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Smallville and its characters are copyright ©2004 Warner Bros. & DC Comics. This is a fan site and not authorized by the WB or DC. The term "Kryptonite" is a trademark of DC Comics. Page copyright ©2004 KryptonSite, unless the material is noted as coming from someplace else or being by an individual author. Smallville stars Tom Welling, Kristin Kreuk, Michael Rosenbaum, John Glover, John Schneider, Annette O'Toole, Sam Jones III, and Allison Mack.


News Posted April 1, 2004

Tom Welling Puts On The Tights For Superman 5

In news that should be pleasing to Smallville and Superman fans in general, trade papers revealed last night that Tom Welling will be the next actor to play Superman on the big screen. And here's the good news for Smallville fans - Tom plans to honor his Smallville contract and filming for the movie will not begin until 2007, after the series has completed its run.

"This is fantastic news for all involved," a Warner Brothers spokesperson said. "Tom Welling has proven that he is the "Clark Kent" that people want to see. To follow his journey from the television screen and graduate into movie adulthood is a great reward for the fans."

Nothing has been said yet of whether or not Smallville creators Al Gough and Miles Millar are involved with the movie, or if Tom's Smallville co-stars will be coming with him.

For the original report, click here.

Who's Staying, Who's Going?
Why wait all summer to solve a mystery when the answers can be revealed here at KryptonSite?

We've learned which cast members will be staying for Season 4, and which ones will be leaving... this is insider information you won't find anywhere else! Obviously this information could spoil the third season finale for you.

Click here to find out who!

Dawson's "Pacey" In Season Finale
Special thanks to: The Minions

KryptonSite has learned that any previous rumors of a season finale called "Covenant" are completely false and were intended to throw us off the trail of the real season finale details.

It has been revealed that the true season finale, titled "Dimensions," features an appearance by comics' imp from the Fifth Dimension - future Super-foe Mr. Mxyzptlk. Taking that a step further, we have learned that Mxy will be played by Dawson's Creek's Joshua Jackson.

"We were trying to figure out what Mxy would look like from place to place, and we figured since this would be in a WB 'universe', we'd go with someone who'd fit in there perfectly," an insider told us. The insider promised us references and nods to various altering Superman continuities, many of which Mxy is familiar with.

"He comes looking for the Radio Shack woman in one scene," we were told. "But then he realized he looked like Howie Mandel in her dimension, and that would just be too painful for everyone." We're also told Mxy has a weakness for Wild Coyote Ale.

Jackson co-starred with Michael Rosenbaum in the movie "Urban Legend."

Mxy isn't the only big name to appear in "Dimensions," however. The episode also will feature the return of Emmanuelle Vaugier as Dr. Helen Bryce.

Click here for more season finale spoilers!

Lexana: It's Real
Those of you worried about a budding relationship between Lex Luthor and Lana Lang, sit down: according to sources who asked not to be named, a relationship between the couple will begin as early as the coming episode "Truth."

"Basically, Lex and Lana are both tired of being treated badly by Clark, and they find solace in each other," we were told. "The two of them share an intimate moment in Clark's barn, and... let's just say this will be the start of the rift between Lex and Clark."

Michael Rosenbaum sounded enthusiastic about the idea at his recent appearance at the Creation convention. "Will it happen? Who knows? There's definitely some nice moments between our characters," he said. "It's hard not to flirt with Kristin Kreuk," was another thing that was said. Hm...

Click here for more details!

Annette O'Toole: Still Lying About Her Birthday...
Any of you hoping to wish Annette O'Toole a Happy Birthday, don't bother. The Oscar nominee is playing an April Fool's prank on us - it's not really her birthday on April 1st!

To find out when her birthday really is, click here!

Click here for more old headlines!
Send all news items, comments, etc. to PlanetKrypton@aol.com!

Pre-Order Your Season 2 DVD Set At KryptonSite!
Amazon.com has now listed the Smallville Season 2 DVD set as available for pre-order... the set comes out May 18, but sometimes Amazon orders ship a day or two early ;-)

The price listed (as of today, 2/19) is only $41.99. For 23 episodes (two more than Season One!) All orders made through KryptonSite will help support the site, so what are you waiting for?

  Buy from Amazon.com

The cover of the upcoming Smallville Yearbook from Titan Publishing can be seen here. We hear it's fantastic!

KryptonSite recently caught up with actor John Schneider, who talked about Jonathan Kent's deal with Jor-El and the potential ramifications of it here.

KryptonSite has spoilers for many upcoming episodes, including "Truth," "Memoria," and "Legacy," at the KryptonSite Spoilers Page.

Ian Somerhalder (Adam Knight) is now shooting a pilot called Lost for ABC. It is created by JJ Abrams of Alias fame and also stars Matthew Fox (Party of Five) and Dominic Monaghan (Lord of the Rings). For more on that, check our March 2004 archive.

Many more recent headlines, including ratings for recent episodes, can be found here.