KryptonSite: San Diego Comic-Con International Report
August 3, 2002

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"Smallville" and its characters are copyright ©2002 Warner Bros. & DC Comics. This is a fan site and not authorized by the WB or DC. Page copyright ©2002 Planet Krypton Productions, unless the material is noted as coming from someplace else. Smallville stars Tom Welling, Kristin Kreuk, Michael Rosenbaum, John Schneider, Annette O'Toole, Sam Jones III, and Allison Mack.


Here are some details from the Smallville panel at the San Diego Comic-Con International on August 3, 2002, which was attended by executive producers Alfred Gough and Miles Millar.

MANY spoilers follow, so if you don't want to know, don't read any further. Likewise, if you want to use any of this content please place a link to

Some new comments have been added since the initial posting on August 3. Enjoy!

  • Someone asked Executive Producer Alfred Gough if Lana Lang and Lois Lane were cousins. "Lois Lane and Lana Lang are not cousins, no. But Lois Lane and Chloe Sullivan are cousins, yes."
  • Will the "freak of the week" formula continue next year? "Yes, the freak of the week. Gosh, I hear nothing about at all," Gough said, and then making a joke about the formula that kept repeating itself in the show's early episodes. "As the season went on, we started to expand the storytelling, and we did episodes like Rogue and Zero which didn't have any kryptonite," Gough said. "And that's continuing into season 2. The core of the show is kryptonite does weird stuff in Smallville, so that will always be a part of the show in some form. It's just trying to find the balance of those episodes."
  • Another character from the DC Comics universe of characters, most likely from Superman comics, will be showing up in the latter half of Season Two.
  • Al and Miles both talked about the colors used in the series, from the reds and blues for Clark to the dark colors for Lex.
  • When asked when Lex will go evil, Al Gough said "The path to the dark side is a journey. It's not a light switch." Of course, in later panels during the day, Mark Verheiden repeatedly joked that it would be "season 3 episode 15."
  • It sounds like we might be seeing "Alpha-Lana" from "Nicodemus" again. When asked if it will be a body double, Gough said "That wasn't our choice!" which may answer the question of whether or not it was before.
  • It is widely known that the Smallville producers would like to have Bruce Wayne appear on the series. However, at this moment, there are no distinct plans that we know of, and with "Batman & Superman" the movie being a possibility, this might make it less likely.
  • Gough and Millar talked about how they became involved with the series, and the changes which brought the mythology into the twenty-first century. "The meteor shower kind of masked the spaceship entering the atmosphere," Gough explained.
  • Al and Miles would not say who the villains would be in Spider-Man 2.
  • Comic book fans don't seem to be too fond of Whitney. During the screening of "Tempest," a fan yelled "Loser!" at Whitney, bringing the whole room toward a lot of laughter. (Sorry, Miss Windy!) "I think Eric Johnson did a really wonderful job with it, and you know, through the season we actually ended up doing more with Whitney than we planned to," Gough said. "The challenge with him was, how do you sort of humanize a character and make him so that you don't completely hate him. Clearly we failed. But we were able to do a lot more with him than we felt we were going to be able to."
  • Red Kryptonite will most likely come into play during Season 2. "You know we love green kryptonite so much, we're actually going to introduce red kryptonite this season," Al said.
  • A fan suggested Tom Wopat as Jor-El. Riiiight. Al did say, however,that the mythology of Krypton, etc. will be explored this year.
  • Someone asked how far Metropolis and Smallville were supposed to be from each other, and Gough admitted that the ending of "Nicodemus," with Metropolis "just over yonder" was "a mistake," a last minute effect that was not seen until very late in the production. "It was supposed to be lights in the distance," he said.
  • One episode next season will be a sequel to the episode "Stray."
  • After the main characters are done with high school, the show could follow the "WB formula" and send them to college. "But by the time he goes to Metropolis, the series will end," the producers say.
  • Variety is another advantage of doing a series like Smallville, the producers said, because you can have, say, a sweet scene between Lana and Clark, and then you have Bugboy peeling in the shower.
  • The producers also talked about two of their other creations for the series -- Chloe Sullivan and Lionel Luthor. "The nice thing about a TV series is you set out to do certain things and then you have to keep yourself open for surprises and certainly, Lionel was a great surprise and we can do a lot more with him. Chloe was a great surprise, and I know when I go online that she gets a lot of good feelings and good will for her," Gough said.
  • About Chloe: "In a way, for us, she was also the audience," Gough said. "She was the one who would be like, wow, weird stuff's happening in Smallville, and sort of invesigate those elements."
  • More will be done with Pete this year (see the spoilers page). "This season we're going to do a lot more with Sam Jones," Miles Millar promised. "Again, he's a really terrific young actor, and deserves more than three lines an episode," Gough added.
  • Another episode planned for Season 2 will be a "Smallville: The Day After" type story exploring what happened on the day after the meteor shower.
  • Also planned for Season 2 will be more explorations into Lex Luthor's past, and also, an episode will take the gang to Metropolis.
  • Will Lana and Clark date? "Maybe."
  • Miles Millar's mother viewed "Crush" and thought it was violent. Oops. But it was still good