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Smallville and its characters are copyright ©2004 Warner Bros. & DC Comics. This is a fan site and not authorized by the WB or DC. The term "Kryptonite" is a trademark of DC Comics. Page copyright ©2004 KryptonSite, unless the material is noted as coming from someplace else or being by an individual author. Smallville stars Tom Welling, Kristin Kreuk, Michael Rosenbaum, John Glover, John Schneider, Annette O'Toole, Sam Jones III, and Allison Mack.


MARCH 2004
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News Posted March 31, 2004

Michael Rosenbaum At The Creation Con: Recap!
Special thanks to: Wendi

Curious about what Michael had to say at the Creation Con this weekend? What does he think of his cast mates? Or Lex turning evil? And find out what happens when Michael goes for a ride in the General Lee...

Click here to see what Michael had to say...

News Posted March 30, 2004

Set Visit Winner Shares His Story
TheWB.com has posted an article by "Mike," the winner of the Verizon Wireless/Smallville contest last year where the winner received a chance to visit the set of Smallville and meet Tom and Kristin, among others.

Click here to read Mike's story!

News Posted March 29, 2004

Michael Rosenbaum At The Creation Con: Pictures!
Special thanks to: IESB.net

IESB.net has been nice enough to share with us some photos from Michael's appearance at the Grand Slam Creation Convention from this weekend.

Click here to see the gallery!

Jeph Loeb Talks About "Legacy"
Jeph Loeb, writer of recent DC Comics bestsellers Batman and Superman/Batman, a
s well as a writer and the Consulting Producer for Smallville, took a moment to talk with KryptonSite about his next Smallville episode, which happens to be the next episode of the series - "Legacy," guest starring Christopher Reeve.

Be warned there are spoilerific details for both Smallville (including some you may not have already known about!) and some of Loeb's current comic book works within. Didn't think that would scare you...

Read the interview!

More Smallville Nudity On The Way?
Special thanks to: Kimberly

Michael Rosenbaum (Lex) revealed a spoilery nugget or two during his appearance at this weekend's Creation convention. What did he have to reveal?

Click here to read what!

News Posted March 26, 2004

Updated: Smallville Flies To ABC Family
Special Thanks To: Darius

The ABC Family cable network has secured the rights to air repeat episodes of Smallville beginning in Fall 2004.

"Smallville is a great addition to ABC Family's lineup this fall," Mark Silverman, ABC Family's general manager and senior vice president, said in a report at Zap2It.com. "Smallville has a loyal audience, thematic appeal for today's families, and will serve as a strong anchor to complement original programming."

UPDATE: Variety reports that ABC Family is paying $400,000 per episode to show Smallville in repeats. The paper also says that ABC Family outbid both Spike TV and the Sci-Fi Channel for rerun rights.

The WB's Official Description of "Legacy!"
Special Thanks To: MediasharX

The WB has released their official description of "Legacy," the next new Smallville which airs on April 14.

Click here to read it!

News Posted March 25, 2004

Smallville "Legacy" Trailer!
Updated with Trailer Gallery
Special Thanks To: Aelora

A trailer for the April 14 Smallville, titled "Legacy" and featuring the return of Christopher Reeve as Dr. Swann, aired on Wednesday night after the repeat showing of "Perry." Aelora, being the fantastic person she is, has made us some screencaptures and you can see the screencap gallery by clicking here!

John Schneider Returns To Hazzard
The Ubisoft video game company will be premiering a new video game, "The Dukes of Hazzard: The Return of the General Lee" in October. The game will feature the voice of John Schneider (Smallville's Jonathan Kent) alongside his co-stars from the original Dukes of Hazzard TV series, Tom Wopat, Catherine Bach, and James Best.

It follows two previous Dukes games that were released for the Playstation a few years ago, one of which featured Schneider's voice.

Fans who grew up watching Schneider as "Bo Duke" will be happy to know that the first season of The Dukes of Hazzard will be on DVD on June 1, 2004. The pilot episode of the series, "One Armed Bandits," features commentary by Schneider as well as Catherine Bach, who you might remember as the woman who "Daisy Dukes" into popularity. And hey, if all else fails, the first season has Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane, who is and forever will be the hero of KryptonSite's webmaster Craig.

