Preview trailer for the Superman & Lois series finale "It Went By So Fast" airing Monday, December 2 on The…
The CW has confirmed that the Superman & Lois series finale will air on Monday, December 2.
The title of the Superman & Lois series finale has now been revealed.
Preview images with spoilers for the Supergirl series finale "Kara" airing November 9 on The CW
Preview images for the Supergirl episode "The Last Gauntlet" which is Hour 1 of a two-hour series finale
Preview trailer for the Supergirl series finale airing November 9 on The CW
Official CW description with spoilers for the Supergirl series finale episodes "The Last Gauntlet" & "Kara"
Supergirl will fly off with a two-hour series finale.
Mehcad Brooks, Jeremy Jordan, and Chris Wood will all be returning in the Supergirl season finale.
Supergirl's Melissa Benoist talks about the ending of the series.