On TalkVille, the reality of the current status of the Smallville animated project was discussed.
John Schneider has been added to the 2025 Salute to Smallville convention in Chicago from…
Annette O'Toole discusses her biggest regret from her time on Smallville.
John Glover and Adrianne Palicki will be attending the 2025 Salute to Smallville convention.
Director Jeannot Szwarc, who helmed over a dozen episodes of Smallville in addition to the…
Writer Bryan Q. Miller has revealed that Smallville almost had a "female JLA" episode.
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Not bad! ;)
Are you kidding me?!? I am infuriated. This show took superman's female counterpart, someone just as powerful as him, and reduced her show to a rom-com with her being supergirl as a background plot. There wasn't one action scene that you would have seen in a male led show like arrow and flash. This show looked like it would be a huge success and one of the greats in female led superhero shows but it will just be another one to put on the list of worst shows with female leads
Your femi-nazi is showing dude.
The trailer looks great.
Perfection? A Jimmy Olsen so different from classic Jimmy, that many fans don't like him already, he should've been a new character, it would've made more sense. This Cat Grant is not classic either, among other unnecessary changes to the source material, so it is far, far from perfect. The score was not very inspiring either, the first trailer from the Flash was much better IMO. I will give it a chance though, but expectations from many fans don't seem to be very high, there's a lot of scepticism.
Disgrace to the series and all things DC but what do I know, I'm only a fan since early childhood.
I don't know, I've been an early fan since childhood and I loved it, and don't think it's a disgrace at all to anything DC. Not sure I follow you...
I think its a bit early to judge weather it will be bad or good based on 6 minutes of footage! If Arrow showed a 6 minute trailer before airing the pilot of the wrong 6 minutes of the pilot you might have said the same thing. Watch the first episode when it airs then make a decision
I've shown my 8 and 11 year old daughters this and they are excited for it. No, its not the classic source material - which has changed a half dozen times since Crisis. And to the RomCom criticism, I think its less that and more a coming of age. And every one of the current superhero shows has an element of romance going on - Arrow has a ton. Flash, heck even Agents of Shield.
I don't expect perfection right out of the gate. It has promise and potential. Hopefully CBS gives it a season to find itself - and hopefully it does. I want this for my kids!