"Morgan Edge" Seen In Gotham
Several people have e-mailed us to let us know that Rutger Hauer, who appeared as Morgan Edge in the first two episodes of Smallville Season Three, has signed on for a small role in the next Batman movie, "Batman Begins."

He's not the first Smallville actor to appear in a Batman movie. John Glover, a.k.a. Lionel Luthor, appeared in "Batman & Robin." (Watch his part, fast forward through the rest - you'll thank us later!)

News Posted March 23, 2004

Another Strange Visitor In The Season Finale?
Special Thanks To: T.F.

T.F. pointed us towards some rumors that another Superman-related DC Comics character might be making his or her way to Smallville in the third season finale, "Covenant."

We haven't heard any confirmation on this, so we're putting it at Rumorville for now if you'd like to check it out... and if it's wrong, forgive us!

Very Spoilery Photos...
Special Thanks To: Kristen

The official site for actor Wayne Dalglish has posted several images of Wayne from his upcoming Smallville appearance in the episode "Memoria." Be warned, the images ARE very spoilery - but they're also very, very good!

Check them out!

Smallville Yearbook Covers: Updated!
Titan Magazines has slightly revised their covers for the official Smallville Yearbook, which will be available at all good newsstands on May 25. You can see the new covers by clicking here.

The magazine will feature interviews with all of the members of the Smallville cast as well as some members of the Smallville crew. It'll also be a perfect tease for what to expect from the monthly Smallville Magazine, which is scheduled to begin in September from Titan.

Click here to check out those covers!

"A Screwball Homicide?"
Special Thanks To: RH

There was some filming on the UBC campus today for what students were told was "a pilot tentatively titled 'A Screwball Homicide'." But, a certain car's presence implies otherwise... check out this image!

News Posted March 22, 2004

"Legacy" Images!
The WB has released five images from the next new Smallville, which is titled "Legacy." It airs on April 14 and features the return of Christopher Reeve as Dr. Swann.

Click here to see the images - be warned, certain major events will be spoiled!

Smallville's Super References
Special Thanks To: John

Zap2It.com has just posted an article about the Super easter eggs you can find in past episodes of Smallville... from references to "truth, justice and other stuff" all the way through those "man of steel" comments.

Click here to read it!

Young Bruce Wayne Series To Go To Comics?
Source: Comic Book Resources/Lying In The Gutters

This week's "Lying In The Gutters" at Comic Book Resources (a comic book gossip column for those of you unaware) makes mention that screenwriter Tim McCanlies (The Iron Giant) may be doing a young Bruce Wayne comic for DC Comics.

The comic would be "looking at the young life of a playboy, thrown out of every private school in Europe with Alfred having to bail him out of a London jail after a bar fight. It looks at Bruce's reluctance to return to Gotham City in order to inherit Wayne Industries."

Interestingly, this is the exact same concept for a Young Bruce Wayne series that was originally pitched by Tollin-Robbins Productions and McCanlies back in 1999, but was scrapped because the Warner movie division said "Batman is ours." Instead, of course, the WB decided to go with a young Superman series, and the rest is history.

We'd, of course, like to be selfish and have Smallville AND Young Bruce Wayne on TV... but since that won't happen, this might be a sign of what could have been. We'll keep you updated if this is true or not.

Bennett & Gottesfeld Premiere New Book
Popular Smallville novel authors and writers of "Jitters," Cherie Bennett and Jeff Gottesfeld, have a new non-Smallville young adult novel that is now available. The book is called "A Heart Divided," and it is the story of "an unlikely romance between a teen girl from New York City and a guy from a Nashville-area town that unfolds against a Confederate flag controversy at their high school, this book has everything: big romance, a big personal journey for its heroine Kate Pride, and a very important social issue."

They read passages from "A Heart Divided" at a launch party on Sunday, March 21 at the Borders bookstore in Sherman Oaks, California. There's a play within the book that will be done on stage later in the year (stay tuned for more details!)

Bennett and Gottesfeld's latest Smallville novel, "Sparks," will be available soon, and focuses on Chloe Sullivan.

News Posted March 20, 2004

Smallville's Oscar-Nominated Songstress
Special Thanks To: Dee

Zap2It.com recently posted an article about Smallville's "MamaKent," Annette O'Toole, where she talks about the show, her music, her husband (Michael McKean from "Perry") and more.

