Get Ready!

In April 1995, a group of FOLCs on America Online did a fanfiction together. What they did is each person said three lines, and then "passed" the storytelling job to the next person in line. What resulted with the infamous "Banana story" that you've heard about on the listserv and other places.

WARNING: This story is rated PG-13, and it must be taken with a very good sense of humor. It is not meant for those with heart problems, pregnant women, or children under the age of 6. You may find this to be offensive, so be warned!

Leigh 4CK: OK -- ground rule now of our group fanfiction Ready?

Leigh 4CK: Everyone can enter no more than 3 lines so that this moves more quickly

Leigh 4CK: Then when you're done you type NEXT

AIRFLEET: ready lets go

Leigh 4CK: The next person if they can't think of anything should tyupe PASS

Superman92: I love writing! Let's go!

Leigh 4CK: so as not to hold things up

Leigh 4CK: We'll do this alphabetically down the list

Leigh 4CK: Still need someone to cue in late arrivals.. Who wants to do that?


Leigh 4CK: I'm logging, too, can back me up

Leigh 4CK: oops can someone back me up

Keina: how about me, since I'm not a writer!

AIRFLEET: how do you do it

Keina: and I'll log too, just in case

Leigh 4CK: What this means Airfleet is you have to send an IM to the new person who comes

Leigh 4CK: on the minitue they come on explaining what's going on


AIRFLEET: lets go

Leigh 4CK: You might want to make a little file for yourself in the notepad so you don't have to

AIRFLEET: I only have 15 minutes left

Leigh 4CK: keep retyping the same message to every new person. Who want to take over when

Leigh 4CK: Airfleet goes off?

AIRFLEET: lets go

Leigh 4CK: Hi Mattie

Superman92: I will until I have to go.

Leigh 4CK: OK Airfleet you go first

Leigh 4CK: Don't forget 3 lines maximum per person

Mattie1391: what are we doing?

Leigh 4CK: Group fanfiction

Superman92: A story Mattie

AIRFLEET: It was a hot sunny day and everyone in the planet was wearing shorts and tank tops when Clark

Mattie1391: sounds loke fun

Leigh 4CK: Each person enter 3 lines and then type next. If they don't have anything they type PASS

AIRFLEET: walked in the Planet he noticed Lois was a sleep at her desk so he sunk up next to her to give

Leigh 4CK: We're going alphabetically. I'll moderate this thing and tell everyone when their turn c

Leigh 4CK: comes

AIRFLEET: her a back rub. Lois began to fell aroused and rocked her head back and forth NEXT

Leigh 4CK: Alegre go

AlegreR: Pass

Leigh 4CK: Gorn

Leigh 4CK: BTW no x-rate stuff here

Superman92: Damn

Superman92: Just kidding.

Superman92: go gorn

Gorn: Lois awoke with a "PoP". She looked at clark grinnig at her from his had been a

Gorn: dream, dammit!

Gorn: "Quit looking at me like that, Clark!" and then, "I'm hungry, let's go get something to ea

Gorn: eat. They left the planet. NEXT

Leigh 4CK: Keina go

Keina: I'm out of this...I'm a spectator

Leigh 4CK: I'll go

Leigh 4CK: Outside Clark asked Lois, "What do you want to eat." Lois said, "Let's get ice cream."

Leigh 4CK: They go to a nearby ice cream parlor. Clark order himself some chocolate ice cream and

Leigh 4CK: Lois is amused. She gets chocolate with bananas, strawberry sauce, nuts, whip cream

Leigh 4CK: NEXT

Leigh 4CK: Yes, this has to move quickly. If you're stuck just type PASS

Superman92: Should I go?

Mattie1391: Clark is surprised. NEXT

Leigh 4CK: OK Superman

Superman92: As Lois begins to eat the banana, Clark begins to drool.

Superman92: He can't seem to take his eyes off her.

Superman92: She is very coordinated with her tongue, thought CK.

AlegreR: "You know what I really like about Choc. Ice cream Clark?" she asked

AlegreR: It's a really constant flavor...Ben and Jerry's will come and go but choc is always there just like

AlegreR: NEXT

Gorn: At that moment, with a screech of tires, Dan Scardino pulls up next to the curb in his black sports

Gorn: car. Leaning across the transmission, he pops open the passenger door and offers Lois

Gorn: a red plastic phone in the shape of lips. "It reminded me of you" he said. Lois.....Next

CraigByrne: Hakuna Matata, everyone!

Superman92: Hi Craig!

CraigByrne: Hi!

Gorn: someone IM Craig

CraigByrne: why should someone IM me?

Leigh 4CK: Clark rolls his eyes. But Lois laughes and goes over to Scardino's car

Leigh 4CK: "You never give up, do you, Dan?" Dan looks at her ice cream, reaches over, takes the

Leigh 4CK: spoon and eats a big mouthful of ice cream with banans. CK watches all of this and is

Leigh 4CK: getting really steamed. He comes over to the car and glares down at Dan.

