Please note spoilers for the Superman & Lois SERIES FINALE “It Went By So Fast” are being dicsussed in this interview! If you’re on the West Coast and/or haven’t watched yet, now is a good time to stop reading!
Well, we’ve reached that end point. Superman & Lois has ended, we have glimpses of the future, and while some characters were reunited in the afterlife, there were, of course, some who won’t be around forever. Hopefully you had tissues handy for those final moments.
After screening the S&L finale KryptonSite’s Craig Byrne was able to interview showrunners Todd Helbing and Brent Fletcher about the finale, and we touched upon some things audience might just be wondering. It’s likely our last S&L interview with this duo, and we thank them for frequently being available to talk to promote the show. Enjoy, and remember you can discuss the finale on our Superman & Lois forum!
KRYPTONSITE: Was it intentional to fill the final episode with tie ins back to all four seasons of the show?
BRENT FLETCHER: Yeah. We wanted to honor everything that came before, and then tell a life to come, so we felt like it was important to highlight that stuff.
There were obviously some things that we would have liked to have added. We missed Tal-Rho (Adam Rayner) we would have liked to have had him in there. You have constraints based on budget and time and personnel, but we wanted to kind of honor the whole breadth of the series in that moment.
Beyond Tal-Rho, is there any guest star you had hoped you can make it into the finale that you just couldn’t make happen?
TODD HELBING: I think we would have ideally had Dylan Walsh back in the moment when Lois says “Daddy.” I think also it would have been nice to get Lucy (Jenna Dewan) back for the last season.
BRENT: And the Mannheims! Peia and Mateo… we would have found a way to use them, for sure.
Speaking of guest stars, as that Bitsie Tulloch’s husband David Giuntoli is adult Jonathan?
TODD: That was David. We reached out to him, and he was so gracious to do it. And then, we really wanted to cast somebody that looked like Alex. Both of them got older, showed up, and had to cry, basically. So that was some awesome work.
Can you talk about bringing Bruno Mannheim (Chad Coleman) in for both of the final episodes?
TODD: He said in season three to Superman, that basically he hadn’t made any real change. Clearly, that sat with [Clark] for a long time, and we really wanted to hit this. We talked about that idea in the room quite a bit, so we really wanted to infuse that in the last season, so it felt like bringing Bruno back to tee that up was was the right move. Chad Coleman was just so fantastic, as always.
Can you talk about all the good that Clark and Lois are doing in Smallville even after he no longer has his powers.
BRENT: We kind of saw it as, again, to what Bruno had said, He has been reaching out and doing diplomatic stuff ,and doing economic stuff ,and trying to help in ways that don’t involve strength. They involve organization ,and participation, and getting other people to join. So we felt like That was kind of an interesting thing, for a man that had once had all this power, to then have power in a different way, but also still doing great good.
Are we to assume that there was never a Justice League in this world?
TODD: Yeah, very likely not. Not in the way that you historically think about it.

So does that imply that Jonathan and Jordan are the main heroes of this world?
Jon, Jordan… Nat is part of that….. John Henry, too.
Are Clark and Lois still alive on Earth-Prime?
TODD: [Laughs] You know, I would assume that yeah, probably… I feel like it.
Was it surreal to have been the custodians of Superman and Lois Lane, telling their stories in such a unique way for the last four years?
TODD: Whenever you’re you’re writing stories for a property as big as this and as beloved as you know both of those those characters are, and trying to put your own spin on it and do something a little bit different than what people are used to, there are inherent pressures that come with that. But I think from the get go, we got such great response from people, and that response grew and grew. I’m just really proud to have been a part of such a special property.
BRENT: My first day of work, I was driving to Burbank, and the car in front of me had a big Superman “S” on it. And it really struck me “oh, this thing is big!” This person cared enough to put that emblem on their car, and I’m about to contribute to this… so I think you have to be very mindful of that, but it’s also kind of thrilling, because you get in there andyou can’t be subservient to it. You have to want to put your own spin and have a thing to say. Todd and Greg [Berlanti] had built a really great pilot that had such a great engine, and it was such a degree different than what I had seen before, with the family element and just struggling to be parents, with these great heroes… I felt like we always served that idea, and that made it its own unique thing, but felt worthy of the umbrella of all the other [Superman media].
It’s daunting, but it’s also thrilling to be part of that. You think “where did I make a good life decision that allows me to be a part of this?” And that’s fun.
TODD: At some point in one of the early pitches, it was said that the Superman crest is the second most recognizable icon in the world, next to the Christian cross, which when you think about it in those terms, it’s a little like “holy moly!”
