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Michael Rosenbaum Weighs In On Lex Luthor In The Man Of Steel Sequel

Who should play Lex Luthor in Man Of Steel 2? Michael Rosenbaum has an opinion.



Put this in the “awesome and funny” file: Last night on Twitter, Michael Rosenbaum (Smallville’s Lex Luthor) posted a link to a BuzzFocus article about who the next Lex Luthor should be. Here’s the Tweet:

Does this imply he’s interested? Or just playing around? Either way, fun to see some weighing in from one of the best Lex Luthors we’ve seen in any media.

You can read the BuzzFocus article here (how many sites have the word “Buzz” in them, anyway?) Our thanks to our friend Russell Burlingame at for the tip.



  1. Kindred1313

    June 27, 2013 at 4:27 pm

    I asked him about this on twitter last week or so right after I saw “The Man Of Steel” and didn’t get a tweet back. i asked if the roil was available would he want to do it 100%. I hope this is an indirect answer to my tweet. He would be fantastic in the roil and its not like he would be going in green. Also it would keep with the trend of having uber Smallville castes in the “Man Of Steel” movies lol. Here’s hopping!!

  2. cid

    June 27, 2013 at 10:04 pm

    It would be great! I always thought that Micahel Rosenbaum played the best Lex!

  3. ryan

    June 28, 2013 at 5:04 pm

    he really is the best choice, but probably won’t get a shot because they don’t want to confuse fans and have them think its smallville’s superman.

  4. Navid Haider

    September 7, 2013 at 12:39 pm

    Hell YES! Someone get Snyder on the line! MoS 2 featuring the return of Michael Rosenbaum as Lex Luthor!

    Rosenbaum not only captured Lex, but he redefined him. GO Smallville!

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John Schneider Added To Salute to Smallville 2025 in Chicago!

John Schneider has been added to the 2025 Salute to Smallville convention in Chicago from Creation Entertainment.



John Schneider is the latest actor to be added to the guest list for Creation Entertainment’s second “Salute To Smallville” convention, happening September 13-14 in Chicago. Schneider portrayed Clark’s human father Jonathan Kent from Seasons 1-5 and returned for several episodes in the show’s final season.

Schneider will be joining Tom Welling, Michael Rosenbaum, Kristin Kreuk, Erica Durance, John Glover, Aaron Ashmore, Adrianne Palicki, and Alaina Huffman at this year’s event! Last year’s convention was a fantastic experience and it’s well worth checking out! You can read more about Salute to Smallville and purchase tickets here.

DISCLAIMER: KryptonSite’s Craig Byrne has created web graphics and websites for Creation Entertainment in addition to hosting their 2024 Salute to Smallville event.

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Annette O’Toole’s Big Smallville Regret

Annette O’Toole discusses her biggest regret from her time on Smallville.



Smallville’s Annette O’Toole recently spoke with Salon magazine about her biggest regret from her time on the show. It’s a topic she has discussed on the TalkVille podcast, and it is something she talked about in KryptonSite’s interview to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the series premiere.

Basically, it was the notion that she never was able to share scenes with Christopher Reeve. While the plan originally was for a scene between them in the Season 4 premiere “Crusade,” in the two appearances that Reeve did make on Smallville failed to reunite O’Toole with Reeve, which is a shame, as Annette played Lana Lang to Christopher Reeve’s Clark Kent in the film Superman III.

“I never understood it,” she said. “I should have picked up the phone and called the producers and said what are you thinking? You’ve got the prior Lana Lang and Superman. Why aren’t you putting them in a scene together? It kind of broke my heart. It was kind of like ‘if they don’t see, I’m not gonna tell ’em! They don’t understand!’ So who’s regretting it? Not them. I knew it would be the last time I’d ever get to see Chris, so, yeah, I’m very sad about that.”

You can watch the clip below.


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Two Guests Added for the Salute to Smallville 2025 Convention!

John Glover and Adrianne Palicki will be attending the 2025 Salute to Smallville convention.



Two more guests have been added to the 2025 Salute to Smallville event from Creation Entertainment.

The convention will be happening September 13-14, 2025 in Chicago, Illinois and if you went to last year’s con, you know it will be a good time! And now… some news to make it even better: John Glover (Lionel) and the show’s first “Kara,” Adrianne Palicki, have joined the roster!

Gold Weekend Package tickets for the event are already available — those tickets offer the best seating and many opportunities! You can purchase your tickets here. Sales on other tiers should be coming momentarily, as should more guest announcements.

Who would you like to see at Salute to Smallville? Leave some comments on this post!

DISCLAIMER: KryptonSite webmaster Craig Byrne hosted last year’s Creation Smallville convention and currently continues to create websites and graphics for the company.

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