This is due out in July.

Also coming soon:

Smallville Series
Story Title
Release Date
Diane G. Gallagher
September 2003
Nancy Holder
November 2003
Alan Grant
January 2004
Devin Grayson
March 2004
Young Adult Series
Suzan Colon
August 2003
Suzan Colon
October 2003
Cherie Bennett & Jeff Gottesfeld
December 2003

Suzan Colon

February 2004
Cherie Bennett & Jeff Gottesfeld
April 2004


Smallville Novel: "Strange Visitors"

The Smallville novels won't arrive until later this year, but the first is one of the novel series, seen here, is written by comics author Roger Stern, who also wrote the excellent "The Death and Life of Superman" novelization. It will be available in October. This series of novels also includes one by Alan Grant (Shadow of the Bat, Lobo).

Superman Archives, Volume 1
A perfect chance to see where it all began as this book reprints the first four giant issues of the "Superman" comic from 1940. Some of these stories within are from Superman's original adventures in ACTION COMICS in the late 1930s.
Smallville Young Adult Novels
Four of these are available on Amazon.com, and at least some of them are said to be written by
Cherie Bennett and Jeff Gottesfeld ("Jitters"). Here are links to order those:

"Arrival" Book One Now Available!
"See No Evil" Book Two Now Available!
"Flight" Book Three December 2002
"Animal Rage" Book Four February 2003 - Not yet available for pre-order
"Whodunnit" March 2003

Superman For All Seasons
Smallville explores the story of a young Clark Kent and his place in the world on television. In the comics, this was very well illustrated in Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale's "Superman For All Seasons." This has been labeled a "must read" by many fans and also listed as the favorite Superman story of recent years by many. Jeph Loeb, the writer of this 4-part graphic novel, will be writing for Smallville when the second season comes around.

Superman Transformed!
In 1997 the creators of the Superman comics altered Clark's powers. Since it's a given that Smallville's Clark may be dealing with at least one electrical wraith, here's where you can find out what happened when things turned shocking for Superman. It's also good if you were away from the comics for a while and were wondering what that blue Superman thing was all about.

Birds of Prey Trade Paperback
The WB's new series Birds of Prey was preceded by a comic book that inspired it. The Birds trade paperback reprints the original Birds of Prey comic book one-shots and mini-series. Now if only DC would reprint Birds of Prey #8, arguably the best issue of the series... A new printing is on the way so this might not be the cover of what you actually get.

Crisis on Infinite Earths
Want a comic book featuring almost every hero from the DC Comics universe (as of 1985?) Crisis is an excellently-written, excellently-drawn end to a bygone but very fondly remembered era. And who can resist the great cover by George Perez and Alex Ross?

"Smallville" and its characters are copyright ©2002 Warner Bros. & DC Comics. This is a fan site and not authorized by the WB or DC. Page copyright ©2002 Planet Krypton Productions, unless the material is noted as coming from someplace else. Smallville stars Tom Welling, Kristin Kreuk, Michael Rosenbaum, John Schneider, Annette O'Toole, Sam Jones III, and Allison Mack.