Leigh 4CK: NEXT. Go Mattie

Leigh 4CK: Go Superman, we lost Mattie

Superman92: I can't believe you would eat those bananas Dan!

Superman92: CK's visions of Lois and the Bananas are now ruined.

Superman92: He leans over to Dan grabs him by the shirt and exclaims....Next

Unicorn772: hi all doing it again eh

Superman92: You want to take a turn Uni?

Leigh 4CK: Uni -- want to go?

AIRFLEET: what about me

Leigh 4CK: Uni's next, then you Airfleet

Leigh 4CK: This is alphabetical


Unicorn772: oop[s sorry just got here

Leigh 4CK: Skip Uni go Airfleet

Leigh 4CK: Uni catch you the next time

Superman92: Air, you go and I'll fill Uni in on what's going on.

Unicorn772: whats it about?

Unicorn772: ok

Leigh 4CK: Let's go Airfleet or Pass

AIRFLEET: Well Dan, you will never give up come on Lois lets go... Clark grabbed Lois's arm and walked

AIRFLEET: down the street Lois didn't blame Clark for what he did

AIRFLEET: Lois decided that Lois needed some persion so he pushed he up against the alley wall and


Leigh 4CK: Go Craig

CraigByrne: one thing.... what's persion?

CraigByrne: sorry

CraigByrne: <--- idiotus majorus

Leigh 4CK: Just go, Craig

CraigByrne: she gave Clark a big wet kiss! Clark said, "Lois, that was wonderful!"

CraigByrne: Lois said, "Maybe I'll do it again sometime!"

CraigByrne: NEXT

AIRFLEET: who's next

Leigh 4CK: I'm next

Leigh 4CK: And Clark said, 'How about now." He wraps his arms around her, pulls her close and

Leigh 4CK: really kisses her passionately. Dan S. watches this and shakes his head. He' isn't abt to

Leigh 4CK: give up so easily and steps out of his car. He walks over to where L&C are embracing.

Leigh 4CK: NEXT Go superman

Unicorn772: it figures

Superman92: Lois says: "Is that a banana in your pocket or are you happy to see me Dan?"

Unicorn772: lol

CraigByrne: lol

Leigh 4CK: LOL

Superman92: Dan blushes at this.


Unicorn772: Dan a banana more like a small pickle

CraigByrne: lol again!

AIRFLEET: plunger boy

Superman92: CK is now furious. I can't believe you would even consider going out with this guy after...

Superman92: the plunger incident.

CraigByrne: a small plunger


Superman92: Next

Leigh 4CK: Unicorn go

Unicorn772: Lois: Ihaven't said I'l go out with him

Unicorn772: But I'm keeping my options open untill you can find time

Unicorn772: to let me complete sentences. next

Leigh 4CK: Airfleet go

Superman92: Hurry

AIRFLEET: well Lois let me help you he took her and french kissed infront of Dan, Dan ran off in disg

AIRFLEET: disgrace

AIRFLEET: Lois was completely caught in the moment and was feeling weak in the knees Lois began to s

AIRFLEET: scream out load "clark I want you now" loud enough for Dan to hear NEXT

Leigh 4CK: Craig go

CraigByrne: her saying it

CraigByrne: Dan was very pissed

CraigByrne: He wanted to walk up to Clark and punch him in the face

Unicorn772: that i pay to see

CraigByrne: Suddenly, Dan walked under a tree

CraigByrne: and an apple fell on his head

CraigByrne: Dan fell on the ground

CraigByrne: NEXT

Leigh 4CK: Only 3 lines Craig

Leigh 4CK: I'm next

CraigByrne: whoops, sorry

Unicorn772: and the blubird of happiness left a message

Superman92: Go Leigh

Leigh 4CK: Clark laughed. Lois ran over to Dan. He's hurt, Clark. Clark said, "By an apple on his

Leigh 4CK: head? I didn't know he was that soft, like applesauce." Dan's eyes opened. He climbed to

Unicorn772: more like the worm in the apple

Leigh 4CK: his feet and glared angrily at Clark. His hand hurt. Clark put his arm around Lois

Leigh 4CK: Next go Superman

Superman92: CK says: Think of what would have happened if it was a hard banana

Unicorn772: ouch

CraigByrne: lol


Superman92: Face it Scardino, you can't measure up to me! Next

Leigh 4CK: Unicorn go

Leigh 4CK: Go Airfleet

Leigh 4CK: Sorry. No airflett -- go Uni

Unicorn772: Clark he could really be hurt lois glanced back at Dan worriedly

Unicorn772: You don't have to act this way about Dan he doesn't compare to you

Unicorn772: I will always hold a special place in my heart for you but Dan is there for me

Unicorn772: next

Leigh 4CK: Go Airfleet

AIRFLEET: all the time. Lois my timing is never that good but all you need to know is that I love you

AIRFLEET: you do of course i do

AIRFLEET: Well Clark I love you too, since dan was still knocked out Lois yelled I want you to


Leigh 4CK: Go Craig

CraigByrne: "I want you to help him, though!"

