The recent Fan Expo in Vancouver offered a chance for new heroes to meet old ones. For example, Alex Garfin (Jordan Kent) posted a photo on Twitter of himself with Tom Grummett, artist of the upcoming Superman & Lois: Earth One comic book set in the world of the show. (Grummett also co-created one of the most popular incarnations of Superboy, who fans know best as “Conner Kent” or “Kon-El”).
And then there’s his TV brother, Jordan Elsass. We’d like to think that he was walking around looking for his TV parents Tyler Hoechlin and Elizabeth Tulloch but instead found a different Lois Lane and Clark Kent. Rather than finding them, though, he found another beloved Lois and Clark. No, not Teri Hatcher and that guy that you often see on Fox News. It’s Erica Durance and Tom Welling of Smallville fame!
The Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover established that on Earth-167, their characters had two daughters. But just imagine… what if they had a son?
Here’s that picture, courtesy of Jordan Elsass’ Twitter. “As a longtime Smallville fan, it was super cool to meet Tom Welling and Erica Durance at @FANEXPOVAN this past weekend. Kind of surreal to see this version of Lois and Clark after having the privilege of playing Jon Kent on Superman & Lois,” he wrote.
Don’t forget that a new episode of Superman & Lois airs TONIGHT (February 22) on The CW!