Issue #71--December 14, 1995

"Jimmy, I'm too old to surf, and too smart to think that you can catch love in a net."


We have been informed by ABC Amy (the person who has been revitalizing the L&C online area on AOL) that TERI HATCHER will appear in an ABC online auditorium next MONDAY, DECEMBER 18 at 10:30 p.m. ET/7:30 p.m. PT.

And with her, Teri be will bringing to the auditorium a very special holiday gift for her fans: a stunning new picture for download-starved FoLCs! (It's an *understatement* to call this shot "eye-popping" -- If you thought Teri's record-setting cape shot was sexy, wait 'til you see this one! One of the "props" in the picture is made of red satin, and it's *not* Superman's cape!) Be sure to show up at 10:30 p.m./7:30 p.m. sharp, because you'll have a chance to win a personalized, autographed copy of Teri's new pic in a live trivia contest as soon as the event gets underway. We may also be visited by a few special L&C guests during the auditorium, so be sure to clear your Monday night schedules now! The auditorium location will be "Hollywood Live;" the quickest way to get there on AOL would be to type in Keyword: Center Stage and head to Hollywood Live from there.

If you don't have America Online yet, and if you live in the United States, what are you waiting for? If you have an AOL startup disk, join and get your free hours, and come talk to Teri!

A "sneak preview" of Teri's new online picture can be seen (in black and white) in this Friday's USA TODAY newspaper!

We'd like to welcome everyone who is new to the Krypton Club. Remember, anyone is welcome to write for the Krypton Club Newsletter; all you have to do is send us something... we try to print as much of it as we can! And remember, tell your friends about us!

Craig Byrne and Dan Patterson

Presidents of the L&C Krypton Club


"Lois & Clark" virtually destroyed its competition on Sunday, soaring high in the ratings and stomping "Cybill" and "Mad About You." Here's the breakdown....These Neilsen ratings came from this morning's USA Today. Unless otherwise noted, these shows began at 8PM EST....

Show (Viewers Rating Share Rank Network)

"Lois & Clark" (18.9 11.4 17 #23 ABC)

"Cybill" (13.3 9.5 15 #40 CBS)

"Mad About You" (r) (12.6 8.0 12 #59* NBC)

"Hope & Gloria" (8:30) (12.1 8.0 12 #59* NBC)

"Almost Perfect" (8:30) (11.2 8.0 12 #59* CBS)

"The Simpsons" (13.2 7.8 12 #62 FOX)

"Martin" (8:30) (12.7 7.4 11 #65 FOX)

"Sister, Sister" (r) (4.0 2.7 4 #94 WB)

"Cleghorne! (r) (8:30) (3.1 2.1 3 #99 WB)

(r) = Rerun

* = Tie (can you believe all three had the same rank? No fooling!)

Here's how "L&C" did compared to other shows last week....

#1 "ER"

#2 "Seinfeld"

#3 "Caroline in the City"

#4 "Home Improvement"

#5 "Friends"

#26 "Hudson Street"

#28 "Roseanne"

#42 "The X-Files"

#64 "Due South"

#79 "Murder, She Wrote"

Just a note... rankings posted in the Krypton Club Newsletter are based on total households, rather than total viewers as seen in "Entertainment Weekly" and ABC Online. "L&C" ranked #14 as far as total viewers went. We use "USA Today"'s ratings because there is more data that we are able to compare "L&C" to. It's not saying that either particular way of reporting ratings is right or wrong, we just wanted to note why you may see two different rankings for results.


On Sunday, we asked what you (the readers) thought of "Virtually Destroyed." We received a few dozen responses; due to space considerations we are only printing three of them.... Here they are! "This episode was the best of the season and I was suprised that Dean Cain is a good writer as well as a good actor. The only thing is that how can Superman have sex when a needle can't even puncture his skin (anyone who's seen 'Mall Rats' understands). Well this episode was really good and if the rest of the season is as good as this the ratings should go through the roof."

NandoX (Matt Combes): "Okay, we were all anxiously awaiting the answer to the age-old question of whether or not Clark is a, very patient man. Now we know, and yes, many FoLC's are upset. Sans me. I'm sure many will disagree with me, and I'm sure that many will think me "old fashioned", or something like that. But the fact remains that I am glad Dean wrote Clark *as* a virgin, and I hope that this will hold true until Lois and Clark get married. It will be a needle in a haystack of tons of shows that already put the emphasis on premarital sex, and for that I sincerely applaud it (even more than I *already* do, of course!). I think Dean took a big step in doing that, and to him I give my accolades. Don't get me wrong, I love to see the romance and the kissing, and all that good stuff, but having Clark save himself was a nice move and a great touch for the show."

Shelocta: "This was a fantastic episode. It kept you on the edge of your seat, plus it had really cool special effects. I loved the relationship stuff. I'm glad they're waiting. I thought Jimmy's Bruce Lee impersonation was hilarious. Also, the villian was pretty interesting. What I didn't like was that neither Jimmy nor Jaxon noticed how much Clark looks like Superman without his glasses on. Other then that, I think it was great. Dean did a really good job."

