Yesterday here on KryptonSite we shared Part 1 of our interview with Inde Navarrette who plays Sarah Cushing on Superman & Lois… now that the episode “Girl… You’ll Be A Woman, Soon” has aired, we can go more in-depth on a few things, including Sarah’s reactions when she learned what her dad Kyle has been up to.
If you haven’t seen the episode yet, it’s up on in the United States and it’s quite good, so you should probably check that out before reading. If you have seen it, though… enjoy!

KRYPTONSITE’S CRAIG BYRNE: In the episode, when Sarah confronts Kyle about the other woman, Lana doesn’t seem that surprised by this and even just references “the woman from the bar.” How does Sarah feel about this reaction?
INDE NAVARRETTE: I felt so heartbroken when I heard that line, because you think your family is one way, and then when you finally see it [isn’t] and it shifts, I feel like as a kid, you never go back. And I think that moment in Sarah’s life right then and there is where she’s not becoming a woman because of the fact that she had a quinceanara, she’s becoming a woman because the kid lenses are finally coming off on what the world around her actually is.
And as an actress, were you surprised when you read what was happening with Kyle in the scripts? Kyle and Sarah finally seemed to be in a good place.
Yeah, I was kind of heartbroken, because Erik [Valdez] and I were finally not yelling at each other! They had some good moments, but I think truth always will come out, and if anything can either destroy a relationship, or make it stronger. I definitely think we’re at that point in the relationship where either it’s going to kill us, or it’s gonna make them stronger.
Was it hard to film such big and emotional scenes in the cold night of Vancouver?
It was very jarring, but if anything, it kind of helped, because when you’re supposed to be having a panic attack, and when you’re supposed to be shivering, and crying and frustrated… the 30 degree weather is also making you shiver and get really frustrated because you’re cold. I think that looking back now, it really helped, and it was a great experience, but in the moment, I would have fought everyone and anyone the whole night for choosing that location.
Seeing what her father has done, will she still want to adopt the Cortez family name?
I think adopting his family’s name has nothing to do with Kyle per se, because the reasoning in the episode is that she doesn’t understand why Kyle’s father – her Abuelito – felt the need to change his name from Cortez to Cushing in order to make a living. I think it’s bigger than her relationship with Kyle, so no. I believe at the right time, after everything has kind of blown over, she’ll make that decision for itself.
New episodes of Superman & Lois air Tuesdays on The CW.