In the article, it's mentioned that Annette often bounces ideas off of her Smallville co-star John Schneider, who is himself an accomplished singer. How about something together, you two? You can read the entire article here.

News Posted March 19, 2004

"Talisman" Guest Revealed!
KryptonSite has learned that Nathaniel Arcand, who played Tonto to Chad Michael Murray's Lone Ranger in the TV-movie a few years back, will be playing guest character "Jeremiah Holdsclaw" in the upcoming episode "Talisman."

For more on the episode, visit the spoilers page!

News Posted March 18, 2004

Cast Changes Ahead For Season 4?
Special Thanks To: Dv30302

E! News Live caught up with Tom Welling, Sam Jones III, and Annette O'Toole on Monday night, and came across some details previously unrevealed about the show's future - the cast of Smallville may be a little different when the show returns for Season 4.

To read our article on it, including our speculations of what might change, visit this page. Be warned, there are spoilers discussed!

News Posted March 17, 2004

Another Big "Memoria" Guest Revealed!
Special Thanks To: Kristen

A young actor and martial artist named Wayne Dalglish has been cast for another big role in the upcoming episode titled "Memoria." For which role he will be playing, visit the KryptonSite Spoilers Page and scroll down to "Memoria" (#3-19).

Wayne's previous credits include Everwood, a very memorable Frito Lay Star Wars commercial, and many more projects.

UPDATE! Wendi just pointed us towards a photo of Wayne that should be an indicator of what Wayne will look like in "Memoria"... SPOILER WARNING!

Smallville: The Comic #7 On Sale Today!
Special Thanks To: DC Comics

A new issue of DC Comics' Smallville comic will be on sale in comic book stores today. The issue will tie in to upcoming episodes and mass-media adventures. Here's what a rep from DC Comics had to say to hype the issue:

"There's lots of cool stuff! The first installment of our version of the Ezra Small prophecies! A behind-the-scenes article with Mat Beck showing several FX sequences from this season! A back-up comic story drawn by classic Superman artist Tom Grummett! And a feature-length comic that picks up from last year's Chloe Chronicles videos! (How's that for hype!)"

Sounds good, doesn't it? So hurry on over to the comic book store and get yourself a copy!

"Cheaper" Sequel Coming?
Special Thanks To: Captain Sigma

Cinescape.com today reports that Fox is interested in making a sequel to last year's movie "Cheaper By The Dozen," which featured Tom Welling among a family of kids with Steve Martin and Bonnie Hunt as the parents. We'll keep you updated on developments with this one...

News Posted March 16, 2004

Several More Paley Festival Photos!
Special Thanks To: Robert Sanchez @ IESB.net

Robert Sanchez of IESB.net has shared with us many, many more images from the Paley Festival which can be added to our gallery that was posted earlier today. LOTS more shots of Tom Welling, Annette O'Toole, Sam Jones III, Greg Beeman, Jeph Loeb, Al Gough, and Miles Millar...

Click here to see more!

Photos were taken by IESB's Richard Chavez and are used with permission.

Images From The Paley Festival!
KryptonSite is happy to share with you several exclusive photos taken at the William S. Paley Television Festival on Monday night, March 15. Included are photos of Tom Welling, Annette O'Toole, and Sam Jones III as well as several of the show's creative minds. So what are you waiting for?

View the gallery!

Our complete recap from the Festival, written by Wendi, will be up in a few minutes!

Recap From The Paley Festival!
Special thanks to: Wendi

Several members of Smallville's cast and crew spoke on Monday night at seminar about Smallville at the annual William S. Paley Television Festival sponsored by the Museum of Television and Radio.

