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The 2003 KryptonSite Awards: The Winners Revealed!
Last year as the 2001-2002 season ended, we presented the 2002 KryptonSite Awards honoring the cast and crew of Smallville for a job well done. Think the Oscars or the Emmys, but just for Smallville.

After Season 2 was over, we asked again who the favorites were, and had fans send in their nominees, which were whittled down to five or six per category. Then throughout this summer, we've had people vote.

The results are in. Here they are:

Best Actor: Michael Rosenbaum

For the second year in a row, Michael Rosenbaum has run away with the award for Best Actor.

11,059 people voted (!), and of that many people, Michael received 3,447 votes - or 31%. "Lex" better watch his back, though -- castmate Tom Welling took the number 2 spot with only 375 votes fewer than everyone's favorite bald baddie.

For more on Michael: Michael Rosenbaum page at KryptonSite

Best Guest Star: Christopher Reeve

To a generation, Christopher Reeve was Superman. Now, with his perseverance with continuing to live and find a way to walk again after a paralyzing accident in 1995, Reeve truly is a Superman.

Reeve appeared as Dr. Virgil Swann in "Rosetta," in what will be remembered as one of the best scenes of the series. As the role was left open-ended, we can hope that Dr. Swann will be back in the future, to offer the young Clark guidance in the future ahead.

Best Guest Star Who Is Not Christopher Reeve: Ryan Kelley

Ryan Kelley ("Ryan") took the award for Best Guest Star Who Is Not Christopher Reeve with 1,663 votes, or 33% of the vote. Sadly because his character died, it's doubtful that Ryan will be returning to Smallville, but we wish him the best of luck in the future.

Ryan's closest runner-up with 1,390 votes was Emmanuelle Vaugier (Dr. Helen Bryce).

Best Episode: "Rosetta"

1,443 of those who voted thought "Rosetta" was the best episode of Season Two.

The episode had Clark learning a lot about his origins, had great foreshadowing towards his Superman legacy, and featured a great guest appearance by former Superman Christopher Reeve. 39% agreed it was tops. The episode was a great jumping on point for a new viewer and is hopefully a sign of many episodes to come.

At more than 500 votes lower, at a distant second, was "Calling," part one of the two-part season finale.

Best Writers: Al Gough & Miles Millar

Nearly two-thirds of those who voted decided that the creators of Smallville, Alfred Gough and Miles Millar, deserved the #1 spot. The duo wrote or had a hand in writing many Season Two favorites, including "Vortex," "Rosetta," and "Lineage."

Coming in at second place with 15% was comic book fave and "Red" and "Insurgence" writer Jeph Loeb.

Best Director: James Marshall

James Marshall, who missed out on last year's Best Director spot by only 8 votes, came out on top this year, most likely due to the fantastic looks of episodes like "Accelerate" and "Rosetta." 43% of voters picked Marshall for the top spot.

The number two spot, at 30%, goes to Greg Beeman, who directed the season premiere and finale, among other episodes.

The Lewis And Laura Lang Award For Best Death Scene: Ryan James in "Ryan"

Getting Best Guest Star wasn't enough for that Ryan kid... nope... he had to go and have Best Death Scene too, so we can reminded of the shock the Smallville characters felt when the boy who could read minds passed on. The death of Ryan James had 690 votes, or 26%.

Second place (22%) went to the death of Dr. Walden in "Calling."

Grossest Scene: Clark And Lana Profess Their Love

Last year's grossest scene was a girl eating a deer. This year's grossest scene -- or at least the most cringe-worthy to 866 people, or 29% -- was the scene where Clark and Lana profess their love for one another right before Clark heads off to Metropolis in "Exodus."

Proving there may be a lot of Clark/Lana shippers out there, but there's a pretty vocal amount of people out there who get nauseous from the Clana, especially considering they thought *this* was grosser than duplicating JTT's.

The #2 choice for Grossest, with 762 votes, was Tina Greer getting impaled in "Visage."

Worst Episode: "Redux"

Yep, this one had "filler episode" written all over it.

"Redux" was actually filmed immediately after the first season finale, "Tempest." Trying to find a place to put it was a challenge, and for example, one might wonder why the Kents are so strapped for money if Martha just started a new job.

Even Clark in a bathing suit couldn't save this one. Maybe that's why 33%, or 714 people, agreed it was a stinker.

Best Special Effect: Speeding Through The Rain In "Accelerate"

Stand up if you didn't think Clark running through the stopped rain in "Accelerate" was cool.

Anyone...? Bueller...?

Didn't think so. This fantastic effect beat out super-speed, super-jumping, heat vision, and spaceships. It was just that good. 2,209 people, or 59%, can't be wrong.

Best Song: "Superman: The Movie" Score by John Williams, performed by Mark Snow

Admit it. It was just darn cool to hear the score from "Superman: The Movie" in such episodes as "Rosetta" and "Exodus." Mark Snow's arrangement worked perfectly with the usual sound of the show, and it really made you feel like you were watching a show about the guy who's going to grow up to be Superman.

1,096 people, or 37%, placed it up this high. The second-place song barely achieved *half* of that.

Order the "Superman: The Movie" score on CD!

Best Line: The Birthmark

This was another close one, with the winner being on top by only 15 votes! Coming in with 26% was this exchange of dialogue from the episode "Red":

Clark: "Did you know that Chloe had a birthmark on her cheek?" Pete: "No she doesn't."
Clark: "Not that cheek."

And if you're curious, the #2 line was "It says 'This is Kal-El of Krypton. Our infant son, our last hope. Please protect him and deliver him from evil'," as said by Dr. Swann (Christopher Reeve) in "Rosetta." As if "Rosetta" didn't pick up enough awards ;-)

Best Superman Reference: John Williams Score in "Rosetta"

Another very close one... winning by only 13 votes, fans voted the placement of the "Superman: The Movie" score in episodes like "Rosetta" and "Exodus" as being the Best Superman Reference of the season.

Coming in second place was the "S" burned onto Clark's chest in "Exodus."

The Whitney Fordman Award For Best Auto Mishap: Pete And Chloe Drive Off A Cliff

In "Suspect," Pete and Clark took a cue from Clark's dad's Dukes of Hazzard days and nearly ran into a truck, leading them to a big leap into a field. Pete's car then blew up.

One episode later, in "Rush," Pete had another car that looked just like the previous one, but painted another color, and he and Chloe, under the influence of meteor worms, decide to make like it's Hazzard County again.

Luckily Clark caught them before they hit the ground. Anyhow, this one was the winner, with 32% of the vote. That Dukes homage from the week before came in second, with 30%.

Best Performance By A Body Double: Clark's Butt

A screen capture of this went all over the Internet before "Witness" ever aired, surely a purposeful leak. The scene was gratuitous, and people asked "is it?"

It wasn't. But, Clark's Butt joins Lana's Nicodemus Body Double among the ranks of the performances of body doubles on Smallville. And with that, the 2003 KryptonSite Awards are revealed....

See the nominees list by clicking here. To find out who won last year, click on the link below: