Issue #72--December 18, 1995

(Special America Online sendout)

"Of all the sicko, psycho... nothing personal, baby."


This Krypton Club Newsletter is being sent out early to all members of the Krypton Club on America Online... so if you're one of those people, enjoy!

We'd like to welcome everyone who is new to the Krypton Club. Remember, anyone is welcome to write for the Krypton Club Newsletter; all you have to do is send us something... we try to print as much of it as we can! And remember, tell your friends about us!

Best of all, before we begin, we are proud to announce that the Krypton Club has finally made it over the 1000-member point! (We're at 1004, to be precise :) ). Our goal was to reach 1000 by the time our 100th newsletter came out, guess we made it early :)

Remember everyone to come talk to TERI HATCHER tonight on AOL! Have fun!

Craig Byrne and Dan Patterson Presidents of the L&C Krypton Club


Teri Hatcher will appear in a live online auditorium chat on America Online TONIGHT at 10:30PM EST/7:30PM PT.

With her, Teri be will bringing to the auditorium a very special holiday gift for her fans: a new picture for download-starved FoLCs! If you saw this picture previewed in USA Today last weekend you already know how spectacular it is--just wait until you see it in color!

Be sure to show up at 10:30 p.m./7:30 p.m. sharp, because you'll have a chance to win a personalized, autographed copy of Teri's new pic in a live trivia contest as soon as the event gets underway. We may also be visited by

a few special L&C guests during the auditorium, so be sure to clear your schedules for tonight now! The auditorium location will be "Hollywood Live;" you can get there quickest by typing in the Keyword: @Hollywood Live (don't forget the @ sign at the beginning!)

After the auditorium, you might want to come to the Backstage Buzz chat room (at Keyword: ABC Primetime) for an after-Teri chat... and who knows, judging from past auditoriums, Teri MIGHT join us!

See you tonight!


The Krypton Club co-presidents, Craig and Dan, have put together reviews of last night's episode for your reading pleasure! Enjoy!


By Craig Byrne

"Home Is Where The Hurt Is" was a pretty good episode. It was great to see Lois's parents again, and even better that the Kents also happened to be present. One thing really irked me though... how about some consistency when casting actors? I can understand Phyllis Coates being unavailable to play Ellen Lane in this episode (even though I think Noel Neill would have been an interesting replacement as Ellen ;^) ), but what's up with Sam Lane aging about twenty years in two seasons? I know raising Lois had to put some gray hairs in him, but sheesh!

Even though I didn't like the replacing of actors, Harve Presnell and Beverly Garland were great as Lois's parents. I really hope we get to see them again. I'd like to think (although it isn't evidenced or contradicted in this episode) that the Lanes finally found each other again by episode's end. That might give Lois and Clark the confidence they need as well for their marriage. Now, if only Perry and Alice would hook back up!

Mindy Church was, as she was in "We Have A Lot To Talk About," a riot. She's one villain who is SUPPOSED to be stupid (unlike Spencer Spencer, who just turned out that way). Some of her lines were really funny. The best part about Mindy is that she is very manipulative and she really is a smart person. I'm sure she'll be back sometime soon. (Maybe teamed up with Lex? Hmmm, that would be interesting...)

The virus thing with Superman was too short (not that I wanted him to die), and I can't believe that Sam Lane was so galactically stupid that he couldn't figure out CK and Superman are the same person. Well, at least now we know where Lois got it from.

All in all, it was a pretty good episode.... not as good as "Season's Greedings" but still good enough to rate an A- (what's this, I've given three A-es in a row? Well, if the shoe fits...!)


By Dan Patterson

I had high expectations for this episode. Not only were we going to see Lois's parents and the discussion of their many problems, but we were also expecting great drama with Superman dying. In some ways this episode lived up to the expectations, in other ways it didn't.