Unicorn772: are we logging?

CraigByrne: "He looks so.... pathetic...." she said..... "Don't just stand there!"

Leigh 4CK: Yes

CraigByrne: Clark was like, "oh, damn" Next

Unicorn772: I'l behave tonite then

Superman92: Banana comments are allowed

Leigh 4CK: I'm next

Unicorn772: LOL

CraigByrne: Scardino has a small banana

AIRFLEET: Laughing

AIRFLEET: big laugh

Leigh 4CK: At this moment Clark heard a cry for help. He thought about disregarding it. After all

Superman92: I'm glad the stuff I said is logged.

Leigh 4CK: Metropolis did have a police dept, and a fire department. "Lois, relax, I'm sure Mr. Gadget


Leigh 4CK: will be just fine." Scardino got up. He was fine.Clark heard the cry for help again ...

Leigh 4CK: NEXT Superman go

Superman92: Lois, Ck said, I have to go return Cool Surface, I'll be right back!

CraigByrne: lol lol lol

Unicorn772: lord

AIRFLEET: just watched tonight

Superman92: He saves a little old lady from a speeding bus. She says thank you. Supe then decides to..

Unicorn772: a bus?lol

Superman92: pay a visit to Scar. He laughs when he sees him in the Hospital gown. What a ...

Superman92: patheitc banana!

Unicorn772: uhoh

Superman92: Next

Leigh 4CK: Unicorn go

Unicorn772: The preceding breeze blew the covers from the bed, Dan huddled pathetically

Unicorn772: Dan looks up and Geeze can't you enter a room like a normal person

Unicorn772: Sup replies as even you must beaware I'm not your average person.I want to give you some

Unicorn772: next

Leigh 4CK: Go Airfleet

AIRFLEET: advice stay the hell away from Lois or I will make you pay I mean its not like you Clark

AIRFLEET: you don't care as much for Lois as he does he is obbessed with her NEXT

Superman92: Go for it Craig!

CraigByrne: Suddenly, a breeze enters the room

CraigByrne: Dan's sheets fly off and Lois sees him naked

CraigByrne: "I didn't know they made those that small!" she screamed! NEXT!

Unicorn772: lol

Superman92: LOL

AIRFLEET: bye guys I have to go

Unicorn772: you guys are sooo bad

Unicorn772: bye air

AIRFLEET: bye everyone read my story soon

Unicorn772: ok air

Superman92: Bye

Leigh 4CK: Superman superspeeds Dan into a robe

Unicorn772: 0k leigh give it some dignity

Leigh 4CK: Lois looks around, "Where's Clark?" Superman says, "Oh, ah, I think he had to phone

Leigh 4CK: this story into Perry. About the size of the bananas

Unicorn772: lol

Superman92: LOL

Leigh 4CK: "Superman!!!!" Superman now picks Lois up in his arms and flies her out of the hospital.

Leigh 4CK: "Superman, where are we going? Put me down. I want..."

Leigh 4CK: Next Superman Go

Unicorn772: oohh she wants

Superman92: to write my front page stories on bananas! How does this headline sound? Dan Scardino....

Superman92: , do they really come this small?"

Unicorn772: ouch

Leigh 4CK: :-)

Superman92: Supe laughs at this. BTW Lois, do you prefer chocolate or rocky road? Bananas too?

Superman92: Next

Leigh 4CK: Unicorn go

Unicorn772: Well I've always loved choc Sup but lately I've had to sample the rocky road

Unicorn772: Your friends with Clark, "What is his problem ? Do I offend?Have I bad breath? Why cant he

Unicorn772: stay with me longer than 5 min? He says he cares but doesn't seem to want to be around me

Unicorn772: next

Leigh 4CK: Craig go

Superman92: Think big Craig!

CraigByrne: "Lois, I think Clark's situation is unique....." said Superman

Unicorn772: yea Man of Steel vs Bananas

CraigByrne: "But I think you'll agree, you should keep away from that Scardino guy," he continued

CraigByrne: "His life is like a box of very small bananas!" NEXT

Superman92: LOL


Superman92: Go leigh!

Leigh 4CK: Lois looked angry. "First Clark, now you. I wouldn't have expected this of you. I wouldn't

Leigh 4CK: expect you to be so mean. Put me down now!" SM-- Lois, don't tell me you care for Dan?

