Ten Comics I'd Like To See As TV Series
Written by Craig Byrne - KryptonSite Webmaster
Part 2 of 2 - Read Part 1
While the major comic book companies and their corporate parents seem to be focusing on movies for their more well-known character, I have to confess that what I'd really love to see again is another good superhero TV series, especially as Smallville is approaching its final season (or two). It seems as of late, recent adaptations have either been of non-superhero genres (Human Target or The Walking Dead) or mostly unknown (like Midnight, Mass.) And when a new project IS announced, it's either not picked up as a series (see Aquaman), disappears from development with no fanfare (The WB's Flash series), or is somehow blocked by the movie division (The Graysons).
With that said, and ignoring most movie studio limitations - here are ten comic book-based TV series that I'd like to see. I posted my top five DC choices earlier this week, and here now are my Marvel choices.
If any TV execs or producers are reading this and care to do anything with my suggestions, I promise not to sue.
#5: Hawkeye or Moon Knight
I'm kind of cheating here by giving two different concepts the #5 spot.
There's some bias in my picking Hawkeye as a concept that I'd like for TV, because he happens to be my favorite member of the Avengers and one of the most overlooked Marvel characters there is. He's an expert marksman, kind of like Green Arrow, but he's also got that whole dark past thing going on. He could travel the world like the Winchesters for all I care, and as long as he has that purple bow and arrow, we're good. Hopefully Mockingbird and some other West Coast Avengers would be along for the ride too.It could be an Avengers type TV show without being an Avengers show...perhaps running concurrently with the film series, where we see what these peripheral characters are doing in the Marvel U. And there's no other character, to me, that is as interesting to "look in" with than Hawkeye.
As for Moon Knight... this was actually proposed but there has been no traction on it within the last few years. One interesting aspect of Moon Knight that was done at least originally is that the character had three different secret identities - a millionaire, a mercenary, and a cabbie. People might think it'd be a Batman rip-off, but I don't really see DC/Warner Bros. doing Batman on TV now, are they? They probably would have to lose the cape, though... I can't see the costume really working in physical form, but as long as the hood, the mask, and the white crescent scheme are present, we'll definitely know who it is.
#4: Alias (Jessica Jones, not Sydney Bristow)
The first "mature readers" title that Marvel Comics put out for their MAX line was called Alias, and it was about a private investigator named Jessica Jones who -
back in the day - used to be a super-heroine called Jewel. The book lasted a little less than three years, and now Jessica can be found within the pages of New Avengers with a young daughter and a husband, the indestructible "Power Man" Luke Cage.
A Jessica Jones TV series (I'm assuming it wouldn't be called Alias for obvious reasons) might not scare off common viewers because there wouldn't be a lot of superheroics in the present day. Females might get behind such a show, although Jessica is a bit potty mouthed and can get herself into certain situations - if done right it could be Sex & The City with a former superheroine. Though if such a series were to come, they'd have to involve the Power Man & Iron Fist duo. Have to.
#3: Daredevil
Admit it: Even though it was no Spider-Man, the Daredevil movie with Ben Affleck didn't totally suck. And the concept of a blind lawyer with an alter ego who has radar senses would make for good TV, and almost did become a TV series years ago as a spin-off from a Hulk TV-movie.
It's been a while since we had a straight-up superhero-in-tights television series. But I personally think Daredevil would be cool, especially if it's shot on location in New York... in other words, having just one street like Smallville does just wouldn't fly.
Daredevil could also be a means to introduce other characters to television who may work out well for TV, such as the Punisher.
#2: Ultimate Spider-Man
I seriously doubt Marvel, Disney, or Sony would let their multi-million dollar Spider-Man movie franchise go to TV. But - although swinging effects would probably get quite expensive, Brian Michael Bendis' Ultimate Spider-Man is a concept with characters that are made for TV.
Awkward main kid with super-powers? Check. Hot girl next door? Check. Atrractive blonde friend? Check. Rich friend whose dad is evil? Check. Teen angst? Definitely. This kind of a formula made Smallville work, and ever since Marvel relaunched Ultimate Spider-Man recently as a comic book, I keep being reminded of how amazing - pun intended - it would be to see on weekly TV. Maybe even as profitable as a series of movies would be, in the long run.
#1: The New Mutants
The X-Men movies were a hit. So was Heroes. But how much cooler than Heroes would it be to see a weekly television series with characters from the Marvel mutant-verse?
I'm assuming the features people have a tight hold on the X-Men as a brand or a title, but what about the original "junior" X-Men of the New Mutants? A New Mutants TV series could focus on some of those mutant characters that aren't as expensive to show on screen as, say, Cyclops, Wolverine, and Storm, and instead focus on that junior team. The Nathan Petrelli effects from Heroes show us Cannonball is possible. Dani Moonstar can be done. Lighting effects could make a pretty cool looking Sunspot. Boom-Boom? Piece of cake. Throw Shatterstar and Rictor in there to make Middle America squirm. Maybe even a few X-Factor characters like Madrox would fit in very well, too. Bam. Instant TV show that doesn't mess (too much) with the X-Men movie franchise. I'd love it and I'd watch every week.
So there you have it. Five Marvel choices, and five DC choices. Now let's see some of these series actually happen! And a small addendum - reader "ManOfTheAtom" asked why there aren't any non-Marvel or DC choices on this list, such as characters from Valiant Comics, a company that I loved back in my high school days.
If anyone's curious what I think about them... Harbinger I think would have made an incredible TV series, though I think people would make too many Heroes comparisons now. Eternal Warrior could be interesting. And Quantum & Woody I'd love, but probably more as a movie.
I also realized after reading some feedback that there were definitely some great made-for-TV concepts that I missed. A Justice League series led by Phil Morris' Martian Manhunter would still be fantastic. And Y The Last Man, I think, would be perfect for television, though I wasn't thinking about that when writing my first column.
Thanks for reading!.
Read some Smallville Season 9 spoilers!