My Adventures with Superman has proven to be one of the best animated adaptations of the Superman story with the second season premiering this week – May 25 on Adult Swim. The new season will introduce characters such as Supergirl and Lex Luthor to the story while continuing to spotlight the delightful trio of Clark, Lois, and Jimmy.
To promote My Adventures with Superman Season 2, KryptonSite had the opportunity to interview two of the series’ lead voice actors – Alice Lee (Lois Lane) and Ishmel Sahid (Jimmy Olsen) – for some insights on what’s to come, what’s been fun so far, and their own Super-fandom. You can watch the interview within the video embed, or you can read along below. Enjoy!

KRYPTONSITE’S CRAIG BYRNE: For my first question for both of you, had you been fans of Superman before taking these roles?
ISHMEL SAHID: Yeah. Specifically, I was a fan of Justice League. I remember watching that in the high school… Justice League and Justice League Unlimited. So essentially, yes.
ALICE LEE: Same. I mean, I just love superhero stuff, and Superman is just so iconic. I used to watch Smallville growing up, and so that was a big thing. I was super honored and shocked that I got Lois Lane and that I get to be a part of this universe. I wouldn’t have thought..! So it’s very cool. I’m very honored.
Both Lois and Jimmy will get to interact more with the General this year. Can you talk about that?
ALICE LEE: Yeah, I mean, obviously, for Lois, the General is her father, and [we’ll be] seeing that relationship evolve, especially after the Season 1 ending where he does stand up for her, he listens to her, and he doesn’t hurt Superman. Now we’re gonna see how the General also evolves and how their relationship grows. The dad-daughter relationship is very complex and very layered. I think that’ll be an interesting and very exciting storyline as well for season two.
KRYPTONSITE: Would you say that learning more about the parents of the characters is a theme for Season 2?
ALICE LEE: Oh, yeah, I guess so… because also for Clark and Superman, we get to see Jor-El stuff. We’ve got to see Jimmy’s parents, too, now!
ISHMEL SAHID: I know! they’re out there.
KRYPTONSITE: So, no news on Jimmy’s family showing up?
ISHMEL SAHID: You know what? They support him. They’re huge supporters of Flamebird. We know that they like and subscribe to the page. We can assume that in his new millions that he’s bought his parents something. So, they’re definitely out there.
KRYPTONSITE: Can you talk about Jimmy’s new job, and how does it take away from his time with his buddies Clark and Lois?
ISHMEL SAHID: I mean, essentially, it doesn’t. I feel like Jimmy is always one of those people who constantly wants to bring in his friends, in his world, and in his newfound success, So, I think he’s always cognisant about that. It’s just [that] he just has a little bit more money, and a little bit more gumption in how he goes about certain things now with this newfound wealth.
Money will change anybody, but I feel like Jimmy still stays true to his his core morals and values. He still wants to be that good friend to both Clark and Lois.
KRYPTONSITE: I hear you all record your lines separately. How do you develop such great chemistry that way?
ISHMEL SAHID: The director, writers… at least for me, when I was in the booth, them directing us. I had no idea how they would sound as their characters. It’s just magic, how they do everything in post. I still don’t know… I just know that we all bring our best to it, and it kind of just works out.
ALICE LEE: I don’t know. You tell me… how did they do it? But yeah, I agree with Ishmal. I think their direction… because they know what everyone else is doing…. they’ll kind of lead us in that direction. I think maybe once in a while, when you guys have recorded before me, they would let me hear the snippets, but at the end of the day, yeah, it’s just the finished product, and I think it’s so cool that they were able to create that chemistry. I’m sure when they cast us they, they knew that that was going to be there, which is why we also got cast, but yeah. Magic, totally.

KRYPTONSITE: What is your favorite part about the Lois and Clark dynamic on this show?
ALICE LEE: I feel so many things. I just love that the relationship feels so wholesome and pure. We’re seeing all of the awkward moments, the glances, the blushing… I just think it’s super sweet, but also it feels super real. They both get to be vulnerable, and I think [those are] signs of a healthy relationship.
We’re getting to see them just kind of grow together, and listen to each other, and actually be there for each other. It’s just like the rom-com that I want to see, and I want to be in, and I’m in it, so that’s very cool. It’s just so sweet and wholesome. I giggle when I watch it. I blush when I watch it. So
KRYPTONSITE: Last year, Jack Quaid was able to play his Star Trek animated character in live action. Would you have any interest in playing live action versions of Lois and Jimmy someday?
ISHMEL SAHID: Absolutely. That would be awesome. I’m gonna speak that into the universe that it happens, sooner than later.
ALICE LEE: Same. 100%. Yeah.
KRYPTONSITE: Are there any guest voices you would love to hear on the show and work with?
ALICE LEE: I don’t know specifically, but I’m sure anyone who would come in would be sick, like any from any universe, or any rendition!
ISHMEL SAHID: I would want Keith David to do something.
KRYPTONSITE: There have been many adaptations of Superman over the years. What is something that you’d say is particularly special or unique about what My Adventures with Superman brings?
ISHMEL SAHID: I think it’s the anime lens through it. It’s just the icing on the cake of how they were able to still capture just like the essence of that, but it still has like this warmth and comic book feel to it. It still stays true to the lore of the comic books, but I think it gives it a much more of a youthful, young, fun feeling, so to speak. It’s always fun watching it through that lens.
ALICE LEE: I feel like our show is just a fresh take. It’s something I haven’t seen before in the Superman world. And again, seeing all of our characters just starting out, instead of already kind of settled in their positions, and, also more of a focus on Clark, rather than Superman, and seeing Clark’s relationship with Jimmy and Lois, I think is fun. It’s quirky, it’s funny, but it’s so heartfelt, and it’s so wholesome, and I think that’s new. I think we need more bright things to watch that aren’t, like, blood. We love blood and gore too, but you know, just something that feels wholesome. That’s the key word I keep thinking of.
KRYPTONSITE: What do you think fans will be most excited to see in Season 2?
ALICE LEE: I think the introduction of some characters, for sure. Kara is obviously going to be introduced… Clark’s cousin… and that’ll be fun. I think fans are excited to see the characters they love now come into our world.
ISHMEL SAHID: The villains. Seeing a younger version of that.
Don’t miss the premiere of My Adventures with Superman Season 2 on March 25! It will also be available on the MAX streaming service the next day. Big thanks to Alice Lee and Ishmel Sahid for taking the time to do this interview!