Leigh 4CK: What about your feelings for Clark?" LL" "This is absolutely none of your business Superman

Leigh 4CK: NEXT - go unicorn

Superman92: its my turn

Superman92: It is my business Lois!

Unicorn772: I care about both of you...Huh you swoop in save the day and you outa here! Clark can't stay

Superman92: How so, says Lois. SM: Uh, Uh, I have to go Lois, theres CK! I'll drop you off there!

Unicorn772: around me for 5 min>>If this is a preview of coming attractions Thanks but NO Thanks

Leigh 4CK: Sorry, I goofed

Unicorn772: Dan is oops go>

Leigh 4CK: OK go Supmeran,

Superman92: Lois and CK are now standing by a hot dog stand. As Lois takes a bite of the hot dog, CK...

Superman92: starts to have flashbacks from the ice cream parlor.

Superman92: Read my lines about only and it will make some sense. NEXT

Unicorn772: bananas& hot dogs a therapist would have a field day

Unicorn772: P I'm thinking

CraigByrne: Next Lois is going shopping for batteries!

Superman92: LOL

Unicorn772: batteries I'm afraid to ask

CraigByrne: Lois begins to suck on the hot dog, enjoying the juice.

Unicorn772: good grief

CraigByrne: Meanwhile, Jimmy and Perry go to the hospital to see Dan..... Jimmy passes a room and sees

Superman92: wow craig!

CraigByrne: his girlfriend, Angela, nude..... He then tells the chief that he has to go to the bathroom

CraigByrne: next

Superman92: LO>L

Superman92: LOL

Unicorn772: noones mom better come gunning for me

Superman92: Just go!

Leigh 4CK: Meanwhile, as Clark and Lois continue eating their hot dogs a long black stretch

Unicorn772: who?

Superman92: Have a little fun.

Unicorn772: that means trouble

Leigh 4CK: limo pulls up. The window rolls down and Lois gasps. "Pleasure to see you again, Lois."

Unicorn772: dont encourage me

Leigh 4CK: Clark starts. He pulls Lois behind him protectively. "Lex!! Nice head of hair!! Wow!! It's

Leigh 4CK: even banana colored!!" NEXT

Unicorn772: hes got hair again hair club for men must work

Superman92: Meanwhile at the hospital, Angela and Justin are having some fun.

Unicorn772: somehow I knew he'd return there

Unicorn772: lOL

Leigh 4CK: common SM

Unicorn772: well details Sup

Superman92: Lex says, "I'm sick of you and your banana bragging Clark" I'm gonna finish what I started.

Superman92: BTW, Lex says, Lois you were wonderful in cool surface.

Superman92: Next

Unicorn772: Clark says nice hair Lex but we dont have time to chat Clark grabs Lois pulling her along

Unicorn772: Lois looks back .. bye Lex.They duck into a ally Clark says look Lois I can't take it anymor

Unicorn772: anymore I love you and I'm tired of this wishy washyness.Lois runs her hands up Clarks chest

Unicorn772: next

Superman92: Great Job Uni!

Leigh 4CK: I was afraid of that. Go Craig

CraigByrne: she then responds, "Superman, I have to tell you something......"

CraigByrne: "I'm.... pregnant..... with Dan's baby!"

Unicorn772: thank you thank you~~~

Leigh 4CK: Wait a minute. It's Clark not Sm

Unicorn772: what????

Superman92: Don't forget the hos.

CraigByrne: I meant Clark! Meanwhile, "Angela" deflates..... it turns out she was a blow-up doll...NEXT

Unicorn772: you guys are crazy

Superman92: LOL

Superman92: Go leigh.

Leigh 4CK: "What??!!"" Clark suddenly feels dizzy. "Lois you can't mean it. You couldn't have slept

CraigByrne: with teeny weeny Scardeeny?

Unicorn772: thats what happens when you prod a blow up doll

Superman92: Hi Becky!

JBecky: hey

Unicorn772: enter at your own risk "there be crazy people here

Leigh 4CK: with that guy."..... "Clark?? Clark???"

Superman92: Hey, I resent that!

Unicorn772: LOl

Unicorn772: no you dont

Leigh 4CK: Lex Luthor now appeared in the alley. He was holding a green glowing object. Clark

CraigByrne: I'm back... sorry

Unicorn772: god she's got more guys after her than the irs has money

Leigh 4CK: collapsed on the ground. Clllllllaaaaarrrrrkkkkkk!"" RING!!!! Clark opened his eyes!!

Leigh 4CK: NEXT Superman

Unicorn772: ok S heres your chance to show us

Superman92: It was all a dream! CK wished he had drempt about Lois instead of bananas.

Unicorn772: a DREAM??LOL

Superman92: CK couldn't take it any more! He flew out the door headed for Lois's his apartment!

