"How Does She Do It?" -- Kara's two identities are stretched thin when Supergirl must protect National City from a series of bombings and Kara is tasked with babysitting Cat's son, Carter, on SUPERGIRL, Monday, Nov. 16 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Pictured left to right: David Harewood and Melissa Benoist Photo: Robert Voets/Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. é 2015 WBEI. All rights reserved.
On TalkVille, the reality of the current status of the Smallville animated project was discussed.
John Schneider has been added to the 2025 Salute to Smallville convention in Chicago from…
Annette O'Toole discusses her biggest regret from her time on Smallville.
John Glover and Adrianne Palicki will be attending the 2025 Salute to Smallville convention.
Director Jeannot Szwarc, who helmed over a dozen episodes of Smallville in addition to the…
Writer Bryan Q. Miller has revealed that Smallville almost had a "female JLA" episode.
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Another reason for odd ratings is some ABC affiliates' decision to air the Bills-Patriots game. I think Live+3 and Live+7 will tell a different story.