There’s an article circulating from a not very reputable website claiming that Tom Welling is going to be playing Superman in the season finale of The Flash, and that Flash Executive Producer Greg Berlanti (who is also doing Supergirl) told reporters this during a CW event.
Some variations of this “story” claim that Barry Allen will end up in the Smallville universe at the end of Season 1, which sounds like something a fanfiction writer would come up with.
This is not true.
There was no CW event in which Greg Berlanti said this – we would have been there, plus, aside from the TCA press tour and the Arrow/Flash crossover event, Berlanti hasn’t done a lot of press as he’s been so busy producing new TV including Supergirl.
Secondly, Tom didn’t even really put on the costume for the Smallville finale – unless there’s been a change of heart, it’s doubtful that he’d put on the suit for another show.
Next, the article in question cites a “Comic Central City” as their source – a website that does not exist.
We aren’t going to link to the original article – that website has gotten enough traffic off of making up fake news anyway – but also keep in mind this source has promised Comic-Con trailers happening that never do, and now they’re saying Tobey Maguire will be Marvel’s Spider-Man in the next Captain America movie. They’ll say stuff that some people want to hear, but it doesn’t make it any more true, and sharing articles like that don’t make them suddenly become reality.
So, don’t always believe everything you read on websites you’ve never heard of! Unless it’s April 1, in which case, everything is true.
March 12, 2015 at 6:11 am
that website sounds like it’s run by an idiot 12 year old.
anyone with half a shred of common sense knows Smallville isn’t connected to the current CW comic universe, just like they know a 39 year old actor who played Spider-Man two whole reboots ago isn’t paying a new, high school aged version of him.
side note: think you meant Season 1 finale of Flash ; )
April 25, 2015 at 8:52 am
…um, duh – that’s the point. One of Flash’s powers that he develops is being able to change his vibration frequency to visit parallel universes. That’s one of the reasons so many people are excited about a Flash series – he can do crossovers with any DC property ever made, Arrow/Flash-verse or not.
March 25, 2015 at 1:18 pm
The other article said that it might be a possibility depending on certain things. Possibility does not make it false.
Craig Byrne
March 25, 2015 at 1:43 pm
It actually does make it false because it is not a “possibility.” As stated in this article sources that do not exist are being cited. There was no press conference, and really, those producers would never reveal a season’s endgame like that anyway.
Anyone thinking there’s any truth to those reports is seriously thinking wishfully and should learn that people do make up BS for web traffic.
Andrew Jamison
April 23, 2015 at 4:42 am
Would it be plausible for Tom to maybe have a cameo as Clark (not as superman) just as a nod to the fans or would this still not be possible?
Craig Byrne
April 30, 2015 at 4:48 pm
Why? Henry Cavill is Clark Kent now. What would Tom Welling gain by playing Clark again? He’s already done it for 218 episodes, I think he’s over it.
May 13, 2015 at 3:01 pm
Oh please. There was a report in APRIL by a major source about this. And apparently you’ve never heard of the flash and this little concept called ‘parallel universes’?!? Dude I know more than you do clearly.
Craig Byrne
May 14, 2015 at 6:22 am
The point of this article is that people are stupid enough to believe anything, and you confirmed it. Major outlets can get duped too.
Krazy Joe
March 27, 2015 at 2:18 am
“Secondly, Tom didn’t even really put on the costume for the Smallville finale ”
— One of the MANY reasons the Smallville finale was a piece of stinky garbage.
April 19, 2015 at 1:44 pm
Thanks for this. My brother told me today that Tom Welling was going to appear on the Flash and I just laughed because that doesn’t sound like something remotely true so I had to do my own googling.
May 20, 2015 at 8:06 am
Despite being a fabricated rumor, i think u guys aren’t seeing the big picture here. How awesome would it be if Tom Welling showd up in The Flash, or in Supergirl for that matter,since she talks so much about her cousin…
Does anyone else get excited about this or is it just me?
They will eventually bring someone to play Clark Kent in super girl. And Greg, I dont think it will be Henry Cavill. Nope. Not a chance. So why not Tom?
Craig Byrne
May 22, 2015 at 10:37 am
The big picture is that Tom Welling wouldn’t put on a Superman costume for his own show. Why would he do it now?
Stevie Craig
November 2, 2015 at 3:24 am
He didn’t put on the superman costume in Smallville because the show was about Clark Kent not Superman. Plus the creators came out and said at the start of the series it wouldn’t be happening
Craig Byrne
November 2, 2015 at 7:18 pm
Also, Tom said he wasn’t going to do it. Anyone who thinks Tom Welling wanted to wear a costume is delusional.