The saga of Smallville’s “Chloe” Allison Mack and her alleged role in the NXIVM “sex cult” has taken another turn, as it is reported today that the actress has been arrested and is due to appear in federal court in Brooklyn later today.
Allison is accused of being second-in-command of a group that involves sex slaves and branding. It’s all far more salacious than we would like to get into on a fan/news site for a TV show, but you can read more about it here.
Assuming the accusations against Ms. Mack are true, we are hopeful that the arrest is a first step toward getting help so no one is victimized again.
Allison starred as Clark Kent’s best friend Chloe Sullivan in ten seasons of Smallville. She has been involved with the NXIVM group and has associated with its already-arrested leader Keith Raniere for over a decade, even appearing in a series of videos on YouTube where she interviews her “mentor” Raniere. Allison’s co-star Kristin Kreuk (Lana) was at one point part of the group, but has released a statement that she has been away for several years and was only a part of things when it seemed to be a self-help/empowerment type operation.
UPDATE: Allison could face a mandatory minimum sentence of 15 years to life if she is convicted, according to Deadline.
“As alleged in the indictment, Allison Mack recruited women to join what was purported to be a female mentorship group that was, in fact, created and led by Keith Raniere,” United States Attorney Richard P. Donoghue said in a statement. “The victims were then exploited, both sexually and for their labor, to the defendants’ benefit.”
Big Fan
April 20, 2018 at 12:02 pm
Assuming the accusations against Ms. Mack are true…. How bout innocent until proven guilty!!! thats how we do in the USA…or have you forgotten??
Craig Byrne
April 21, 2018 at 10:09 am
Less than ten minutes of research could show you that Allison Mack was not innocent and she was a clear accomplice of Keith Raniere.
April 22, 2018 at 5:44 pm
Still needs to be foun guilty by a jury. Having read her older blogs, this is not who she is. I feel she was brainwashed, like cults tend to do. Maybe im wrong. Regardless… it is sad to say the least.
June 24, 2019 at 5:05 am
Based on her email talking how liberated she felt after the threesome with Raniere her and this other woman, it is safe to say she’s far from being innocent. The symbol they branded (seared to flesh) their “inner circle” with, was a combination of her and Keith Raniere’s initials. Raniere was declared guilty of all charges. One of the victims, then an underage girl, was transported, blindfolded, to a remote cabin, where Raniere and a circle of naked women watched as an adult woman had lesbian sex with the girl, while everything was caught on video. Pornstar Stormy Daniels also has the Raniere & Mack initials seared on her flesh. Clare Bronfman, heiress to the Seagram liquor fortune, was a public supporter of Hillary Clinton. As a board member of NXIVM, she and Raniere had ordered NXIVM members to give campaign contributions to Hillary’s campaign, the maximum amount allowed by law each, but Bronfman then compensated them for the money, in clear violation of campaign finance laws. Considering NXIVM’s support for Hillary’s campaign and Stormy’s direct connection to NXIVM, this puts her accusations against Trump into very questionable light. Then again, she already has taken her accusations back, reverting back to her previous claims she had made on social media, to her friend in the adult film industry, who was accusing her of having an affair, that no sexual encounter between her and Trump ever happened.
sm carter
April 20, 2018 at 1:57 pm
She needs to be BANNED from HOLLYWOOD ! Along with anyone else who was involved.
April 20, 2018 at 5:36 pm
Chloe was the best part of Smallville. Now I can never watch the show the same way again.
Andy Nystrom
April 21, 2018 at 6:27 pm
Obviously one reason this case is hitting people so hard is because of Chloe Sullivan. Allison Mack played such a fun, upbeat character that you want to believe that the actress put a lot of herself into the character. And people are complex, often contradictory. Maybe certain parts of Chloe (not all but some) really were Allison, or even still are. But sadly so is the cultist part of her, and the crimes she committed. If she was in fact brainwashed (which I’d rather believe than her always being this way) then I hope that she manages to find redemption eventually, regardless of whether she ever leaves prison. At the same time it’s also important not to let who we may feel about her from Smallville, etc overshadow the people who were hurt by her actions.
April 22, 2018 at 5:42 pm
Unfortunately she may have been brainwashed and could not recover. She may be a victim as much as anyone else. But now will face the same consequences as that monster. This actually hurts a lot whether brainwashed or fully aware. Chloe was my favorite character and Allison Mack always seemed like a kind and caring person as well as self giving. Read her older blogs before she met this beast. So sad.