Before last week’s episode of Superman & Lois titled “Lies That Bind” we shared an interview with Erik Valdez (Kyle Cushing) previewing the episode… now that it has aired, and we’ve got a new episode almost here on June 7, we’re sharing a few extra bits that would have been too spoilery to run the first time around… specifically, about Sarah’s song at the end of the episode, but also about the conversation Lana and Clark have about why Clark kept his distance after disappearing for several years.
So, consider this a Part 2, and don’t miss “All Is Lost” Tuesday night on The CW!
KRYPTONSITE’S CRAIG BYRNE: We got reminded in “Lies That Bind” that Clark never reconnected with Lana back in the day because he saw that she was with Kyle. Do you think Clark made the right choice?
ERIK VALDEZ: Oh, that’s heavy. Let’s put it this way: Had I been in Clark’s shoes, I’s fully understand why he didn’t force the issue. Why he didn’t step in and let Lana know how he still felt about her? Because that’s not in Clark’s nature. He’s a fixer. He likes to see everybody happy. He’s Superman. He wants to solve the world’s problems and in that situation – given the few things that he’d seen of her, [being] happy, hugging and kissing Kyle with a ring on her finger – that’s not in Clark’s nature to go and rock that boat. If Erik had been in that situation, I’m not really a person to rock the boat either, but I’m not one to leave things unsaid. So I would have handled it a little differently and said, ‘Look, I want you to be happy. I love that you’re happy, but just so you know, this is how I feel.’ Had Kyle been the person doing that, I think Kyle would have just stepped up and said, ‘Hey man, I’m still in love with this girl. I don’t know what you think you’re doing.’ There might have been a fist fight or something. But those are the three different ways of how I saw that going down. [Laughs]

Can you talk about watching Inde Navarrette perform at the end of the episode?
First of all, I love getting to work with Inde. Music has been a big part of my life for a long time. I have written and recorded songs, I’ve done all that other stuff. I wrote this song for Sarah’s character actually, not Kyle… me… Erik… I actually wrote that song for her.
Music is such a great way of expressing where you’re at emotionally at any given time. It’s a great way of coping with with things that you’re going through. For Todd [Helbing] and our writers to incorporate that and have it be Sarah’s thing, she’s now writing music to deal with life…. I love that, because I knew that off screen I was going to get to work with Inde on something that we both share off screen as well. She loves music, I love music, and I know she’s expressed a lot of interest into wanting to do more with that and to learn more about the writing process. I wrote it for her character, but then I ran it by Inde obviously before we went anywhere with it, to make sure I knew the character really well. Nobody knows that better than she does. So we sat down, I ran it by her, and worked with her on singing it and everything. She really loved it, and there are these great little moments that we get to bond over as Inde and Erik, but also stuff that ties into the Kyle-Sarah thing on screen. It was great getting to see that, and then watching her perform it. There are a couple of cuts to Kyle’s sitting at the bar watching and those those expressions, those emotions in his face were real, because I do feel often times like Inde is my long lost daughter, and watching her up there; she’s got such a beautiful voice and watching her perform, it was this really proud moment.
Hopefully we’ll see some of their practicing and rehearsing on social media at one point! Our thanks to Erik Valdez for the conversation.