Superman & Lois: Michael Bishop Discusses Jon’s New Powers & Season 4

Michael Bishop joined the cast of The CW’s Superman & Lois in the third season, taking over the role of “Jonathan Kent” from Jordan Elsass who played the role in Seasons 1 and 2. For the first three seasons, Jonathan was the brother who didn’t have powers, with Alex Garfin‘s “Jordan” being the one who inherited some Kryptonian from his Super dad. Those things changed in the third episode of Season 4, as now Jon has abilities… and he seems pretty good at using them.

KryptonSite’s Craig Byrne recently interviewed Michael Bishop about Jon’s power increase as well as his experience of doing the show which is now four episodes in to its final season. New episodes of the show air Mondays at 8PM on The CW, with the next new episode “Break the Cycle” airing on October 28. And of course, our first question involves — you knew it — the powers.

KRYPTONSITE: How long have you been waiting for Jonathan to get powers?

MICHAEL BISHOP: I’ve been rooting for him to get powers all along. I mean, I loved the storyline that he was a hero without the powers, and I thought that was such an interesting dynamic between Jon and Jordan, and I think it was really a beautiful story, but I think it’s just about time that this guy became the hero that he truly is, because he’s been showing signs of being a true hero from Day One. He’s had his ups and downs, but I think he’s always had that heroic heart and that heroic mindset, and so it was really exciting to be told that that’s what we were doing this season, because I think it’s a great service to the fans. I think it was just really awesome how it played out.

When you found out that it was happening, was there also a feeling of “Finally! But the show is ending in seven episodes!”

[Laughs] Yeah, absolutely. I also thought about the fact that I booked the show, and I was like, “yes! sick! I’m going to be on the superhero show. Wait, I’m not going to get to have powers on a superhero show, and I’m going to have to live with that forever, that I was on the superhero show and I didn’t get to have powers!” But honestly, I’m happy that I got to do it for for even just one season.

Those flying scenes pretty tough. They take a lot out of your core and your back. They’re tough, but I would have done it for five more seasons, too.

Can you talk about getting to work side by side with Tyler Hoechlin doing super-feats and training as Jonathan and Clark together?

That was really fun. We hadn’t had too many one-on-one scenes before this season, and so to get that training, which I think are some of the most fun scenes ever… when you get to see someone training, which I think are some of the most fun scenes ever… I think it’s so awesome. And so, to get one of those with him and and a few other really nice moments with Tyler this season was truly wonderful.

He’s always been so welcoming from Day One. I was a little anxious. I booked the role [prior to Season 3] and started shooting within a week, and he he instantly welcomed me and gave me some wise words that made me feel really comfortable, and really settled, and really valued. And so getting to kind of have that moment with him was was really wonderful.

Is it true that you auditioned for Jonathan during the first audition process for the series?

It is! Back in 2019 or 2020, I auditioned for Jon, and it got right down to the wire, and I missed out. I was heartbroken. I always felt like “damn, I would have played a really good Jon Kent.” I really felt that, truly, and I don’t normally feel that about roles. If I miss out on them, I usually go “all right, well, you know, that’s fine. It wasn’t meant to be.” But with this one, I was sure that was my role!

Jordan Elsass did a fantastic job with Jon, but to have the role come back to me in this way was so surreal and so incredible. I’m forever grateful.

They paired you with a different Jordan in the audition, right?

Yeah. You know, all of these audition processes…. they’re really interesting, and you do some really fun things. But at the time, it was a great lesson of dealing with heartbreak. But I’m so happy that it came back in this way.

When you did that first audition for Jonathan, were you surprised, since in the comics, he is the son who has the powers?

I was, because Jordan’s an original character, right? I thought it was a really interesting spin. But also, I didn’t know when I was first auditioning… it’s a little foggy for me now, but I didn’t think either of them were going to get powers. I feel like I vividly remember something in the script made me believe that neither of them were going to ever get powers. So now, for both of them to have them, and to get to have that Super Sons thing on TV is really cool. I love doing that with Alex and and I think the dynamic between the two of them is so fun.

Is there any chance that Jon might get a better costume than the dorky goggles look, with no offense to Alex, who had to wear it previously?

[Laughs] That costume is ridiculous!

All I will say about the Snoopy fighter pilot costume is that is that I look just as ridiculous in that costume as Alex does. So it’s not Alex. It is definitely the costume.

How do these powers continue to affect John’s relationship with Jordan, because the end of the most recent episode, they seem to be in a pretty good place?

The sibling dynamic is really interesting. It’s really hot and cold, and that feels really authentic. I have two brothers myself, and it is like that, you know? You always love each other, but you’re gonna bicker and you’re gonna have really hot and cold moments, and there are things that go unsaid, and that feels really real, and I love that we get to demonstrate that on this show.