Unicorn772: are you sure your not a writer for L&C

CraigByrne: Let me guess..... then Lois shows up in the shower!

Superman92: No craig!

Unicorn772: LOL

Unicorn772: the tub?

Superman92: He was finally gonna tell her!

CraigByrne: Lois in the tub? =^D

Unicorn772: cool

Leigh 4CK: good for you SM.. That's were I was headed with this

Unicorn772: a direction at last

Superman92: When he walked in he noticed Lois in getting into the shower!

Superman92: Next

Superman92: Sorry Leigh, I couldn't resist.

CraigByrne: He's going to be pitching Metropolis!

Superman92: LOL

Leigh 4CK: Go Uni

Unicorn772: The desire to get it all out in the open was paramount in his mind until the glistening

Unicorn772: moisture on Lois body brought him out of his thoughts he had interupted her shower

Leigh 4CK: You guys could never write for Disney. :-)

Superman92: LOL

Superman92: Uni, you said I was crazy?

Unicorn772: the right thing to do would have been to leave but after seeing his love so avaliable

Superman92: X-ray vision?

Unicorn772: next

Unicorn772: nahh To risque for Dis

CraigByrne: Clark then decided to hide behind a counter so Lois wouldn't realize that he had a bo......

CraigByrne: well you get the idea..... Lois walks out of the shower....

CraigByrne: "Clark, what are you doing here?"

CraigByrne: next

Leigh 4CK: JBecky -- want to go or pass?

JBecky: i have been advised to pass, so i will do so

Leigh 4CK: Ok me next

Unicorn772: wise Beck

Unicorn772: I've been told I'm a loon

Leigh 4CK: "Um, oh!!!!!!" Clark felt his head begin to spin. He blacked out. "Honey? Clark?"

Superman92: Hey, no one in here can match the banana comments!

JBecky: would you people leave the commentary out of this?

Unicorn772: Leigh is Clark pregnant

Leigh 4CK: Clark opened his eyes. He was lying on his bed in his room in Smallville. "Oh, mom. What

Unicorn772: oops sorry

Leigh 4CK: a, nightmarish fantasy." What were you dreaming about, Clark."oh, Lex Luthor

Leigh 4CK: kryptonite, (Lois taking a shower, her thought, but didn't date tell his mom that) & Dan's

Leigh 4CK: banana.

Superman92: LOL

Leigh 4CK: NExt

Superman92: Ring!!! Not again Clark thought as he woke up for the third time.

Superman92: This time something felt different. He didn't quite know what it was.

Superman92: Then he heard: "Hi Clark". Lois was next to him!

Superman92: Next

Superman92: Go Uni!

Unicorn772: Lois what... whats happening I don't understand What are you doing here?

Unicorn772: I can't remember anything?

Unicorn772: next

Superman92: Don't BLOW this onne Craig!

CraigByrne: Suddenly, the radio goes on..... "I've got you babe.... doo doo....." Clark wakes up again.

CraigByrne: He gets dressed and walks into the hallway

Superman92: LOL

CraigByrne: Some loser walks up to him "It's Groundhog Day!" NEXT

Leigh 4CK: Oh S**t!!!

Superman92: LOL

Leigh 4CK: JBecky are you participating or just observing/

Superman92: Have you guys seen groundhog day?

Leigh 4CK: Yes

Unicorn772: god kill him!!~~~

JBecky: i still don't get it, i will pass one more time

JBecky: (soory)

Leigh 4CK: Uni could you explain it to her -- what we're doing, pls?

CraigByrne: right now we're at the part where Clark almost steps into a puddle (just kidding)

Leigh 4CK: Ok I'm going

JBecky: i know, i just want to pass one more time, i will next, i swear

Superman92: How many dreams has CK had now?

Leigh 4CK: Clark went to the office. Lois was sitting at her desk talking on the phone, he tuned

Unicorn772: we lost count thanks to Mr.Grounhogf< EG>

Superman92: Loosen up!

Leigh 4CK: in his superhearing and heard her say, "That's sounds wonderful. I absolutely love that, Dan

Leigh 4CK: Dan!!!???!!! Clark was furious. What was she doing. Didn't she care. He then heard Lois

Unicorn772: can we kill him (DS now

Leigh 4CK: say, "bananas."

Leigh 4CK: Next ()sorry, I couldn't resist)

Superman92: LOL

Unicorn772: lOL

Jello G: LOL

JBecky: ha!

Unicorn772: Jell where ya been

Superman92: It wasn't a dream, CK thought to himself. Maybe Lois preferred the shorther....

Superman92: of the two.

Unicorn772: we need your unique perspective

Unicorn772: shorter

Superman92: All of a sudden CK heard, "I got you babe" Sh** he thought to himself. NEXT

Jello G: Um...sneaking to computer while my dad's asleep...heh-heh...

