What's going on in the world of "Lois & Clark?"

The Krypton Club Newsletter is published twice a week. Check out our most recent newsletter! (NOTE: You can also access these and other newsletters by going to the Archives page.

Issue #75--January 1, 1996

"Superman on TV? I don't think so."


Every "anniversary" issue of the Krypton Club Newsletter has to have something special. For the week of our 25th issue, the newsletter went daily again for a week. For our 50th issue, the newsletter featured an interview with "Martha Kent" herself, K Callan. While we aren't going daily again or having any interviews (in this issue, at least), we do have a special treat for you... the announcement of our Krypton Club Web pages!

From there you will be able to find all kinds of neat "L&C" stuff. There's a "Cast of L&C" page where you can see pictures of those people who have come and gone throughout L&C's three seasons so far (and we are hoping to eventually include biographies of each cast member, accessible through the Cast pages). There are the "Krypton Club Archives" we promised you back in July, that are FINALLY up. From there you will be able to read several of our best and oldest back issues, including our first ten newsletters and our interviews with K Callan, John Byrne, and Mike Carlin (the Roger Stern interview has not yet been uploaded onto the page). From there you will also be able to read some Fanfiction the Krypton Club has sent out, and you may even be able to find the famous Banana story if you're really tempted.

Also on the pages is the Krypton Club Episode Guide, with synopses and information about every episode through "Home Is Where The Hurt Is." This episode guide also includes a nifty L&C timeline. Best of all with the Episode Guides, you can click on the titles of Season 3 episodes and you will go to pages with Jenn Farwell's transcripts, where you will be able to find out EVERYTHING about those particular episodes!

There's also the Krypton Club Fanfiction Spotlight page, where we will feature a different "L&C" fanfic every month. For the month of January it will be Kaytee Shultz's holiday-oriented fanfiction "Snowflakes." If you haven't read that fanfic yet, you've GOT to check it out! It's GREAT!

Finishing things off, you will also be able to go to pages with recent Krypton Club newsletters and our latest spoilers (even though there haven't been too many of those lately... everyone's been very tight-lipped), and there is a page introducing you to the world of Superman comic books. We are also working together a Links page where you will be able to get to other "L&C"-related sites on the Web, Quotes pages full of memorable quotes from each episode, and a "L&C Stuff You Can Download" pictures where you will be able to get to some great "L&C" sounds and stuff. Here's the url for the page.... why don't you go and check it out?


We'd like to thank Lara-Elaine Koch for putting up the Krypton Club Episode Guides on her page in the months it took before we were able to get our pages done! We would also like to thank Tom Terenyi for his help teaching Craig the ways of HTML; and most of all, we'd like to thank the Wu|f, Alex Witzke, for putting these pages up on his server! We both think that the pages will be an enjoyable L&C experience for you, and there will be a lot more added to the pages hopefully in the near future.

It is recommended that, if possible, you should view the pages using a Netscape Web Browser, as both the browsers on AOL and Prodigy show the text on the pages to be unnecessarily large.

Okay... now to today's newsletter... you'll notice several new features. First off (and our personal favorite) is "Ask Superman92," a column where you can send Dan your questions about "L&C" and he'll do his best to answer them. Next up is the return of the "L&C Poll," where you get to make your "Oscars" for the cast and crew of "L&C!" We're trying to make the newsletters more fun again, and we can't do it without your help! We're welcoming articles, top ten lists, trivia, ideas, and anything else that you would like to do! Our goal is to be completely interactive! Enjoy!

Dan Patterson and Craig Byrne

Presidents of the L&C Krypton Club

"L&C" POLL #1!

24 episodes of "Lois & Clark" aired in 1995 (second season episodes since "Metallo," and third season episodes up through "Home Is Where The Hurt Is.") A LOT of great stuff has happened in those episodes that probably deserves some kind of notice. So what we are doing is having our first annual "Krypton Club Awards." Kind of like the Oscars or the Emmys, the awards will find out what stood out in the hearts and minds of Krypton Club members. Any episodes aired in 1995 qualify. So make your choices, and choose them well. Here are the categories....

1. Best Regular Actor or Actress on "L&C":

2. Best Villain:

3. Best Episode:

4. Best Guest Star:

5. Best Plot Device:

6. Best Outfit Worn By Lois:

7. Ugliest Outfit Worn By Lois:

8. Most Galactically Stupid:

9. Worst Plot Device:

10. Worst Episode:

11. Worst Excuse Made Up By Clark Kent:

12. Worst Excuse Made Up By Lois Lane:

13. Stupidest Villain:

14. Best Line:

Results of this poll will be unveiled in the Krypton Club Newsletter #80, so that means you have plenty of time to think it over! Send your poll responses to "KryptPoll@aol.com!"


Teri Hatcher is quoted in Entertainment Weekly's "Best of 1995" double-issue (cover date 12/29-1/5). There is a great picture of Teri accompanying her quote.

Send your L&C sightings to "SIGHTINGS" at Krypton92@aol.com or KryptonFX@aol.com! Special thanks goes out to ABC Amy, who posted many of these sightings on America Online (keyword: ABC Primetime)

TODAY'S "L&C" TOP TEN LIST!!! By Craig Byrne (KryptonFX@aol.com) and Tom Terenyi (QKLB76A@prodigy.com)

Here they are, Star's top ten predictions for 1996...

#10. The Krypton Club will reach 2500 members!

#9. Dan Scardino will return and propose to Lois, resulting in Clark kicking his butt from here to Krypton

#8. Perry and Alice will get back together.

#7. Jimmy and his flannel shirt Ned will conquer the world

#6. Lois will regain her fashion sense (no more orange or aluminum foil dresses!)

#5. Jimmy will finally go through puberty!

#4. Lois and Clark will get married.

#3. Someone will take Jimmy's hand and make a man out of him.

#2. Teri Hatcher will let her hair grow out

And here it is, Star's #1 prediction for 1996....

Perry will find out that Elvis is alive and working in the Daily Planet darkroom!

We are hoping to include good top ten lists in EVERY issue of the Krypton Club Newsletter after #75. The only problem is, no one is sending them anymore and all the old ones went with all of Craig's old files! So, if you could PLEASE send us some top ten lists as soon as you can, we'd really appreciate it. Send them to KryptonFX@aol.com or Krypton92@aol.com under the subject heading "TOP TEN LISTS."


This is a new feature in the Krypton Club Newsletter where you can send in your "L&C" questions for Dan, better known as Superman92. It doesn't matter how zany or how serious they might be, Dan will try to answer whatever he can! Send your questions to "ASK SUPERMAN92!!!" at Krypton92@aol.com! Here are the first questions to come to Dan already....

Q: Is it true that Dean Cain and Teri Hatcher don't get along? (From ClarkJKent@aol.com)

A: I'm glad you asked that question ClarkJKent. Teri and Dean DO get along! There have been many rumors circulating about this subject. If you had to work with someone approximately 14 hours a day, 5 days a week, there is bound to be a few disagreements and little arguments here and there. For the most part Dean and Teri get along fine, it's just that press and tabloids pick up on little fights and problems that will occur in even the happiest of work relationships. Everyone has bad days, heck, Teri had a bad day while filming Tempus Fugitive and Dean has walked out of the set one time. For the most part DC and TH get along nicely and are friends. And if you're wondering about the statements made, "We have no chemistry off camera," remember they are only trying to put to rest rumors of a relationship.

Q: Will we ever see Lex Luthor on "Lois & Clark" again? (From SpidersWb@aol.com)

A: Yes, Lex will be returning to L&C this year! We should be seeing him an upcoming episode very soon. Unfortunately spoilers aren't allowed so I won't say much more here. I am happy to hear that my favorite villain and THE mastermind villain of L&C will be returning. :)


If you have an announcement you'd like us to print, send it to "BULLETIN BOARD" at Krypton92@aol.com or KryptonFX@aol.com!


Today's quote came from way back in "I'm Looking Through You."


There will be another UK FOLCfest in Newcastle from February 3-6. E-mail Dom Melaragni (dom-mel@bbcnc.org.uk) for more information!


Dom also pointed out to us that we forgot to include Teri Hatcher's appearance at the Oxford Street parade, where several FOLCs were able to chat with her. D'oh! Sorry we didn't include that in our timeline yesterday.


Here is "L&C" trivia question for today, sent to us from Jennifer Bullock....

When was the date that Lex Luthor and Ariana Carlin got married?

The answer to yesterday's trivia question: Lex Luthor's Middle Eastern servant's name was Asabi. Dom Melaragni, L0303, KellyE6869, Kalel34634, SLai7, StigJr, Lisa the Maryland Girl, Susan Fullerton, and ClarkXX got that trivia question right.

Send your trivia responses to KryptonFX@aol.com or Krypton92@aol.com under the subject heading of "TRIVIA." If you have any suggestions for tough trivia questions send them also! You have until Thursday to respond! No fair bringing out the VCR's and cheating!


A special feature on the Villains of "Lois & Clark!" See you then!

Dan Patterson and Craig Byrne

Presidents of the L&C Krypton Club

(Visit us on the Web at http://www.tst-medhat.com/~windsong/krypton/krypton.html!)

SEND REPLIES & CORRESPONDENCE TO KRYPTON92@AOL.COM OR KRYPTONFX@AOL.COM! (If you write us something and don't want us to print it, please say so!)

If you're not already a member of the Krypton Club, join! Click here to find out more....

Have any questions or comments? If you do, e-mail KryptonFX@aol.com or Krypton92@aol.com!

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The Krypton Club is not affiliated with ABC, December 3rd Productions, or Warner Brothers. Special thanks goes out to Tom Terenyi for help in producing these pages.