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smallville producers brian peterson kelly souders tom welling peter rothInterview: Smallville Executive Producers Brian Peterson & Kelly Souders Talk Season 10

Interview by Craig Byrne

At the Smallville 200th Episode Red Carpet on September 25, KryptonSite and several other media outlets spoke with members of the show's cast and crew for exclusive interviews.

Smallville executive producers Kelly Souders and Brian Peterson were, of course, two of the people we were able to speak to. We talked with them a little bit about episode #200 and some other things we have to look forward to in Smallville's final year.

Expect many more interviews to come here on KryptonSite between now and the airing of the show's 200th episode on Friday, October 15.

Please do not repost this interview on other websites; instead just link directly to it. Thanks! Smallville airs Friday nights at 8PM on The CW. Questions to the producers are in bold; answers are not.

The 200th episode of Smallville is coming up on October 15. What can you tell us about it?

BRIAN PETERSON: There's a little of the past, and the present, and the future. Big epic moments from the past that we'd remember, but a few epic moments from the future.

Based on the episode description, are we going to be seeing flashbacks to Chloe, Lana, and other characters from the show's past?

KELLY SOUDERS: We'll have some brief past moments where we pay homage to the nine previous years of the show.

What was your reaction to the ratings for the season premiere?

BP: We're so thrilled. The fans, once again, came through like they always do.

And what's coming up next?

BP: I think there are a lot of unexpected moments, and I think what will be fun, and maybe slightly uncomfortable at times, is that there are new characters coming in. There are different paradigms than we're used to seeing, with different characters, but I think what's really fun is that it really adds a freshness to the show coming into our tenth season and going into the final run.

How has the dynamic changed with Lois now knowing the secret?

BP: It's awesome.

KS: Lois and Clark are so much fun. They've always been fun to write, but right now, with Lois knowing his secret, they're just a blast. The writers are having such a good time, and Erica and Tom just have such great chemistry together, and the more their relationship changes, the more they surprise us.

Do you know around time we should be expecting to see Chloe again?

BP: Middle of the season. But we might have a couple quick glimpses of her in between.

Might we see the cut footage from the season premiere at some point?

BP: That is hopeful. Yes. Sadly, a lot of times our shows are long, and there were a couple of amazing moments [that were cut from the premiere]. Worst case scenario, they're on the DVD. [laughs] But I think we're going to work them into the season.

KS: They were so wonderful, we don't want to lose them.

teri hatcher smallvilleWhat was your reaction when you found out that you were able to get Teri Hatcher to come onto the show for the upcoming episode "Abandoned?"

KS: It was so exciting. She's been somebody we've - I think even Al and Miles wanted her, and she's definitely been one of the people on the top of our list that that we would love to have [on the show]. For her to be enthusiastic and wanting to come do it for the Superman fans and the Lois & Clark fans, it means a lot to us.

BP: I just think it's great, because all of us have this special magic kind of forcefield around us in Smallville, where we have a lot of people do a lot of things because they love the show. Working extra hours and pushing extra hard. And it shows that it stands beyond Smallville.... It's about Superman. It's about Margot Kidder coming back to us. Christopher Reeve coming back. Dean Cain, and now Teri Hatcher. Working on a Superman show gives you this little special place in your heart that you want to stay part of it.

Speaking of being a fan of something for years, had either of you been fans of the Isis television series back in the day? ("Isis" is the title of the fifth episode of Season 10)

KS: Oh, yeah.

BP: I was a huge fan.

Are there any nods to anything from the series in the Isis episode?

BP: We really kind of reinvisioned a little of the Isis lore, because the story's really about Clark and Lois, so we wanted to make it illustrate that. But there might be a few little winks.

Don't miss Smallville Friday Nights on The CW!
Episode #200 airs on October 15!

See some images from this week's episode - "Supergirl!"

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