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This Week's Comics!
by Daniducci

And the first comics shipment of 2002 is ready to roll. Kick off the New Year with a resolution to donate money to DC comics. To find your nearest comic book store, just call 1-800-COMIC BOOK.

These most likely hit the stands Thursday, Jan. 3.

Super-titles of the week:

Written by Evan Dorkin and Sarah Dyer; art by Aluir Amancio and Terry Austin; cover by Mike Manley and Austin
This is based on the animated show from the WB. The long-comatose Livewire has sprung back to life at last…just in time to become a pawn of Lex Luthor in a deadly game between the millionaire and an enemy that can engulf even him! Part 1 of 2.
32 pages, $1.99

Supergueststar titles:

Written by Kurt Busiek; art by Keith Giffen and Al Milgrom; cover by Tom Grummett and Michael Bair
Guest-starring Superman! In the wake of the INVASION! crossover (which occurred years ago), Josiah Power — a successful African-American attorney — finds himself gifted with super-powers, and his professional and personal life spiraling into ruin. But an encounter with Superman and the JLI (the Justice League of that era) will give him a chance to turn his life around, and set him on the road toward creating the Power Company.
32 pages, $2.50

Written by Mark Waid; art by Bryan Hitch, J.H. Williams III, Javier Saltares, Phil Jiminez, Ty Templeton, Doug Mahnke, Mark Pajarillo, Mike S. Miller, and various; cover by Hitch and Paul Neary

Reprinting JLA #47-54, DIVIDED WE FALL has the JLA facing the twisted fairy-tale nightmare of the Queen of Fables and the world-altering Dr. Destiny, in a manner they never had to before: questioning the trustworthiness of their comrades! With the League desperately trying to pick up the shattered remnants of their loyalty, an escaped alien "sentergy" called ID invades Earth.
208 page Trade Paperback. $17.95 - Order through Amazon.com and help support KryptonSite!


Written by Kurt Busiek; art by Ramon Bachs and Raul Fernandez; cover by Tom Grummett and Michael Bair
Guest-starring Superboy! Introducing Striker Z — a former Hong Kong action-movie stuntman turned accidental superhero! In this one-shot, he gets his first taste of the superhero life, as he and Superboy must stop the Golden Sorceror — a powerful threat to all Hong Kong linked to Striker Z's origin. But Striker Z's first taste won't be his last!
32 pages, $2.50

Written by Peter David; art and cover by Todd Nauck and Lary Stucker
Is the Ray the newest member of Young Justice, filling in for Robin and Impulse? Or is he just a guest-star? Meanwhile, Secret and Snapper Carr deal with a most bizarre and unusual menace! I am unaware whether or not Superboy appears in this issue, but he is a regular member of the Young Justice team.
32 pages, $2.50

Special inclusion:

Written by Greg Rucka; art by Rick Burchett and Klaus Janson; cover by Dave Johnson
A one-shot you can't afford to miss! And priced at only 10 cents, you won't have to! When Batman responds to a series of crimes, little does he know that a crime also is occurring in the one place in the world he considers safe. This story ends with an intense cliffhanger, springboarding into the "Bruce Wayne: Murderer?" storyline running through most of the Batman-related books this month and next! Your shop may even have a promotion going on involving this comic. This isn’t black and white, this isn’t miniature. This is a larger than normal, full color issue that every kid in you can afford.
40 pages, Only 10¢!

And, introducing the Featured Trade Paperback (TPB) of the Week (tm). Despite the release of a TPB this week, with this being our first FTPBOTW we are starting with the story which sets up the new post- version of Superman (pre-Crisis fans, we'll get to you later).

Trade Paperback of the Week™!
Last week it was the first story about the post-Crisis Byrne version of Superman. Now, we are going to jump ahead to a futuristic look at Superman and his world in . . .

Written by Mark Waid, Alex Ross (Illustrator), Bob Kahan (Editor)

Listed as a graphic novel, this TPB collects the KINGDOM COME 4 issue limited series (out of stock in hardcover, but available in paperback). This is a must-have for comic book readers. Critically acclaimed as one of the best pieces of comic book literature, this story looks at a possible future for the DC Universe which is populated by far too many anti-heroes, all the rave in the 80s and early 90s. This is a wonderfully introspective look into the comic book market through the use of DC’s vanguard of heroes, led by Superman himself. Many Easter eggs are included for longtime comic book fans, and new versions of old out-of-date heroes abound. If you don’t think comic books can be serious literature, then try this out and change your mind.
232 pages. $14.95. Available at Amazon.com for $11.96

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Smallville and its characters are copyright ©2001 Warner Bros., Tollin-Robbins Productions & DC Comics. This is a fan site and not authorized by the WB or DC. Page design copyright ©2001 Planet Krypton Productions, this article copyright ©2001 Daniducci.

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Superman For All Seasons
Smallville explores the story of a young Clark Kent and his place in the world on television. In the comics, this was very well illustrated in Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale's "Superman For All Seasons." This has been labeled a "must read" by many fans and also listed as the favorite Superman story of recent years by many. Check it out!

Superman: Peace on Earth
Were you impressed by Alex Ross's recent TV Guide covers featuring Smallville? Thought so. In 1998, Ross painted the oversized Superman: Peace on Earth graphic novel which is written by Paul Dini of Batman: The Animated Series fame. Every page is worth framing.
Ross also painted similar books for Batman, Wonder Woman, and Captain Marvel.

Any purchases through the Amazon.com link keep KryptonSite going. (Webspace sadly isn't free when you want your own domain!) So if you do purchase something through one of these links, thanks!