Smallville cast members Tom Welling (Clark Kent), Michael Rosenbaum (Lex Luthor), Laura Vandervoort (Kara), and Sam Witwer (Davis Bloome) joined moderator Garrett Wang of Star Trek: Voyager fame for a virtual New York Comic Con panel earlier today (October 10), and thanks to NYCC, we have the video below!
In the panel, the actors tell some previously-untold tales about how they got the roles, pranks on set (including a fart to welcome JTT), and conflicts with an Executive Producer over a shaved chest, in the case of Sam Witwer. They also talk about their favorite actors to work with, advice they have gotten in their careers (including Witwer doing a great Patrick Stewart impression), their favorite bands (OneRepublic, really, Laura? It’s too late to apologize…) and more during this very well-moderated 45-minute panel, which also included this story from Tom, which may be the most Tom Welling story that ever Tom Wellinged.
“I remember telling my parents that I got this role, the lead in Smallville,” Welling laughed. “And my mom was like, ‘Wait, so you’re Superman.’ And I go, ‘No, no, no. I’m not Superman. I’m Clark Kent.’ She goes, ‘But that’s Superman.’ ‘No, no, no. It’s not Superman yet.’ And that was something that carried on for me and still carries on, where people are like, ‘Hey Superman.’ And I’m like, ‘Ah, no, but yeah… no.’ So it was one of those things.”
Can you believe that we are one year and six days away from the show’s 20-year anniversary? Well, we are. Here’s that panel.