Annette O'Toole In Smallville Magazine #6: Interview Highlights!
The sixth issue of Titan's official Smallville magazine is now starting to hit newsstands.

The magazine features interviews with actors Jensen Ackles (Jason), Eric Johnson (Whitney), and Annette O'Toole (Martha), an interview with supervising producer Jeph Loeb, and features spotlighting Lana Lang and Ezra Small.

Here are some details from a fantastic interview with Annette O'Toole interview conducted by Paul Simpson:

On a suggestion made to the series' executive producer, Al Gough, prior to the start of Season Four:
"I talked to Al Gough in June. I said to Al that I had some ideas for this year. I had this whole idea of her going to the Smallville Ledger. Her son eventually becomes a journalist, but he's not interested in reporting right now, so what if Martha goes to work for the Ledger and writes a gardening or a cooking column? Then something happens and all the reporters are busy and they send her out to cover the story? Something major happens and Clark has to come and save the day. it just gets her more involved in the life of the town. Maybe she's good at it. She's an intelligent woman who needs something more in her life except the farm. I really wanted to put her in Lionel's way, so maybe she could team up with Chloe."

On learning that Margot Kidder would be playing Dr. Crosby in "Crusade":
"When I heard I thought it was the most brilliant piece of casting ever. There couldn't be anybody more perfect for the the first show of the fourth season. She's an emissary from the character Chris was playing, and it seemed so perfect. She was so sweet and dear and had a ton of stuff to say - all that gobbledygook about black kryptonite and this and that - and she did it great. She's got such a sense of humor. I knew her a little bit when I did Superman III, and she was so sweet to me then. I was kind of surprised by that [back] then because she was being left out in the cold for me. The producers had contractual disagreements [with Margot] so they decided that Lana Lang was going to take over the female lead in that movie. It was so not about that. Now we have friends in common, and she lives in Montana - she's a great woman. It wasn't hard working with her - she just came in, and she's one of those people who is so warm and ready to do what is necessary. That was a great start to the year."

On Chloe knowing The Secret, and the addition of Lois Lane to the series:
"That's really interesting. I think that's really good; I'm really glad. I wish they would save Lois for certain things. I really like Erica, and I know they're crazy about the chemistry between her and Tom, but it takes away from the story you're te
lling now unless you use it really well. The Lana relationship went in such a different direction from what I expected it to, it just kind of changed everything."

O'Toole has MANY very interesting things to say, such as her reaction to a Martha scene written for "Unsafe" and the importance of Clark having a guy friend to hang out with. The whole interview is worth the cover price itself, it's that good.

Stay tuned for more details from Smallville Magazine #6 this weekend. If you'd like a copy of Smallville Magazine, check your local newsstand or bookstore, or contact Express Mags at 1-877-363-1310.

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