The first problem I had with this episode was the character of Sam Lane. There were major inconsisties from the Sam Lane we saw in "Requiem of a Superhero" in the first season. I had a hard time believing that Mr. Lane, a prestigious doctor, would go from the genius of his sports medical career and cyborg creator, to Mr. "Abs in a bottle" in about 2 years. Also Sam mentioned he hadn't practiced medicine in 15 years, yet it was about 2 years ago that Requiem aired and he was working on the athletes. I do understand that this character was completely different... He was a bit towards the eccentric side and was rather strange. But I would have liked to have seen some consistency with the character.

There were other details that slipped as well. In "Fall of the House of Luthor" Superman was nearly killed in the kryptonite cage. After escaping the cage, and a while later, he was unable to save Lex Luthor... Yet, in this episode, Superman had a virus, was exposed to kryptonite, was close to death, but still managed right afterward to fly and save the Kents and Lois from that microwave.

I'm not finished yet... two more itty bitty complaints.. Baby Gunderson was funny at times, and provided some comic relief. On the other hand, plugging the tree into her head was rather tacky. I thought that carried it a bit far. However, Kathy Trageser did an excellent job of doing the cyborg like movements. I also feel that someone should notice how close Lois has become to Superman. They talk in public, and in this episode she was lying down with him. I would think that tabloids in Metropolis would pick up on it seeing that Superman is in the public spotlight so often.

Although there were inconistencies in parts, "Home Is Where The Hurt Is" was an enjoyable episode. I thought that many of the discussions between the families were excellent. Most of all, I loved the scenes with the Kents! (too bad there weren't more of them). The last half of the episode was a tear jerker. Watching Martha and Jonathan hold back their emotions, as well as watching Lois do her best to was touching. I thought it was also a great dramatic touch to bring Superman so close to death.

Mindy is a great villain in many ways. She is intelligent, clever, and oh so devious. The one problem I have with Mindy is her voice. I would prefer to hear her real voice more often in an episode rather than the phoney airhead voice. I understand the facade she puts on, but her voice really gets on my nerves. I would also like to know where Mindy found out about the spaceship and baby Superman. I felt that Mindy's henchman was excellent. The microwave device was great and when he was framed.... that was just superb!

The romantic scene at the end was also well done. It was a nice note to end an episode on. It seems that L&C always does a great job with the romantic scenes, and I was happy that this episode seemed to balance the A plot and the B plot.

Although I have mentioned a lot more negative aspects than positive ones, I must say this episode was fun. I can easily overlook the plot holes and enjoy the show. "Home Is Where the Hurt Is" was very well done and I give it a....... B+

[Grading scale: A+ (meaning great), to F- (meaning worse than 14 Spencer Spencers combined)]


What did YOU think of "Home Is Where The Hurt Is?" Tell us at "QUESTION OF THE WEEK" at or! Please limit your answers to a reasonable length! Send your responses by Wednesday night!


Teri Hatcher will be seen on America Online tonight at 10:30PM EST. Don't forget!

Both "Patrick" from "When Irish Eyes are Killing" and "the midget" from "Resurrection" appeared on this weekend's rerun of "Baywatch."


Here is the "L&C" trivia question for today....

What was the first thing Lois Lane ever said to Clark Kent in the "Pilot?"

The answer to Thursday's trivia question: The place where Lois and Clark were eating in the Virtual World, when Clark revealed to Lois that he had never crossed the "intimacy threshhold" was "Gabby's Deli." Lori Gorsch, Diane Hernandez, Jenny Whitfield, Michelle Ko, Lisa the Maryland Girl, Jennifer Austring, Cheereeo, Potti, LuckyCBF, SueY AMC, Aurora9279, CMASSIH, Pedestal77, PJLJT, TBONEBTONE, LADEE V, KH1369, Gilch24, LEIGHERI, Meli79, ABD93, ClarkXX, Lisa Freedman, ACE EM, LCfan66211, CMB1966, Issimo 107, Michielsen, KellyE6869, CZwygart, MarthaRB, JLerebours, N MAHONEY7, OurCousin, JOSHE J, ZiPPyCA, ASHAHDI, MTM123, StSwithun all got the trivia question right.

Send your answers to "TRIVIA" at or! You have until Wednesday night to respond! No fair breaking out tapes and cheating!


