Issue #70--December 11, 1995

"So what you're saying is, you're a vir--very patient man."


We have been informed by ABC Amy (the person who has been revitalizing the L&C online area on AOL) that TERI HATCHER will appear in an ABC online auditorium next MONDAY, DECEMBER 18 at 10:30 p.m. ET/7:30 p.m. PT.

And with her, Teri be will bringing to the auditorium a very special holiday gift for her fans: a stunning new picture for download-starved FoLCs! (It's an *understatement* to call this shot "eye-popping" -- If you thought Teri's record-setting cape shot was sexy, wait 'til you see this one! One of the "props" in the picture is made of red satin, and it's *not* Superman's cape!) Be sure to show up at 10:30 p.m./7:30 p.m. sharp, because you'll have a chance to win a personalized, autographed copy of Teri's new pic in a live trivia contest as soon as the event gets underway. We may also be visited by a few special L&C guests during the auditorium, so be sure to clear your Monday night schedules now! The exact auditorium location (i.e. Globe, Coliseum, Rotunda) for the event will be posted in the ABC Online "Star Sightings" folder and in the Krypton Club Newsletter shortly.

Here's a little information we received for Krypton Club members about the new picture of Teri... One of the "props" in the picture is made of red satin, and it's *not* Superman's cape.

If you don't have America Online yet, and if you live in the United States, what are you waiting for? If you have an AOL startup disk, join and get your free hours, and come talk to Teri!

Remember, anyone is welcome to write for the Krypton Club Newsletter; all you have to do is send us something... we try to print as much of it as we can! And remember, tell your friends about us!

Craig Byrne and Dan Patterson

Presidents of the L&C Krypton Club


Your Krypton Club presidents, Craig and Dan, have prepared reviews about Sunday night's episode for your reading pleasure. Enjoy! Remember you're able to respond--send your opinions to the Krypton Club addresses! Please note that duplication of these opinions in these reviews is unintentional; we promise that we did not read each other's reviews before printing this newsletter.


"Virtually Destroyed" is by far the best episode this season. I only have a few minor complaints, so I'll get them out of the way first. Lois overreacted to Clark be a "very patient man." I would understood a slight amount of shock, but I think it was overdone. After all, she had to have known after "COTOC" that Clark had never really loved a woman before he met her. And I think she'd assume CK wouldn't do the "horizontal lambada" without being in love. I am glad Dean had the guts to finally write that CK is a "patient man" and put a lot of the arguments to rest. Another problem with the episode was that it was unrealistic in many ways. Some of the virtually reality was a possibility, but the idea that Jimmy could break into LexCorp and was some kind of super computer genius was a little far fetched.

Just about everything else in "Virtually Destroyed" was incredible! I thought that the plot was both interesting and fun. The fact that Lex Jr. controlled his virtual world made the possibilities endless. I loved the fact that the passwords were the names Luthor wanted to use, and that they all had an "X" in them. There was a lot of attention paid to details. The twins walking around, the same people in the same places, etc... All of these were subtle hints that L&C weren't in the real world. I was also pleased that the episode used a lot of fact on VR. I know that Dean doesn't know computers, so I'm assuming he did some homework or had his co-writer help him with it.

I think Dean did something very intelligent with this ep... He avoided L&C doing the "horizontal lambada" yet gave people who wanted to see that type of a scene something to look forward to. Hopefully they will now wait until they are married. It sounded like they will by what Lois said.

Jimmy and Perry were superb! I loved Jimmy's line, "I'm the king of video games." Oh so true... You can really tell Dean and Justin are good friends, they play Sega games all the time and that was a great inside reference. Justin did a great job in this episode. I also loved Perry's line, "You can't catch love in a net."

By far the best part of this episode was the special effects! "Virtually Destroyed" cost L&C twice as much as other episodes, and you can tell by the way it looked. When the villian morphed out of Taz on the poster, when L&C and Jimmy broke through the wall, the glitches in the backgrounds and sets, and all the other incredible effects like Supe bouncing off "X's" chest.

"Virtually Destroyed" had a fun, interesting, and clever plot... great lines for the supporting characters and others.... and awesome effects!!! "Mr. GQ" did a great job writing and acting in his episode. I particularly liked the mannerisms when Lex Jr. turned into Clark. "Virtually Destroyed" is the best episode so far this season and for once I am actually happy with the villian. I give this episode, a very real.... A.


Well, it's come and gone. The episode everyone's been raving about ever since Dean first hinted on the talk shows that in this episode, L&C might cross the "intimacy threshhold."