I believe I read an interview you guys did where you said that you wanted this finale to be different from any other Superman type finale that we’ve ever seen before. Can you talk about that?
TODD: We watched a lot of series finales, and we know how important it is as audience members and fans of other shows, when you get to that moment, you just want something that emotionally resonates with you and has a lasting effect, so we approached it that way. We had an idea what we wanted to do, but the way it was going to be doled out, we took some time with, and did many versions. Hopefully, what people walk away with at the end is something meaningful to them, because you can interpret the ending in many different ways.
BRENT: You want it to feel earned, and like Todd said, you want to think about it afterwards. You also want it to also be reflective of what the show was, and what the show meant. We tried to basically tie everything up, but make it feel earned and emotional. Hopefully we were able to accomplish that.
The title of the episode is “It Went By So Fast.” Is that the feeling that you are personally having now that the show is almost finished airing?
TODD: Oh, yeah, a for sure. We started this during COVID, but it feels like yesterday. think as you get older, it’s something that everybody says at some point in their life, right? “It went by so fast”…. or “I can’t believe how fast time is going”…. and hopefully, it’s something that people look at and it helps or reminds them to appreciate moments more, and to slow things down a little bit.
BRENT: As you get older, your relationship with time changes a little bit. Like, you’re in high school and you can’t wait for the clock to run out so you can get out of school, and then you’re my age, and I’ve got kids, and all of a sudden they’ve jumped a grade, and it seems like that was in two days,. It’s funny how the older you get, the relationship with time, and your life, and your perspective changes. That was always hanging on the wall at Martha’s house, and we both relate to that being at our stage in life as parents, and we’re pretty sure that as we keep going in life, it’s going to keep hitting us over the head how fast things are going. So we felt like it was apropos as we said goodbye to Lois and Clark, that they would be feeling that as well.
Superman & Lois Season 4 should soon be streaming on Max, but will be well remembered by all.

Matthew Markovich
November 7, 2016 at 9:47 pm
That last thing between Alex and Maggie was interesting but I thought Alex would reveal her true nature about being a lesbian. Although it was well played I thought there would be more to it.
Jason Thomas
November 8, 2016 at 10:07 am
I honestly cant even watch this show any longer!!! This is supposed to be about Supergirl and a fun show for entire family. Instead its now about someone’s sexuality …????! WTF!! If someone wants to come out of the closet, leave that TV trash to daytime soaps and talk shows!!! I don’t need it crammed down my throat on a classic superhero show!!!
Craig Byrne
November 8, 2016 at 2:31 pm
Did you complain when Kara decided she was straight? Just checking.
November 14, 2016 at 6:25 pm
Hey Craig – I’ll stop complaining and start watching when this show sticks to what it’s supposed to be about instead of trying to be PC. When has Kara or anyone of these characters in all these years ever needed to ” come out'”??! Just checking !
Craig Byrne
November 14, 2016 at 6:27 pm
Exactly! They don’t need to because they’ve always known what they liked. Alex didn’t. What you are demanding is that characters who might be LGBT have no right to go through their journey. It’s not even about being “PC,” it’s about reflecting the human world that’s around us. Since Supergirl is about a human exploring our world, she is going to encounter human situations.
November 14, 2016 at 6:37 pm
Funny Craig I was a huge smallville fan and really loved how show went through its evolving changes. All without needing to ever exploring someone’s sexuality. I don’t want kids exposed to any kind of sexuality in a show about any of the D.C. Or marvel heroes! It’s about having fun, not having to wonder what supergirls sister likes, boys or girls.. how sad! I grew up watching supermen, super friends, justice league, smallville., batman. Non of these shows needed to go there and our generation ended up fine! Wonder why the world now is so screwed up??
Craig Byrne
November 14, 2016 at 6:41 pm
But Jason, they are getting exposed to sexuality. You mentioned Smallville; Clark and Lana had sex… which means they went there. Lana and Lex had sex. Lois and Clark. So… you had sexuality in that show. Heck, Superman and Lois Lane probably did it in Superman II 35+ years ago. Here you’re complaining about something that – unless there’s something that happened on the show tonight that I’m not aware of – hasn’t even happend on Supergirl yet!
Sexuality is part of the human experience now. It’s not 1950, and it doesn’t make people lesser or immoral or something because they are aware there are other options.
