The series finale of Supergirl airs on November 9, and for DC FanDome, star Melissa Benoist (Kara) was joined by cast members past and present to...
The CW has released Supergirl Season 6 poster art featuring the entire cast.
Photos of the cast of Supergirl celebrating 100 episodes of The CW television series
Supergirl returns with new episodes at a new later hour – 9PM ET/PT – tonight on The CW! Yes, Supergirl is moving a little later to...
“Event Horizon” is the title of the October 6 season premiere of Supergirl which will air at 9PM ET/PT following the series opener of Batwoman the...
Preview images from the Supergirl Season 5 premiere "Event Horizon" airing October 6 on The CW
The CW has released new "poster art" to promote Supergirl Season 5.
Interviews from the set of Supergirl Season 2, with Melissa Benoist, Mehcad Brooks, David Harewood, Chris Wood, and Ian Gomez
The cast of Supergirl signed autographs at Comic-Con to promote Season 3.
Melissa Benoist, Chyler Leigh, and David Harewood look to Supergirl Season 2.