Following a showing of the third season's premiere, "Exile," and a short clip from the Museum's archives of The Adventures of Superman which would make everyone say "Our Mama Kent is prettier than yours," the SV cast and crew were treated by a round of questions from the moderator and fans. The guests, of course, were:

Al Gough (Smallville executive producer and co-creator)
Miles Millar (Smallville executive producer and co-creator)
Tom Welling (Smallville's Clark Kent)
Annette O'Toole (Smallville's Martha Kent)
Sam Jones III (Smallville's Pete Ross)
Greg Beeman (Executive producer and director up in Vancouver)
Ken Biller (Director and writer of the popular episode "Shattered")
Joe Davola (Executive producer from Tollin-Robbins Productions)
Ken Horton (Executive producer and writer of "Whisper")
Jeph Loeb (Consulting producer, Superman comics writing legend and writer of episodes like "Red" and the upcoming "Legacy")
Mark Snow (Composer of the music you hear in the show)
Mark Verheiden (Co-executive producer and popular writer since the first season - he also has written several stories for the Smallville comic book)
Mat Beck (Visual Effects genius)

The other cast members who weren't there were busy filming the 20th episode of Season Three, titled "Talisman." John Schneider is directing the episode.

A good time was had by all, even though your webmaster here has missed a chance to meet Tom Welling yet again (but don't think that ruined the evening; it was still a lot of fun!) As promised, we now have posted a recap of the night's events, written with a LOT of detail by Wendi for KryptonSite (thanks, Wendi!)

Read the recap! - See pictures!

News Posted March 15, 2004

"Velocity"'s Moneca Delain Speaks!
Moneca Delain has been an accomplished musician, dancer, and actress. She appeared in the February 2004 episode "Velocity" playing a bad girl who liked to hang out with the bad boys of the drag racing circuit, being the "beautiful women" representative to keep Pete Ross in that "world."

Moneca was kind enough to do an interview for K-Site and talk about her experience in doing the show.

Click here to read the interview!

News Posted March 12, 2004

Comic Book Writer Waid Talks About The Smallville Influence on "Superman: Birthright"
Special Thanks To: Comic Book Resources

Comic book writer Mark Waid was recently interviewed at the Comic Book Resources website, where he talked about the revised origin of Superman in the Superman: Birthright comic book, and answers the question about the Smallville influences in the series. Here's what he had to say:

"I love Smallville and won't miss an episode, and it's every bit as influential as the rest of Superman's grand history--but no more so or no less so. For instance, I would have wanted to put young Luthor back in Smallville regardless of the TV series. I will, however, cop to the fact that it was Smallville that showed me with stunning clarity how cool it would be to have Ma and Pa Kent actually be parents, not kindly, white-haired grandparent-types. [laughter]"

To read the entire interview, which includes many more Smallville-ish tidbits, click here.

News Posted March 9, 2004

New "Hereafter" Promotional Photos!
The WB has released several new photos from the past Smallville episode "Hereafter," including the shot you see to your right.

Click here to view the gallery!

The WB's Top Five Fan Choices Revealed
The WB has revealed which five episodes will be aired this month as part of the "You Say It, We Play It" program. These episodes will air on Wednesdays at 9PM for the next few weeks. We're not totally sure yet in what order they will be, except for that the series' first episode airs this week, on March 10.

A body double and apparently some hormone-driven teenagers made "Nicodemus" take the #1 spot in the voting. Rounding out the top five, in order, are "The Pilot," "Red," "Rosetta," and "X-Ray."

We're a bit disappointed such classics like "Hourglass" didn't make the cut, but unfortunately the folks who prefer to see body doubles won out. These are still five fun episodes to see again. Stay tuned for the exact order in which these will be re-airing.

News Posted March 8, 2004

A New Smallville-Related Fan Art Comic!
Written by Wendi; drawn by Hope

Generally, we keep away from the fan art thing here at KryptonSite, aside from the Fanfiction and Fan Art forum on the KryptonSite Message Board. However, sometimes there are exceptions, and when we saw this three-page comic by K-Site's own reviewer Hope that was written by Wendi, we couldn't resist putting it up for all to see.

Appropriate copyrights, of course, go out to those who own them, and use this as a reminder that there is a great bimonthly Smallville comic book series from DC! For now, though, what are you waiting for...

Read "Wraith"

This story takes place after the episode "Crisis."

You Say It, They Play It: "The Pilot" Airs Wednesday Night!
The first of the "top five episodes chosen by fans" has been announced, and it seems that the pilot episode of Smallville will be airing Wednesday night, March 10, at 9PM. This is the story where it all began. The WB should be releasing the other four picks soon.

"The Pilot" airs after an encore showing of the third season episode "Relic." Double the Smallville on Wednsday night! Sounds like fun.