November 14, 2016 at 6:50 pm
How I raise my children and the values I instill in them are the same ones my parents raised me on. I don’t want a tv show teaching them or guiding them. No one should want or need that. My problem
Is that super girl show is now highlighting the story line of her sister coming out, it’s to
Make a point instead of what it really should be about. I will stick with the flash and save Monday nights for football.
Craig Byrne
November 14, 2016 at 7:01 pm
So your parents were homophobic? Got it. Hope you don’t get your panties in a bunch when Captain Singh might happen to call his husband.
November 14, 2016 at 7:07 pm
Craig- I use to respect your site and your columns but I can see by your last reply you are just another supposed bigger talker on social media but my guess and by your photo, a scared little man that hides behind these type of forums. But if you want to know more about my pantries and would like to tell me to man to man about my parents. I’m total willing to trade regular emails and connect by phone. I’m in NY and would be willing to meet any time or place and discuss my family in person!! Let me know I’ll be waiting!
Craig Byrne
November 14, 2016 at 7:13 pm
Oh goodie, threats! Such maturity here. Again, please do not post here again, as you are not welcome here. If you make another threat in my general direction, I will be reporting your IP address to the local police, and getting your name to match that shouldn’t be hard.
At a time like this we shouldn’t be making threats to each other based on television show characters, and with the country in such turmoil right now, the last thing we should be do is threatening each other rather than uniting. So sad that someone who claims to care about good characters like Supergirl or Superman would sink so low.
March 28, 2017 at 8:33 pm
Sigh, he’s probably just an ignorant closed-minded person. There are a lot of those people around who think their right is to choose how other people live.
November 8, 2016 at 7:44 pm
@ Jason Thomas You’re a homophobic idiot these are real life things that happen to people. People like you are the reason the world is filled with hate and homophobia.
November 14, 2016 at 6:29 pm
Real life???!! What the hell show you watching?? This is about a fictional character who throughout all the years has never needed to decide if they or someone in there life was gay! This show is supposed to be fun, again not some sort of day time talk show trash. But I can see by your response what you do with your days.
November 11, 2016 at 11:48 am
Hey Jason – Did it ever occur to you that LGBT issues are in fact FAMILY issues?
November 14, 2016 at 6:30 pm
Not my family
November 14, 2016 at 6:40 pm
Just because it doesn’t happen to you or your family, it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t happen to anyone else. A lot of people, regardless of their age, are going through what Alex is/was going through. This is what we need to see more of on TV. LGBT+ need representation and I’m glad they gave this storyline to someone so important to the show as Alex. Please go stick your hateful, homophobic comments in the trash were they belong.
November 14, 2016 at 6:52 pm
You raise your children by letting the TV guide them?? You are exactly what is wrong with this world. Go stick your comments ….you know where! Oh I forgot to say please!
Craig Byrne
November 14, 2016 at 7:02 pm
Jason, you are not welcome here anymore, so kindly do not speak (type) to other users that way and go away. You’re a really sad individual and I’m glad that the people who make my superhero TV shows don’t share your idiotic mindset.
November 15, 2016 at 10:07 am
I’m 19 years old, I don’t have kids but it’s safe to say that my parents did a much better job raising me than your parents did with you and that you’re gonna do with your kids. No one should ever guide education on what happens on TV. However, TV is a very important source of representation nowadays and just like straight white people are represented, everyone else (LGBT+, POC) should be represented as well. Based on your comments, you are truly a sad individual with no concern whatsoever for other people or their feelings. I feel sorry for you. Go educate yourself and stop hating on this amazing show for doing something other TV shows don’t have the balls to do. Honestly, just stop watching the show. Because Alex is gay. And gay Alex is here to stay.
November 14, 2016 at 7:20 pm
So far your the only person I see here making threats. And you can call police if you so choose. My suggestion is to not post publicly but discuss man to
Man. By the way my grandfather was a survivor on D-Day and my father of Korean War! Both fought for your unfortunate freedom to have the ability to have a forum such as this. Give that some real thought tonight!
Craig Byrne
November 14, 2016 at 7:23 pm
I have no interest in speaking with you because there is no scenario in which we will agree. You think it’s okay to hate on LGBT people, I don’t, and that’s not going to be something we’ll agree on. I’m glad your grandfather was a worthwhile human being, and I have a ton of respect for someone who’d have the courage to protect my country. That said, that has nothing to do with you, but I’m glad you can ride on his coattails.
So again, I told you to leave, so leave. You don’t respect me, I don’t respect you. Let it stand at that and move on.
November 22, 2016 at 11:31 am
The Korean war was a police action and I hope your kids are gay. They’d be way cooler than their dad!