Supergirl Gets A This Is Us Actor For James-Centric “City of Lost Children”

Supergirl is getting an actor from This Is Us… and no, it’s not Smallville’s Justin Hartley.

TV Line is reporting today that Lonnie Chavis, who plays Young Randall on the popular NBC series, will be guest starring in the 20th episode of Supergirl Season 2. The episode is called “City of Lost Children” and the spotlight finally falls on James Olsen (Mechad Brooks) for the episode. (James is apparently on the “Thea Queen plan” where he hasn’t been appearing as much lately, so this is a treat!)

In the episode, Lonnie Chavis plays Marcus, a young alien boy who bonds with James after the boy’s mother attacks National City. “City of Lost Children” will also deal with some decisions James has to face, as he juggles CatCo with his other activities as the Guardian.

“There’s a lovely moment that I have with Mehcad, about accepting who you are,” David Harewood (Hank/J’onn) told TV Line about the episode. “James is reluctant to step in and help somebody, and I persuade him, as a hero, that sometimes you have to go against your own instincts and do something that’s right, as opposed to what you think might be right.”

Harewood also adds that he would like to see James joining everyone else in the DEO. You can read the entire interview and article that broke the news here.

Supergirl returns April 24; “City of Lost Children” can be seen on May 8.

Craig Byrne

Craig Byrne has been writing about Superman TV since 1995, when the "Lois & Clark Krypton Club" launched. He founded in February 2001, becoming the first fan site for The WB/CW television series Smallville. He also wrote the Official Companion books for Smallville seasons 4-7 as well as the Smallville Visual Guide.

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  • I'm thinking this will be Jimmy/James Olsen's swan song. Don't expect him back for season 3. Taking on the GUARDIAN mantle didn't help the character. He was totally miscast. Olsen character was not thought through and it showed. Forced romance with Supergirl/Kara-bad idea. Character should have never been brought onto the show. 'but he's in the comics' what, this isn't the comics. Mehcad is a good actor but playing a 35-40 year old photo-journalist and chasing a 25 year old superhero just doesn't fit.

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