They didn't go over the line (more on that later), but even though they didn't (which probably disappointed several FOLCs, and probably Jay Leno as well) this episode provided some of the best special effects in "L&C" history and introduced a new villain in Jaxon Xavier (or is it Lex Luthor Jr.?)

Jaxon had a really stupid laugh, but at least he wasn't as stupid as some of the villains Lois and Clark have faced earlier in the season (like Spencer Spencer or Bob Fences). Several of his mannerisms really did make him seem like a young Lex Luthor.

Several things, besides the special effects, made this episode great. First off is the fact that it was written (very well I might add) by Dean Cain. The best part of having a cast member write an episode (especially one as good as this one) is that the actors really know how the characters should be written. For example, even though Deborah Joy Levine developed the "Clark" character for television, and the writers and producers have the final say on what Clark does, Dean Cain knows the character best.

Another thing that made this episode good was the fact that one of the supporting characters (Jimmy) had almost as big of a role as Dean and Teri did. In the classic "Adventures of Superman," there were several episodes where Jimmy was involved, why not here? My only complaint with all of that is not once did anyone ask where Clark was while Lois was in the virtual world and Superman was trying to save him.

Now, for the part everyone's talking about... the revelations. Before watching this episode I almost expected this episode to be the episode parents groups would hate; after all, Superman--idol and role model to millions of children--might be having sex, before he is married. But, we weren't left without anything to talk about. There was the steamy scene before Jaxon broke in, and we learned several things, most important of which is the fact that Clark Kent is a vir--very patient man. I think it's a good quality that is being shown to the kids of the world that Clark is waiting for the woman he truly loves. And now, of course now that they've talked about it and said they were going to wait, you know the sexual tension will really build... they'll want it, but will they break what they said earlier? Tune in to "Lois & Clark" and find out, every Sunday on ABC. My grade: A-

[Grading Scale: Ranges from A+ (meaning excellent) to F- (so bad it could be worse than 18 Spencer Spencers combined)]


What did YOU think of "Virtually Destroyed?"

You have until Wednesday night to respond! Please send your responses to "QUESTION OF THE WEEK" at or! Please limit your responses to one paragraph! Thanks!


"L&C" fans were asked about a week and a half ago to submit their questions for Dean Cain in the ABC Online area of America Online. Well, Dean has answered the questions, and here are his responses! FOLCs whose questions were answered not only got their questions answered, they also got copies of the script for "Virtually Destroyed," *signed* by Dean Cain! These questions were answered last week, so if "Virtually Destroyed" is referred to in the future tense, that's why :)

KATHEX: "Virtual reality is currently a hot topic, and the evolving Lois and Clark romance is even *hotter.* In light of the fact that you've been a proponent of taking L&C's relationship into uncharted territory, how difficult was it to write an episode that would satisfy the ABC execs (and yourself), stay within the restrictions imposed by L&C's 8:00 time slot, remain entertaining to the average viewer, yet satisfy the incurably romantic fan of the series?"

Dean: "Dear Kathy, It is *truly* difficult to balance all these things and create something that people want to watch, and, to be honest, it is not an enviable task. *But*, some people like to do math, others like to build things. I like to write, to create; and it can be pretty easy to me -- probably easier than acting."

DHVanderv: "Dean, we have been debating for 2-1/2 years now on the LOISCLA listserv whether or not Clark Kent is a virgin. CK traveled around the world prior to settling down in Metropolis, and we found out that he has a past in `Chip Off the Old Clark' when CK told his mom, `I have dated you know!' But dating doesn't always mean the same thing to everyone. So, will we find out for sure whether CK is a virgin or not in your `Virtually Destroyed' episode? Or, if your episode does not cover it, will we ever know for sure?"

Dean: "Dear Dayna: The `Virtually Destroyed' episode will *definitely* answer the virginity question with Clark. Tune in, or you'll miss out!"

SESUTHER: "You seem to be a person who always rises to a challenge. From the school you attended to your football injury to your current job working on Lois & Clark, you have actively fought difficulties and surmounted them. My question is, what challenge have you not yet tackled that intrigues you?"

Dean: "Dear Susan: There are two *huge* challenges that await me in the future. One is to successfully make the transition to feature films. The other and more important one is to get married and raise a happy, healthy family."

COOKE6: "I know your father is a director. With you getting more into writing, would you like to see your father direct something that you've written? I think it would be interesting to see how your father would envision something that you had written. What do you think?"

