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The 2004 KryptonSite Awards: The Winners Revealed!
Last year as the 2001-2002 season ended, we presented the 2002 KryptonSite Awards honoring the cast and crew of Smallville for a job well done. Think the Oscars or the Emmys, but just for Smallville.

After Season 2 was over, we asked again who the favorites were, and had fans send in their nominees, which were whittled down to five or six per category. Then throughout this summer, we've had people vote.

The results are in. Here they are:

Best Actor (Lead): Michael Rosenbaum

For the third straight year, Michael Rosenbaum took Best Lead Actor honors. "Lex" ended up with 50% of the vote! Yep, half of anyone who voted, picked the bald guy! Congratulations, Michael!

For more on Michael: Michael Rosenbaum page at KryptonSite

Best Actor (Supporting): John Glover

Another popular actor on Smallville, getting 3802 votes, or 51%, was John Glover, who plays Lionel Luthor and achieved the KryptonSite Award for Best Supporting Actor. We're curious to see what the Maginificent You-Know-Who will come up with in the new season now that it appears he is going to prison.

Getting nearly half Allison Mack with 25%. Which makes us hope that Chloe somehow survived going kaboom.

Best Guest Star: Christopher Reeve

Just because no one can compare to the former Man of Steel, Christopher Reeve gets an automatic Best Guest Star nod for his appearance in "Legacy."

Let's hope Dr. Swann returns sometime in Season 4!

Best Guest Star Who Is Not Christopher Reeve: Michael McKean

Michael McKean was already beloved to fans for his many famous roles over the years. But it was his turn as Perry White in "Perry" that won him the Best Guest Star Who Is Not Christopher Reeve title.

McKean got 2106 votes, or 37%. Coming in second place, with 19%, was "Adam Knight," Ian Somerhalder.

Best Episode: "Shattered"

This was a very close race, with "Memoria" and "Covenant" coming very close to the #1 spot, but when all was said and done, "Shattered" took top honors for Best Episode, with 1,423 votes.

"Shattered" was a terrific episode that made the months between it and "Asylum" rather torturous. The episode highlighted fantastic performances by Michael Rosenbaum, John Glover, Tom Welling, and guest star Patrick Bergin.

Best Writers: Al Gough & Miles Millar

Series creators Alfred Gough and Miles Millar take the top spot for the third year in a row. They got 2082 votes, or 60%, for Best Writers. Their leadership of the series as well as very strong entries like "Exile" and "Memoria" solidified their position.

The person who came close to their total, with 12%, was Ken Biller.

Best Director: Greg Beeman

Greg Beeman took the spot of Best Director, with 44%, or 1507 votes. Beeman directed many of the third season's best episodes; and beyond that, highly entertained fans with his unique wit at the Paley Festival.

Coming in second place was Miles Millar, whose Smallville directorial debut, "Memoria," was a home run.

Read a KryptonSite interview with Greg Beeman

The Lewis And Laura Lang Award For Best Death Scene: Adam Knight in "Crisis"

Love the character or hate him, a lot of people thought Adam Knight's death scene in "Crisis" was the best of the year. The scene got 23%, or 780 votes.

Nearly tying for second place were Lana Lang getting shot in the "Crisis" teaser (695) and the death of baby Julian (693).

Grossest Scene: Max Taylor's Murder By Pencil

A girl eating a deer and a sappy Clana scene took this award in the past, but nothing seemed to scream "gross" like Max Taylor's murder from a pencil to the ear in "Delete." 33% of voters thought it was a little too much.

Nothing else even came close.

Worst Episode: "Magnetic"

This is the one that made Entertainment Weekly say "enough with the freak of the week stories," even though "Magnetic" was really only the second FOTW story of the entire season. This throwback to bad Freak stories gone by got 36% of the vote for Worst Episode.

Unfortunately, Pete Ross's chance to shine in Season 3, "Velocity," received almost as much hate, with 33% of the votes. But really, it wasn't Sam Jones III's fault; it was more like "2 Fast 2 Furious + Kryptonite = What Were They Thinking In The First Place?"