The Krypton Club has its very own letters column for you! Send all correspondence to "LETTERS" at or! There is no way we can print everything, but we do read all of our mail, and remember, if you write something and do not wish us to print it, please say so! Thanks!


Subj: Re: "Home Is Where The Hurt I... Date: 95-12-18 17:50:27 EST From: Stumpy NY To: Krypton FX

One thing that would be great is if the spoilers identified the guest stars - I can't quite figure out who played Lois' mom, although I'm sure I know the actress.

Either in the spoilers or newsletters, cast lists would be great!

Keep up the good work!

[You're in luck! When the Krypton Club Web Pages are up, our eventual goal is to make it so all you have to do is click on someone's name in the episode guides and you'll be right there to see a biography and filmography of the actors or actresses in question. As for Lois's mom... she was played by Beverly Garland, who appeared on the show "Mama Rosa" in the year 1950. She also appeared on the "Bing Crosby Show" from 1964-1965, and on "Scarecrow and Mrs. King" from 1983-1987 as Mrs. King's mother. Her best-known role was as the woman Steve Douglas (Fred McMurray) married on "My Three Sons." She was on that show from 1969-1972.--Craig]


If you have an announcement you'd like us to print, send it to "ANNOUNCEMENTS" at or!

Today's quote came from "Home Is Where The Hurt Is."
To answer your many questions about getting to the IRC (Internet Relay Chat) through AOL, we will be printing instructions on how to accomplish this feat in an upcoming newsletter (hopefully #73 on Thursday!)
There are new photos available in the EXTRA area on America Online. Type in Keyword: EXTRA, and then click "Photo Gallery," and click "Guest Album II." The L&C pictures are near the top of the list.
The first America Online "Superman Poll" is up in the ABC area! From there, pick your favorite episode of season 3 (so far)!
Elysa Jacobs ( is looking for BJ2, BJ5, and BJ6 in order to complete her set. If there is anyone out there that could help her she would greatly appreciate it. She is willing to pay the cost of the cards and shipping.
Announcing the second FOLCFest in Raleigh, North Carolina! We're having our Fest the weekend of January 13-14th (right before Martin Luther King day), and if you're close enough to make it, leave the kids & the spouse behind & come party with us! We've got spare sofas available if you'd need to crash over the weekend. If you're interested, contact Pam Jernigan ( or Chris Mulder (
Attention Northern California FOLC's!!! and will be organizing a Northern CA Folcfest. If you are interested in attending, please email your name, where you live, and suggestions of when and where to have the fest. Thank you!
Please do NOT respond to the "" address. Craig is currently unable to retrieve mail at that address. Instead, write or reply to the "" or "" addresses.
THE KRYPTON CLUB NEEDS YOUR HELP! We're hoping to have our Krypton Club World Wide Web pages done in time for New Year's, to coincide with our 75th newsletter. Most of the pages are already finished, but there is one page for which we really need your help!

The page is our links page.... there's a ton of "L&C"/FOLC stuff out there, but it would take MONTHS to sort through it all! So, if you have a L&C-related page on the Web, or even just a personal page of your own, send the url to and we'll put a link to it from the Krypton Club Links page.

Besides links, there will be many other things to look forward to... you will be able to read recent and early Krypton Club newsletters on the Web (our eventual goal is to include them all), you'll also be able to access recent spoilers and fanfiction, and find out all about your favorite "L&C" people! And that's just the beginning of it! So send us your links, and come January 1st, hopefully you will have a pleasant surprise =^)


Ratings for "Home Is Where The Hurt Is!" And remember, in the road of life, there are super-heroes, and there are mad scientists. Don't become a mad scientist, okay? =^)

Dan Patterson and Craig Byrne Presidents of the L&C Krypton Club

SEND REPLIES & CORRESPONDENCE TO KRYPTON92@AOL.COM OR KRYPTONFX@AOL.COM! (If you write us something and don't want us to print it, please say so!)
What are you waiting for? Join the Krypton Club if you haven't already!

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The Krypton Club is not affiliated with ABC, December 3rd Productions, or Warner Brothers. Special thanks goes out to Tom Terenyi for help in producing these pages.