Dean: "Dear Paul: I started in this business as a writer under my father's tutelage. Everything I wrote, I wrote for him/with him. I'm *sure* we'll work together in the future, because we do, in fact, work together *very* well."

HLento: "I know the writing process is filled with numerous rewrites and editing. After writing the first draft of `Virtually Destroyed,' how much input to your original script did you get from the producers and cast? Was there much rewriting/ad-libbing, or will the `Virtually Destroyed' episode appear just as you originally wrote it?"

Dean: "Dear Helen: *No* episode in the history of television has ever appeared just as the writer originally wrote it! Nowadays a writer has to answer to the show's writing staff, the executive producers, the studio, the network, and finally, the other actors. (Then the process starts all over again!) Fortunately, the more you write, the more respect you get (if you're good!), and the less rewriting you have to do. This particular script is very true to my original vision, and I did most of the rewriting myself."

VCTHOMAS: "Of the two scripts you have written for L&C, which one is your favorite, which one was more difficult to write, and why?

Dean: "Dear Vicki: My favorite is `Virtually Destroyed' because it combines action, special effects, danger *and* romance. A lot happens between the characters (Lois and Clark), and their relationship moves forward as a result. `Season's Greedings' was more difficult. Because it was my first script for the show, the battles with producers and writers were tougher. *But*, they saw I had some talent, the script worked, and now I get fewer notes. I'm a proven commodity!"


By Craig Byrne (

Who would have expected that "L&C" would be all over the place last Friday? Here's where you could find your favorite "L&C" people, in case you missed any of it....


Teri Hatcher appeared on "Leno" on her birthday night. She came out with a very sexy silver shirt that was cut off above her belly button. She then teased Jay about all his gray hair, and her birthday cake (which was made by the Tonight staff) ended up being eaten by some guy named Butterbean (sp.?) Jay continued to joke about how "L&C" were going to "do it," and Teri said "He's waited 50 years, I think he's ready." She also did some flirting with Jay, and admitted she had a therapist (Her very own Dr. Friskin? ).


Dean Cain appeared on "The Late Late Show" on Friday night, but it was kind of disappointing because I felt that Tom Snyder was not only being very rude, but also very uninformed. For starters, before Dean came out, they played the Superman movie theme! Then Snyder proceeded to ask questions concerning Christopher Reeve (which I felt was very tasteless) and he continued laughing at his own stupid jokes.


"ET" showed scenes from "Virtually Destroyed," including Superman getting beaten up by X. Even after they showed the "VD" clip, "ET" forgot to mention Teri's birthday! Hello! Duh!


Dean Cain appeared on EXTRA!, teasing fans about "Virtually Destroyed." Dean was also the topic of EXTRA's trivia question on Friday night.


Even though this wasn't "L&C," the death of George Reeves (the 1950's Superman) was the featured topic on Friday night's show.


K Callan will appear on the Fox TV-movie "Saved by the Light" Tuesday night at 8PM (EST) on the Fox network.

Lane Smith was spotted all over the place last weekend! On Saturday, he was spotted in "D2: The Mighty Ducks," and last night, Lane appeared in "The Distinguished Gentleman" alongside Eddie Murphy.

TODAY'S "L&C" TOP TEN LIST! by Steve Silvestro

Here they are, the top 10 things Superman says to Lois on the sideline of an incident, after Lois has followed him.....

#10. "What took so long? I was getting worried."

#9. "Did you get that Choco-Chocolate Monster Chip Ice Cream I wanted?"

#8. "Could you put some money in my meter?"

Lois: "But, didn't you fly here?"


#7. "Do you have any gum?"

#6. "Now if you had some super-powers......."

#5. "Lois! Don't follow me. These people have just experienced a traumatic incident. If they were to see you in one of your outfits, who knows what it'll do to them!"

#4. "Well, looking at this crime, I'd have to say that with all the time they've been hanging around here this has to be the work of the infamous team of Craig and Dan!"

#3. "See that nun over there? She's my mom."

#2. "This is really tiring. I think I'll let Steve Silvestro take over for a while. Is that okay with you, Lois?"

"Of course!! "

And here it is, the #1 thing that Superman says to Lois at the scene of an incident:

"Shouldn't you be at the premiere of 'Heaven's Prisoners'? D'oh, nevermind."

Send your top ten lists to "TOP TEN" at or!