News Posted March 7, 2004

Allison Mack Talks Superman Movies And More
Special Thanks To: MedisharX

"Man-Thing" informed MediasharX.com about some details gleamed from Allison Mack (Chloe) during her appearance at MegaCon Orlando.

In the article, Allison talks about latest developments for the Superman movie, who her choice for the next Superman would be, and who she thinks should play Chloe's cousin, Lois Lane, on Smallville. She also confirms the KryptonSite report that Alisen Down of Mysterious Ways fame will be appearing on the show soon.

There are some spoilers within, but if you want to read the article, all you have to do is click here!

"Lionel Luthor" Is A Superhero
For his work in raising money to cure Alzheimer's disease (along with the help of many Smallville fans on the various fan sites), John Glover will be honored on March 27 at a "Memory Ball" in Baltimore, Maryland. He and three other fund raising "super heroes" will be recognized.

We are told that Mr. Glover wants to specifically thank the fans who helped support the Alzheimers Association by contributing to JackGlover.org and participating in October's Memory Walk.

News Posted March 5, 2004

New Promotional Photos!
The WB has released new promotional shots for three episodes from Smallville's past - seven from "Asylum," fifteen from "Delete," and one from "Velocity." Click on the below links to see them:

"Asylum" - "Delete" - "Velocity"

Episode #3-20 Title: "Talisman"
KryptonSite has learned that the 20th episode of Season Three will be called "Talisman." Unfortunately, we don't have any more information beyond that, except that Jonathan Kent himself, John Schneider, is directing!

Stay tuned for more details...

MediasharX Reviews "Crisis"
MediasharX.com has posted their review of this week's Smallville. Here's a sampling:

"Not only does Kryptonite give strange powers to people, soup up cars, and make one hell of an explosive additive, it now can send phone calls back in time. Where do I get me some of that?"

You can read the entire review by clicking here.

And also don't forget Hope here at KryptonSite has also written a review, which you can find here.

A New Column! "Today, Tomorrow, Beyond: Crisis"
Written by: Hope

Hope reviews the last new episode before 6 weeks of reruns... Click here to read her review!

News Posted March 4, 2004

Ratings For "Crisis!"
Smallville was again near the bottom of the charts for the overnight ratings for Wednesday night, but it improved over last week's performance where most everything else decreased. Here's the breakdown:

Timeslot Rank
Overnight Rating
(Last week's rating in parentheses)
American Idol (8:30-9)
12.6/18 (14.5/21)
60 Minutes II
7.5/11 (8.2/13)
That 70's Show (8-8:30)
7.4/11 (8.2/13)
My Wife And Kids (1 hour special)
6.8/11 (7.3/11)
The Apprentice
5.3/8 (R) (5.7/8 (R))
5.1/8 (4.8/7)
Star Trek: Enterprise
3.7/6 (3.5/5)

(R) indicates repeat airing

This Week's "Ezra Small" Translated!
Special Thanks To: Shirkie

Another round of "Ezra Small" prophecies can be found at the Smallville Ledger, and Shirkie has done her part here at KryptonSite to translate what it all means! As always, this may reveal some hints about Smallville's future...

Want to know more? Visit Rumorville!

News Posted March 3, 2004

Somerhalder In New ABC Pilot
Ian Somerhalder
(Adam Knight) has been added to the cast of the ABC television pilot Lost, which also will star Dominic Monaghan and Evangeline Lilly.

Lost is a drama created by Alias's JJ Abrams, and if it's picked up as a series, it could air as soon as Fall 2004. Of course, one webmaster here knows which pilot Ian should have done ;-)

News Posted March 1, 2004

Big Upcoming Smallville Role Cast
Actress Alisen Down, best known to many for her role alongside Adrian Pasdar in Mysterious Ways, will be playing a very important role in the upcoming Smallville episode "Memoria."

What role is it? Click here to see... you don't expect us to reveal it on the main page, do you?

Emmanuelle Vaugier On One Tree Hill
Special Thanks To: TRock86

We are hearing that Emmanuelle Vaugier (Dr. Helen Bryce from several Season 2 episodes as well as two episodes in Season 3) appeared on the WB's One Tree Hill on Tuesday night. And that's about all this notice says, now that the episode has passed!