Thanks to everyone who responded... sorry we couldn't print them all! Look for a new "Question of the Week" on Monday!


Lane Smith will be featured in an article about people who have played Richard Nixon, in USA TODAY sometime next week.


Here is the "L&C" trivia question for today....

What was the name of the place where Lois and Clark were eating in the virtual world, when Clark revealed to Lois that he had never crossed the "intimacy threshhold?"

The answer to Monday's trivia question: Andrew Mark Berman (Jaxon Xavier) and Michael Landes (the first Jimmy Olsen) both had recurring roles on "The Wonder Years." WshIWsLois, Laurieann Chaikowsky, DarkIce24, ClarkXX, Rube71162, and KLV13 got this trivia question right. (Brearley and JLerebours noted that they're both males with dark hair, but we were looking for a little more than that...sorry Karen and Ketsia)

Send your answers to "TRIVIA" at or! You have until Sunday night to respond! If you say "Tenney's Grill," you're in big trouble!


The Krypton Club has its very own letters column for you! Send all correspondence to "LETTERS" at or! There is no way we can print everything, but we do read all of our mail, and remember, if you write something and do not wish us to print it, please say so! Thanks!


Subj: Letter Date: 95-12-12 10:20:46 EST From: To:


I loved the Virtual Reality episode of L&C, I do have one question however. If Jimmy can break into computers at places like LexCorp, then what is he doing working at the Daily Planet?

Setauket John

[You are definitely not the only person to ask this question... would you believe that he has these new skills because he's some supporting character in some TV show, and he gained computer skills just to advance the plot? Seriously though, if you're watching a TV show about a flying man, you have to suspend disbelief. So, if it appears that Lois's apartment number keeps changing, or that you swear Jimmy Olsen looks different than he used to, just ignore it... it's fiction!--Craig]


If you have an announcement you'd like us to print, send it to "ANNOUNCEMENTS" at or!

Today's quote came from "Virtually Destroyed."
It seems like all the time now we're announcing something that's happening on ABC Online on AOL. Here's the latest... there are new L&C pictures for you to download! If you have America Online, type in the keyword: ABC Primetime. Then (conveniently enough) click the "ABC Primetime" area and it will lead you to the recently-revamped "Lois & Clark" area!
The weekly "Superman Challenge" polls on America Online's ABC Online area have been delayed. Instead of beginning this week, they will begin next week instead.
LBALD ( is looking for a tape of Dean Cain on Tom Snyder on Dec. 8, and also the Dec. 8 EXTRA! segment on "L&C."
R. Bagwell ( is looking for video copies of the first season episodes of "Lois & Clark." R. is willing to pay all costs including tapes and shipping. R. also has copies of the tapes from the second season-on that R. is willing to trade.
Announcing the second FOLCFest in Raleigh, North Carolina! We're having our Fest the weekend of January 13-14th (right before Martin Luthor King day), and if you're close enough to make it, leave the kids & the spouse behind & come party with us! We've got spare sofas available if you'd need to crash over the weekend. If you're interested, contact Pam Jernigan ( or Chris Mulder (
Attention Northern California FOLC's!!! and will be organizing a Northern CA Folcfest. If you live are interested in attending, please email your name, where you live, and suggestions of when and where to have the fest. Thank you!
Please do NOT respond to the "" address. Craig is currently unable to retrieve mail at that address. Instead, write or reply to the "" or "" addresses.

We're hoping to have our Krypton Club World Wide Web pages done in time for New Year's, to coincide with our 75th newsletter. Most of the pages are already finished, but there is one page for which we really need your help!

The page is our links page.... there's a ton of "L&C"/FOLC stuff out there, but it would take MONTHS to sort through it all! So, if you have a L&C-related page on the Web, or even just a personal page of your own, send the url to and we'll put a link to it from the Krypton Club Links page.

Besides links, there will be many other things to look forward to... you will be able to read recent and early Krypton Club newsletters on the Web (our eventual goal is to include them all), you'll also be able to access recent spoilers and fanfiction, and find out all about your favorite "L&C" people! And that's just the beginning of it! So send us your links, and come January 1st, hopefully you will have a pleasant surprise =^)


"Home Is Where The Hurt Is!"

Dan Patterson and Craig Byrne

Presidents of the L&C Krypton Club

SEND REPLIES & CORRESPONDENCE TO KRYPTON92@AOL.COM OR KRYPTONFX@AOL.COM! (If you write us something and don't want us to print it, please say so!)
What are you waiting for? Join the Krypton Club if you haven't already!

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The Krypton Club is not affiliated with ABC, December 3rd Productions, or Warner Brothers. Special thanks goes out to Tom Terenyi for help in producing these pages.