Would you like to become e-mail buddies with some more FOLCs? Sure you do! Just put in your name, where you live, your age, some (non-L&C ) hobbies, and your e-mail address... and happy corresponding! Send all pen-pal info to "PEN PALS" at or!


Here is the "L&C" trivia question for today....

What do Andrew Mark Berman (Jaxon Xavier) and Michael Landes (the first Jimmy Olsen) have in common, besides the fact that they both have appeared on "Lois & Clark?"

The answer to Friday's trivia question (possibly the easiest trivia question in Krypton Club history): Lane Smith played Richard Nixon in the movie "The Final Days." Meredith66, DavidH5201, MDS615, ATL056, Clark XX, TBONEBTONE, LisaC, BGWillis, JLerebours, SuperMe95, Taz3952465, Anna Allen, PoliSci54, Anaeve, RPIsrael, Shelocta, SLai7, CMB1966, Baugher, MarthaRB, Ceri321, ZiPPyCA, N MAHONEY7, Sladezing, Ultrawomn, Karen 7, Michelle Ko, Sarah Gevlin, Susan Fullerton, Setauket John, Ange Wo1f, Cas0001, Krypto29, ABD93, CZwygart, Lori Gorschboth, John Heaton, and Jacob Herman got that trivia question right.

Send your answers to "TRIVIA" at or! You have until Wednesday night to respond!


The Krypton Club has its very own letters column for you! Send all correspondence to "LETTERS" at or! There is no way we can print everything, but we do read all of our mail, and remember, if you write something and do not wish us to print it, please say so! Thanks!


Subj: TH Poster? Date: 95-12-09 23:00:53 EST From: WshIWsLois To: CraigByrne

Hi Craig:

Weird question, but you're the one who would know the answer! (Don't you feel important?)

I've heard conflicting reports -- was there a B&W poster of Teri released with the original batch of promotional ones from ABC when the series premiered? ("Have You Been To Metropolis Lately" and the one of Dean alone). My comic book guy said that their original shipment had 3 posters in the set -- one of Dean, the one for the show, and one of Teri. I have never seen the one of Teri and no one else I've ever spoken to has ever seen OR HEARD of one picturing Teri by herself. I'm going to stop chasing one down if it never existed to begin with! :)

Let me know -- thanks,

Bobbie Jo

[Guess what... I *don't* know this answer! But hopefully some kind FOLC who is reading this newsletter right now would know... so if anyone knows if there was a B&W poster of just Teri, e-mail us at the Krypton Club Newsletter! --Craig]


If you have an announcement you'd like us to print, send it to "ANNOUNCEMENTS" at or!

Today's quote came from "Virtually Destroyed."
Starting tomorrow, weekly polls will be held in ABC Online on America Online.

The polls will be called the "Superrman Challenge." It'll review a major plot point of the next week's episode, in the first case it will be "Home is Where the Hurt Is," and fans will be asked to vote on what they think will happen.

Announcing the second FOLCFest in Raleigh, North Carolina! We're having our Fest the weekend of January 13-14th (right before Martin Luthor King day), and if you're close enough to make it, leave the kids & the spouse behind & come party with us! We've got spare sofas available if you'd need to crash over the weekend. If you're interested, contact Pam Jernigan ( or Chris Mulder ( is looking for tapes of EVERYTHING that was on Friday night. Snyder interview, ET, Extra, and Leno. I sure do miss a lot with a VCR in the shop! has L&C 1 and L&C9 and is willing to trade or buy for BJ2. He/she will pay all costs including shipping. is looking for the Pilot episode and is willing to pay for the tape and postage.
Mina95 is looking for a tape of Teri's apperence on Jay Leno and Dean's apperence the night before on the Late, Late Show (after Letterman)
Attention Northern California FOLC's!!! and will be organizing a Northern CA Folcfest. If you live are interested in attending, please email your name, where you live, and suggestions of when and where to have the fest. Thank you!
Please do NOT respond to the "" address. Craig is currently unable to retrieve mail at that address. Instead, write or reply to the "" or "" addresses.

Ratings for "Virtually Destroyed!"

Dan Patterson and Craig Byrne

Presidents of the L&C Krypton Club

SEND REPLIES & CORRESPONDENCE TO KRYPTON92@AOL.COM OR KRYPTONFX@AOL.COM! (If you write us something and don't want us to print it, please say so!)
What are you waiting for? Join the Krypton Club if you haven't already!

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The Krypton Club is not affiliated with ABC, December 3rd Productions, or Warner Brothers. Special thanks goes out to Tom Terenyi for help in producing these pages.