The 2017 KryptonSite Awards: The Results Are In

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Ever since 2002, KryptonSite has hosted the annual “KryptonSite Awards,” which for years honored the best and worst of the TV series Smallville. Starting last year, we began using the KryptonSite Awards to honor the best and worst of Supergirl. You can find last year’s results here.

Now, we’ve collated the results… who were the winners? Read and see — and if you want to see what Arrow fans thought of their most recent season, we just did the same thing at our Arrow portal, GreenArrowTV, too.

Sadly, as we got a late start this year there are fewer categories than usual… we’ll try to remedy that with next year’s Awards.

Let’s get started, shall we? Navigate below… and don’t forget Supergirl Season 2 is already available on Blu-ray!

Best Episode: “Alex”

Alex Danvers has a lot of fans. So many that the Alex-focused episode “Alex,” in which Chyler Leigh brings it as she always does so well and we see how much she means to both her sister and her significant other Maggie, was voted the Best Episode for Supergirl Season 2 with 38% of the vote.

Second place in this category goes to the similarly excellent “Luthors” which heavily featured the Luthor legacy and that back story. That episode came in at 13%.

Third place honors for Best Episode go to the season finale, “Nevertheless, She Persisted,” which brought back Cat Grant and Superman and featured a battle with Queen Rhea.

We find it odd that the excellent first two episodes of the season didn’t make this list, but hey, the fans voted, and voted legitimately.

Last Year’s Winner: “Worlds’ Finest”

Worst Episode: “Mr. & Mrs. Mxyzptlk”

When we do this whole Awards thing at GreenArrowTV, some people who aren’t fans of the site sometimes think we shouldn’t add commentary to these winners or losers.

So why did “Mr. & Mrs. Mxyzptlk” come in #1 for Worst Episode with 34% of the vote?

We’ve got nothing. No idea how it landed there. So, congratulations: No commentary!

“Star Crossed” came in #2 in the category with 15%; “City of Lost Children” was #3 with 10%.

Last Year’s Winner: “Childish Things”

Favorite Actor (Series Regular): Chyler Leigh

Enough kind things can’t be said about the performance Chyler Leigh gave in Season 2 of Supergirl as a young woman finally realizing things about herself. Alex became a positive inspiration to young people who might be struggling with their own selves at times, and seeing Alex fall in love – even the painful parts – was a joy that Chyler brought us along for. 49% of those who voted picked her as their favorite Supergirl Season 2 series regular.

The super Melissa Benoist came in second place with 21% of the vote and Chris Wood (Mon-El) was #3 with 15%.

Last Year’s Winner: Melissa Benoist

Best Guest Star: Katie McGrath

Those of us who remember Merlin already knew how fantastic Katie McGrath is, and she will be a series regular for Season 3. Every Super-person needs a Luthor to spar with, and Katie absolutely didn’t disappoint. 55% of those who voted picked Kara’s new Luthor friend.

Calista Flockhart (Cat) came in at #2 with 16%, and Tyler Hoechlin (Superman) was #3 with 12%.

Last Year’s Winner: Grant Gustin

Favorite Pairing: Alex & Maggie (“Sanvers”)

Shipping officially became a thing in Supergirl fandom for Season 2, and for this year’s KryptonSite Awards, the favorite was “Sanvers,” the Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer ‘ship that ended with an engagement in the season finale. 43% picked them as a favorite.

#2 for Favorite Pairing was the “SuperCorp” duo of Kara & Lena. They may not have been together in the same way that Alex & Maggie were (at least not right now), but that doesn’t mean people can’t appreciate the natural chemistry between the actors and the interactions they have on the show. This was a close second at 37%.

Kara & Mon-El or “Karamel” came in at #3 with 12%. Will that star crossed couple get back together? Gotta tune in to Season 3 and see!

Last Year’s Winner: Kara & Alex (Danvers Sisters!)

And that’s it for the 2017 KryptonSite Awards! We hope to do this again next year, and as we mentioned, Season 2 of Supergirl is available on Blu-ray! The results of this year’s GreenArrowTV Awards can be found here. Thanks for participating!

Find out what’s next for Supergirl here!

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Craig Byrne

Craig Byrne has been writing about Superman TV since 1995, when the "Lois & Clark Krypton Club" launched. He founded in February 2001, becoming the first fan site for The WB/CW television series Smallville. He also wrote the Official Companion books for Smallville seasons 4-7 as well as the Smallville Visual Guide.

View Comments

  • Wow what can I say about Supergirl! At first I didn't really watch it! But when I show Ms.Alex and Ms.Maggie I was so into Supergirl. I am a lesbian I they showed me real love! Like they know what love is! And I love Supergirl number 1 fan by the way! I babysit and now I have those three girls watching Supergirl! Everyone on Supergirl is cool and they love each other company! That is why I have been buying posters! So I know we can't wait for season 3 Supergirl go kick some ass! I love everyone on the show ever change o.k.!

  • Something is clearly wrong with the fans. No way Alex was the best episode and the Mxyzptlk episode was written by a Supergirl comics writer.

  • The fake fans sanvers and Katie stans took over your poll Probably been posted on their toxic tumblr page, man they are pathetic

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