Filming has started on The CW's Supermamn & Lois TV pilot.
Jordan Elsass has shared a photo of himself with his Superman & Lois brother Alex Garfin on Instagram.
Sofia Hasmik will be playing Smallville Gazette reporter Chrissy Beppo in Superman & Lois.
After screen tests and green screen work this week, filming for Superman & Lois is soon to begin.
The Vancouver Sun newsroom will double for the Daily Planet in The CW's Superman & Lois TV pilot.
The CW has uploaded Superman & Lois poster art with a slightly different font and logo.
Elizabeth Tulloch has shared a picture of her family from the Superman & Lois cast with masks.
Worries that the Superman & Lois TV series is the reason Supergirl is ending are unfounded.
A new logo for the upcoming Superman & Lois TV series has been revealed by Elizabeth Tulloch.
Superman & Lois is proposing to film Smallville scenes in Cloverdale -- a town which doubled for the earlier Smallville…