Best Special Effect: Clark Stops Morgan Edge's Car In "Shattered"

The sequence where Morgan Edge's automobile plowed into Clark right in front of Lex won top honors for Best Special Effect in Season 3.

The sequence from "Shattered" won with 32% of the vote. Very close behind it was the sequence from "Crisis" where Clark saves Lana in the rain, which was reminiscent of the "running in the rain" sequence from "Accelerate."

Favorite Smallville Couple: Clark and Lana

KryptonSite may be the place where it is said there are many more Chlarkers than Clanas, but the duo of Clark and Lana still took top honors for Favorite Couple in Season 3. They came out with 38% of the vote, or 2130.

Nearly tying for second place were Clark and Chloe (1005) and Clark and Lex (1036).

Best Scene: "Covenant" Cliffhanger Montage

Is it any doubt that the awesome cliffhanger montage at the end of "Covenant" took top honors? 34% of voters thought so, and nothing else even came close.

Best Song: "My Immortal" by Evanescence

Maybe it was the placement during a fantastic scene, but whatever it was, "My Immortal" by Evanescene, played at the end of "Memoria," came away with top honors with 38% of the vote.

Coming in second was "Hurt" by Johnny Cash, which was played in "Shattered."

Best Line: "If you ever make it to Metropolis, look me up. I owe you one." (Perry White, "Perry")

Michael McKean rocked as Perry White. No doubt about that. And Mark Verheiden's script for "Perry" was also very good, bringing the character into the Smallville universe while at the same time avoiding inconsistencies with what came later. 23% really liked the foreshadowing in Perry's "I owe you one" line from the end of the episode.

The bit about barbers' requiem and a string quartet in "Covenant" came in second, with 20%.

Best Superman Reference: Superman's Cape in "Hereafter"

Was there any doubt that the brief glimpse of Superman's cape in "Hereafter" would come in first with 38%?

Clark ripping open his shirt in the phone booth was #2. Guess the cape has more drawing power than a stripping Tom Welling. Sorry, Tom.

Superman Guest You'd Like To See: Gene Hackman

Christopher Reeve's already been in Smallville, so wouldn't it only be fair if his arch-enemy from the Superman movies, Gene Hackman, made an appearance? 43% or 2574 voters seemed to think so. Michael Rosenbaum even said he'd like to see Hackman on the Season Two DVD.

Dean Cain came in at a respectable second - with 30%, or 1779 votes. Dean may be a little busy with his new series The Clubhouse on CBS, though, and it sounds like the Smallville Powers That Be are purposely avoiding Lois & Clark actors. But think about it. Dean Cain, Chris Reeve, AND Tom Welling in the same episode - it'd be like "The Three Doctors," err, Supermen! Better luck next year, Deano!

The Whitney Fordman Award For Best Auto Mishap: The Flying Tractor

Remind Clark to stay away from large farm eqipment next time his powers got wonky.

The flying tractor from "Perry" wins out for Best Auto Mishap with 39% of the vote.

Best Scene Involving Some Kind Of Nudity: Alicia Teleports Onto Clark's Bed

Those big hands. The nippleage. And Jonathan walking in. At 31%, how could Alicia on Clark's bed in "Obsession" NOT get Best Scene Involving Some Kind Of Nudity?

However, the scene did get some competition. At second place, with 28%, was Clark and Lana skinny dipping in "Slumber."

Best Cliffhanger: Chloe and Gabe enter the safe house, which goes "boom"

TV history has given us great cliffhangers. Who shot J.R.? Who killed Laura Palmer? What will everyone think of Chandler and Monica in bed together? Whatever cliffhanger Smallville has to offer, it's got to be quite good. Luckily, "Covenant" delivered.

You know you all want to know if Chloe and Gabe survive the blast at the end of "Covenant." (No fair looking it up on the spoilers page!) 3055, or 48%, said it was best of the year. Closest runner up was Clark getting sucked into the cave wall, with only 22%.

See the nominees list by clicking here. To find out who won last year, click on the link below: