Ever since 2002, KryptonSite has hosted the annual “KryptonSite Awards,” which for years honored the best and worst of the TV series Smallville. Our last Smallville-related Awards happened in 2012 when we honored the original series. (Any Smallville fans want us to do that over again, now that five years have passed since Smallville’s end?)
Now that a new Super-show has is back with Supergirl, the tradition is renewed, and over the summer hiatus, we’ve asked fans to come in and vote for their favorites… and in some cases, their least favorites. We just did the same thing at our Arrow portal, GreenArrowTV, and we’ll be doing something similar for The Flash soon too.
Let’s get started, shall we? Navigate below.
Supergirl Season 1 is available on Blu-ray – get yours for a discounted price from Amazon.com! All orders support KryptonSite’s existence, so thank you!

Best Episode: “Worlds Finest”
The Best Episode “winner” for Supergirl Season 1 took the top spot by only one vote; that’s how close it was.
Which episode was the victor?
At 33%, the #1 choice for Best Episode of Supergirl Season 1 was “Worlds Finest,” the story in which Barry Allen from The Flash guest starred, some villains teamed up, ice cream was to be had, and Cat Grant had all of the best lines. “Worlds Finest” had a lot of what makes Supergirl a special series wrapped within, and if you have a friend who’s considering watching the show before they move to The CW on October 10, this is a good one to make them see.

Coming in at #2 was the episode that at the time, KryptonSite reviewer Louis Rabinowitz referred to it as “an episode that stands tall as the best episode of Supergirl thus far” – that would be “Falling.” Red Kryptonite episodes were always among the best episodes of Smallville, and that tradition continues with a really good story on Supergirl. Melissa Benoist was able to show off some great range and talent, and it’s so much fun to see Kara, even temporarily, as a mean girl. The placement of the episode was also good, because it forced many of Kara’s relationships in the series to change for a little while leading to the Flash crossover.
#3 was “For The Girl Who Has Everything,” the otherworldly homage to the classic Alan Moore comic book story.

Worst Episode: “Childish Things”
Despite some excellent acting from Jeremy Jordan (Winn) and guest star Henry Czerny (Winslow Schott Sr.), for whatever reason, the Toyman episode “Childish Things” didn’t resonate with the KryptonSite audience, taking the “Worst Episode” trophy with an admittedly small 10%.
Falling not far behind it at 9% – and surprising us here too – is the “Pilot.” Hopefully those of you who picked that one will agree the show got better.
Third place dishonors go to “Bizarro.”
Maybe the notion that all three of these episodes were [in our opinion] pretty decent means that Supergirl had an overall good year?

Favorite Actor: Melissa Benoist
The choice for Favorite Actor in the first-ever Supergirl-themed KryptonSite Awards is someone who has embodied their character so well and has provided herself as an inspiration for young girls (and boys!) everywhere. We’re speaking, of course, of Melissa Benoist, the woman who brings Supergirl and Kara Danvers to life. 53% of those who voted picked her as her favorite.
Coming it at second with 20% is Calista Flockhart, whose delightful delivery made Cat Grant a highlight of Supergirl’s first season, and very close behind her at 17% would be Chyler Leigh (Alex).

Favorite Super Guest: Laura Vandervoort
Like The Flash and Smallville before it, Supergirl has gone to past incarnations for fantastic guest stars from the Super-legacy. The very first episode of Supergirl featured Helen Slater (star of the 1984 Supergirl movie) and Dean Cain (“Superman” from Lois & Clark). But who was picked as the favorite?
That would be Laura Vandervoort (Indigo). It was wonderful to see TV’s first live-action Supergirl on television again, even if she was under a pile of blue make-up that made her look like Mystique. She had 45% of the vote.
Helen Slater came in second place with 29% and the remaining 26% went to Dean Cain.

Best Guest Star: Grant Gustin
The Best Guest Star of the non-Kryptonian variety for Supergirl Season 1 plays a scarlet speedster on his own show: That would be Grant Gustin, star of The Flash. “Worlds Finest” was an hour of happy and if one watches Gustin’s own series, they’d see that he plays Barry in such a way that you always root for him even in the darkest of times. Seeing his scenes with Melissa Benoist, especially, were a delight. Grant had 51% of the vote.
Coming in second place with 17% is the multi-talented Laura Benanti (Alura/Astra). For third, Jenna Dewan Tatum, Peter Facinelli, and Blake Jenner were all separated by one vote apiece. And someone wrote in “Tom Welling” even though he did not appear in Supergirl Season 1. Hrm, okay.

Favorite Writer: Andrew Kreisberg
Anyone who has ever spoken with Andrew Kreisberg or seen him in interviews knows he has a lot of passion for the source material, and he was involved in many episodes that made Supergirl great. 27% of voters picked him as their favorite, though Greg Berlanti was close behind with 25%.
Jessica Queller came in at #3 with 10%, surely due to her writing for the very popular episode “Falling.” The #4 spot went to Ali Adler, who was one of the developers of Supergirl who also had a hand in every episode.

Favorite Director: Larry Teng
Larry Teng is a name known to Supergirl fans for his participation on Twitter; he also helmed three very popular episodes of the series, including the previously-mentioned “Falling.” 30% picked him as their favorite.
Previous KryptonSite Award winner for his work on Smallville, Glen Winter, came in at #2 with 19%; and third place honors go to Nick Gomez (“Worlds Finest”) with 16%.

Favorite Character: Kara Danvers/Supergirl
40% of the people who voted in the category for Favorite Character picked Kara Danvers/Supergirl as their #1, which means the show must be doing something right.
Alex Danvers came in at #2 with 21%, and tying for #3 with 13% apiece were Cat Grant and Hank Henshaw/J’Onn J’Onzz.

Least Favorite Character: James Olsen
Oof. We’re assuming that 21% of the people who voted in this category picked James Olsen as a “protest vote” to keep shipping-type melodrama away, as the Kara/James/Lucy triangle was a bit heavy-handed. Either way, he was picked as Least Favorite this year.
Coming in second in this category was Sam Lane, because he surely came off as annoying and even racist at times, and those are never good looks. He had 12%.
Siobhan Smythe was picked as third least favorite with 10%. We’re assuming that’s because Italia Ricci did such an amazing job at making her a character we weren’t supposed to like, and we’re all on Team Kara over here.

Favorite Pairing: Kara & Alex
In a world where TV show shippers are always fighting and sniping at each other, it’s nice to see the Supergirl fandom taking the high road and instead honoring a sisterhood for Favorite Pairing.
Kara & Alex took the top spot in this category with 39% of the total vote. We love seeing them together, too. One of the strongest elements of Supergirl is sisterhood, and we can’t think of a better bond than this one.
Second place was worth running out for ice cream – as Kara & Barry Allen came in for #2 with 26%. Shh, don’t tell Iris.
Finally, the third most popular pairing of Supergirl is Kara & Cat. We hope Calista Flockhart visits Supergirl often in Season 2 because the notion of less Cat makes us sad. 17% picked that for a favorite.
And that’s it for the 2016 KryptonSite Awards! We hope to do this again next year, and as we mentioned, Season 1 of Supergirl is available on Blu-ray! We’ll be putting something together for The Flash Season 2 over the weekend, and the results of this year’s GreenArrowTV Awards can be found here. Thanks for participating!
Find out what’s next for Supergirl here!
View Comments
For the "Worst Episode" I think I voted for the 2nd episode because looking back the Pilot got me into the series but it got better around the 4th or 5th episode so I couldn't pick anything after those episodes so I only had two episodes to choose from episode 2 or 3.
For best guest star I voted for Italia Ricci because I liked here character as a villain.