Unicorn772: tricky

Superman92: Go Uni!

Leigh 4CK: (Jello, this is the "Ground Hog Day" theme. Hope you saw that movie

Leigh 4CK: But lets get away from this, please, guys!!!

Unicorn772: Clark walks over to Lois I think we need to talk .Do you have plans tonite?

Jello G: Leigh: Oh gawd...deja vu...

Unicorn772: Well later on but then I think I can fit you into my schedule the question is will you be th

Unicorn772: ere

Unicorn772: Lois I don't plan to go any where untill this is settled. I promise

Unicorn772: next

CraigByrne: Suddenly a white-haired man enters the Daily Planet building with a Delorean. "Clark.......

CraigByrne: Lois..... we need to go back.... back to the future!" They get in the car and the white-hai

Unicorn772: LLOL

CraigByrne: red man says "Where we're going we don't need roads." Then "I got you babe" comes on

Superman92: LOL

Superman92: LOL

Superman92: LOL

Superman92: LOL

Leigh 4CK: Damn, damn, damn

Unicorn772: what have you been drinking and where can I get some?

CraigByrne: "Doc, how are we gonna get up to 88 miles an hour?"

CraigByrne: just kidding

CraigByrne: Uni, I'm always like this.... ask Dan

CraigByrne: Supes92 I mean

Jello G: LOL

Unicorn772: I bet your a hoot at parties

CraigByrne: just wait until they get me singing the old TV show tunes!

CraigByrne: "Who can turn the world on with that smile......"

Leigh 4CK: JBecky it's your turn

Leigh 4CK: Craig went over the 3 line limit!!!

Unicorn772: please dont I just saw an advet for the Brady Bunch on Wings yuck scarey

Superman92: Who cares!

Leigh 4CK: J Becky go or pass

CraigByrne: I was joking about the 88 mph... that's not one of my lines

Superman92: Whose turn is it?

Leigh 4CK: It is JBecky's

Unicorn772: See Craig ya scared her

JBecky: pass, i still don't get the jive, and I don't think I will,

Leigh 4CK: Go Jello

CraigByrne: sorry JBecky! =^(

Unicorn772: Beck its just for fun theres no real pattern

Jello G: Sorry guys...still not in the swing of things ;-(

Jello G: pass

Superman92: go leigh!

Unicorn772: just keep it to three lines

CraigByrne: go Leigh

Superman92: There we go again Craig!

Jello G: Uni: I'm on a sugar shortage ;(

Leigh 4CK: OK guys -- time out while I start a new chat log.

CraigByrne: ok

Unicorn772: start roughing up DS and Jenni will jump in

Superman92: I'll go!

CraigByrne: go Dan

JBecky: Au revoir!

Unicorn772: did youeat all the M7M's

Leigh 4CK: OK guys hang on one sec while I start a new log

Unicorn772: bye beck

Unicorn772: I think she truelly thinks we're crazy

Leigh 4CK: Ok we're set

Leigh 4CK: I'm going now

Unicorn772: a well 2 wks without L&C will do that to you

Superman92: CK walks up to Lois in the office. I love you Lois! I've always loved you! I want to ....

CraigByrne: wait, it's Leigh's turn

Leigh 4CK: IT'S MY TURN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-(

Superman92: Sorry, go Leigh!

Unicorn772: Go >

Superman92: Just don't use my line

Unicorn772: you want to what???

Leigh 4CK: CK" No problem going 88 MPH. Lois, I've always wanted to show you this."

Unicorn772: oooh show me

Superman92: Banana time!

Jello G: c'mon people...keep this G rated

CraigByrne: lol

Unicorn772: oops sorry

Superman92: Sorry

Leigh 4CK: The Doc and Lois are in the car. Clark closes the door. He rips open his shirt revealing the

Jello G: But for this time...let's make an exception

Leigh 4CK: familiar .... BATMAN log. "Oh, my god. Wrong costume. wrong movie." "I've got you babe..."

Superman92: LOL

Unicorn772: ooh your so bad

Jello G: LOL

Unicorn772: LOL

Leigh 4CK: Go SM

CraigByrne: hey Leigh, Dean Cain did that at the 1993 Emmys.... believe it or not.....

Superman92: Clark walks into the office. Lois, there's something I've always wanted to tell you. I ...

Leigh 4CK: I know he did. That's where I got the idea.

CraigByrne: oh =^)

Superman92: love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I am also Superman! Lois and CK

Superman92: 's lips come together. "I GOT YOU BABE" $#!+!!!!!!!!!!

Superman92: Next

Leigh 4CK: ROTFL

Leigh 4CK: Go Uni

Unicorn772: Clark uncontrollably upset over I GOT You BABE suddenly stiffens the hair grows out of his

Superman92: banana?

Superman92: Sorry!