I think both brothers are battling with a hundred different mixed feelings at the moment. Their their dad had just died and then recovered, which is like, “what the actual f%^#! What does that mean?” And they’re also dealing with their Granddad dying, and they have the terrifying Lex Luthor out to destroy everything that their family has. Jordan’s been trying to be a hero in some ways, and he’s gotten it wrong so many times, and now, Jon gets powers, and he’s got it right from the get-go, and that’s really tough. I feel like I can understand Jordan’s jealousy and Jordan’s hardship with that. He’s trying to be proud for his brother, but it’s really difficult. And then, in the same way, Jon’s really battling with wanting to be happy for himself, but understanding that this is a pretty painful thing for his brother to see. I’m excited for that to get fleshed out some more, and hopefully we get to see the Super Sons in action!

Is it also painful or awkward to see what his father is going through at this time?

Absolutely. It humanizes this god-like figure, in a way that is so relatable and really tough to see. We’re going to see a big shift in the mindset around Superman. It humanizes him in a really, really cool way, but in a really frightening way. And I think for Jon, and Jordan, and Lois, and the rest of the family, it definitely changes their perspective on their dad, who they thought was this invincible guy. They just want the best for him.

Might we see Candice or any of Jon’s other romantic interests before the end of the series?

I think we might. I think that’s okay to tease. [NOTE: We do indeed see Candice in the new episode airing Monday, October 28. See an exclusive preview clip below!]

Jon and Candice have such a beautiful, sweet teen romance. Jon is such a lover boy and and I really love them together, and I love that he’s in love, because I think it adds another layer to this really tough dynamic where he’s now trying to be a hero and maintain that love life, and his friends, and his family, and it throws another thing into this whirlwind of emotions for him that was really fun to play off.

Is there a part of you that ever wanted to see Jon get with Sarah?

Oh, that’s really interesting. I don’t think so.

I think it’s like “bro code” at the end of the day. Jon doesn’t want anything to do with that, because that’s his brother’s gal. You know what I mean? Even if she’s not anymore, it’s just something that if my brother, in real life, ever had someone, and then I just [swooped in]… it’s just one of those things where I just feel like “you don’t go there.”

I feel like Jon’s pretty with the bro code, and also, Sarah and Jon have this really fun friendship. She’s there for him in ways that no one else is. It’s a different dynamic that he has than with anyone else in the show, and I like that we could see a little bit of that in Season 4.

I think Jon just wants Sarah and Jordan to just stay away from each other, because I think he’s been seeing the red flags for a while.

What’s the big takeaway that you’ll get from having had the Superman & Lois experience?

Biggest takeaway? I think the main thing, honestly, is that I’m really proud of myself as an actor, like stepping into this role so last minute, and really delving into this and doing the best that I possibly can for this character who is adored so greatly.

I’m so grateful that I got to work with all these wonderful people. I learned so much. I almost considered going to acting school around the time that I booked the show, and I’m so glad that this happened instead, because this was like a master class in itself. I learned so much about myself in many ways, and I honestly, I’m really proud of myself, and I’m really proud of the work that we were able to put out. And I hope fans can take away the hope that Superman & Lois gives people.

How was your last day on set?

My last day on set was great. It was really fun. Everyone was there, I remember that… I don’t know if I can say that…

We’ve seen pictures.

It was a really, really great day. It was sad, of course. I did a couple shots at the end of the day, because I wanted to have a little celebration. It was sad saying goodbye to the crew, because I know I won’t be seeing the crew I won’t be seeing too often, whereas the cast I get to see sometimes. But it was a really beautiful send off, and I’m really excited for people to see it.

Now that you have returned home, do your friends react to you differently, now that you have played the son of Superman and Lois Lane?

I’m really glad that both Alex and I get to go through this together, because I have someone to relate to. Yeah, I think I’m getting referred to as Superboy by my friends more now than Michael, so I think I have to live with that for a little while.

I’m just really glad that Alex is probably going through the exact same thing, so we get to share that together.

My friends and family are just really proud of me, and they love the show. I couldn’t be more grateful for all of them.

Is there any chance you might reunite with the cast to do some fan conventions in the future?

I would love to do some fan conventions. It’s really tough because I’m from Australia, and I know it’s expensive to get me out there, but I would love to show up at those. So if any of the cons or the con people are [reading this], make a petition to get me there, because I would love to be at them. I’d love to do that with Tyler and Bitsie and Alex and everyone, because as many times as I can see them, it is another wonderful memory that I get to share with them.

Is there anything specific you’d like to say to the fans that will be reading this interview?

I would love to say “thank you so much.” I was so terrified coming onto this show. I know you all loved Joh so dearly, and I am so delighted that you feel that I was able to bring this character to life in a way that made you all happy. I just can’t thank you enough, because this could have gone really sour for me. They say it was a big gamble. Being a recast, it’s always a tough thing, but I think I got really, really lucky. I wouldn’t be as content as I am right now without all of your love and your support for my Jon.

Superman & Lois has another new episode “Break the Cycle” airing this Monday, October 28 on The CW. Get caught up with past Season 4 episodes on or the CW app!

Craig Byrne

Craig Byrne has been writing about Superman TV since 1995, when the "Lois & Clark Krypton Club" launched. He founded in February 2001, becoming the first fan site for The WB/CW television series Smallville. He also wrote the Official Companion books for Smallville seasons 4-7 as well as the Smallville Visual Guide.

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