CraigByrne: lol

Unicorn772: hands face back he stumbles away grasping the window fame Claws gro out of his finger nails

Unicorn772: Where clark once stood now stand the Wolfman howling I'm gonna wash that song right out

Unicorn772: of my hair next

Leigh 4CK: Go Craig

CraigByrne: L&C are back in the Delorean.... Doc takes them to 1955, where Clark gets run over by his

CraigByrne: grandpa..... soon, his mom wakes him up, calling him Mr. Chiquita.

Superman92: LOL

Leigh 4CK: :-)

CraigByrne: "Mr. Chiquita, that's your name, right? The sticker on your shirt says that!" NEXT

Unicorn772: chiquita I thought those were S America

Leigh 4CK: Go Jello

CraigByrne: Chiquitas are Bananas

Unicorn772: Ok guys I want whatever it is ya'l been drinking I mean it now

Jello G: Meanwhile...Dan is feeling sorry for himself...and is eating icecream in a store...a kid com

Leigh 4CK: Beaujolais

Unicorn772: sorry grow in SA

Jello G: es over and says..."Gee, sir, ya have a small banana." Dan took it personally...then the

Jello G: "Facts of Life" theme song came

Superman92: LOL

Unicorn772: LOL

CraigByrne: You take the good you take the bad you take them both and there you have the facts of life

CraigByrne: the facts of life

CraigByrne: sorry

Jello G: LOL

Superman92: Craig the TV show theme song expert!

CraigByrne: I go crazy with those themes!

Jello G: although i don't know what the 'good' part is...

Leigh 4CK: "I've Got You Babe" Clark groans. He smashes his clock. He's losing his mind. In a burst


Leigh 4CK: speed he rockets to the Daily Planet as SM and lands in front of Lois desk. He removes the

Leigh 4CK: phone from her hand, aims his heat vision and melts it. He picks her up and says You're mine

Leigh 4CK: NEXT

Unicorn772: cool

Superman92: "I got you babe"

Unicorn772: some of that steel went to his spine

Superman92: CK wakes up again.

Leigh 4CK: I gonna kill the lot of you

Unicorn772: LOL

Superman92: This time Lois and Jerry Seinfeld are in his bedroom!

Jello G: Uni: The old me is baaack...I just had a Rice Krispie treat..heh-heh..

CraigByrne: They're real

CraigByrne: and they're spectacular

Unicorn772: next will be Tango & Cash

Superman92: Lois leaves and slams the door only to say "They're real and they're spectacular!'

Superman92: Next

CraigByrne: or the Cool Surface

Superman92: We think alike!

CraigByrne: Supes92, we did it again!

Jello G: yous people are scaring me...

Unicorn772: I told you I want what they've been drinking

CraigByrne: Jello G, some of the stuff Supes92 and I say you wouldn't believe....

CraigByrne: it's like we're clones

Superman92: This is *good*, right Jello?

Leigh 4CK: I can't believe I'm logging this

Jello G: Yup...and it sure's gonna get better, eh??

Unicorn772: good your clones or good your scaring her

CraigByrne: who'se turn?

Jello G: Uni

Leigh 4CK: Go Uni go

Unicorn772: who knows great

CraigByrne: I don't drink, honest Uni

Superman92: Me neither

Jello G: I do!! J/K

Leigh 4CK: Moi, aussi

Leigh 4CK: Come on uni

CraigByrne: Uni! Uni!

Superman92: I'm just here with my good friend Jack Daniels, just kidding.

Unicorn772: OK Clark speeds to Lois apartment, intending to have a serious heart to heart

Unicorn772: He scans her apartment to make sure she's alone his nerves are so shredded

Unicorn772: he just cant deal with the interuption of DS tonite

Superman92: Whose turn is it?

CraigByrne: mine after Uni's done

Unicorn772: ,With only Lois there he gos around to the front door knocks Lois opens and Clark says

Unicorn772: next

CraigByrne: Suddenly, we find Lois and Clark up next to a tied up Lex Luthor.....

Superman92: What?

CraigByrne: Clark says, "Now let's find out who you really are!" He pulls off his mask....

Unicorn772: wow

Unicorn772: were the 60's good to you

CraigByrne: It's Old Man Dithers! "And I would have gotten away with it, if it weren't for you snooping

CraigByrne: kids!"

Superman92: LOL!

Jello G: LOL

Superman92: I guess JBecky had enough!

Superman92: (didn't sound right)

CraigByrne: I think JBeckys waiting for me to leave.....

Unicorn772: I told you ya'l scared the pants off her

Superman92: That was great Craig!

Superman92: Jiggle for us Jello!

Superman92: I mean, take your turn!

Leigh 4CK: LOL

Jello G: my turn?

Unicorn772: she's not a mold

Leigh 4CK: LOL

CraigByrne: Jiggle..... "This is the story of three police women....."

Leigh 4CK: Go Jello, go.

Jello G: wait a mind's a blank..not a first...pass ;-(

Superman92: Go Leigh!

Leigh 4CK: YIKES!!!!!!!! Stop the man!!

Unicorn772: no thats Hair ...I mean Charlies Angles

CraigByrne: go Leigh!

Superman92: Great Shades of Elvis!

Superman92: I haven't laughed this hard in years!

Leigh 4CK: All of the sudden, "I've Got you babe." Clark puts the pillow over his head. He wishes he

CraigByrne: Judas Priest!

Unicorn772: well we could use Elvis movies next

Leigh 4CK: were dead. Suddenly an add comes on, "In trouble, need help no mere mortal can provide?

Unicorn772: Listen ok so the guys great with series but lets see him do Elvis movies

Unicorn772: ohh noo Leigh No

Unicorn772: Who Ya Gonna Call !!!!````!~~~

Superman92: Call 1-800-SupeUup!

Leigh 4CK: Call Resplendant Man. Strange Visitor from the Heart of Dixie." Clark: "Aarghhhhh!!!!"

Leigh 4CK: Next

Unicorn772: Supe U UP

Jello G: LOL

CraigByrne: Clark wakes up to find himself in a psychadelic bus

Unicorn772: I think I prefer Ghostbusters

CraigByrne: then he hears an awful noise

Unicorn772: no stop him

CraigByrne: "Hello world, here's a song that we're singing...." NEXT

Superman92: Craig, you can take my turn!

Unicorn772: oh god

Superman92: I can't think of anything!

Unicorn772: pulease

Leigh 4CK: It's UNI's turn

Superman92: ANythinng you would say would probably be what would say

CraigByrne: I did, sorry!

Superman92: Pass

Unicorn772: take your turn What was that add aahh Calcon Take Me Away

Leigh 4CK: Go Craig

CraigByrne: Soon Clark found him back in time, and the Chief was there

CraigByrne: And he started dancing

Superman92: I gotta fly!

Superman92: I guess I'll wait !

CraigByrne: "C'mon, let's rock.... the jailhouse rock....."

Unicorn772: ok sartie lets see what ya got

Unicorn772: oops smartie

Superman92: Never forget the BANANAS!

Leigh 4CK: I hope you step on one

CraigByrne: I'm gonna go too.... I have school in 7 hours!

Unicorn772: actually Elvis liked Bananas and peanut butter sand

Jello G: Dan SCardino...who could never take a hint if it was put right in fron of his face...entered

Jello G: the Planet. He went to Perry's office. "Could I talk to Lois? Where is she?" "I'm not

Jello G: tellin YOU!" "Why?" " ain't nothin' but a hound dog..." next

Leigh 4CK: "Doo whap, doo whap---'Cause I've only got eyes for yooooouuuuuuu!!!" The champagne corks

Leigh 4CK: went shooting around the room and right directly into the back of Dan's head giving him

Unicorn772: ouch

Jello G: That

Leigh 4CK: a new appendage somewhat smaller than that banana he had. Lois held out her glass for

Jello G: Leigh -- shouldn't it be "somewhat BIGGER"??

Leigh 4CK: Clark to fill. "To us, Lois," Clark said. "To us, Clark." Perry smiled at the pair as they

Leigh 4CK: began to dance. As soon as he turned his back the music changed to...

Leigh 4CK: next

Unicorn772: Unchained Melody but ever persistent Dan stumbles over Lois I gotta talk to you

Jello G: leigh -- did you log the rest, before I came?

Leigh 4CK: Yes

Jello G: cool

Unicorn772: Clark looks at lois and says excuse me a moment Lois,and takes Dan in a punishing grip

Unicorn772: and walks him to the elevator.Dan let me give you some friendly advice ..He punches the

Unicorn772: the doors slide open Dan stepts forwrd but the elevators not there..In the background the

Unicorn772: song changes Return to Sender~~~~~

Unicorn772: next

Jello G: Dan falls several flights. Boom..."Ow!"...Boom..."Ow!"...he falls with a THUD.

Jello G: He opens his eyes...and sees little birdies flying wait a minute...

Jello G: they're little plungers flying around...meanwhile Lois and Clark continues

Leigh 4CK: LOL

Jello G: "Fly Me to the Moon" comes

Unicorn772: LOL

Jello G:

Unicorn772: sigh> how romantic

Unicorn772: You know we should take this show on the road

Leigh 4CK: Slowly, unconsciously Clark starts to drift into the air. Lois' eyes widen. "Clark!!!!"

Jello G: whoa...Lois is seeing the light...

Unicorn772: cool

Leigh 4CK: "No Lois. I'm Superman! Superman is who I am, Clark is what I can do. And I think I'll do

Leigh 4CK: you right about now.

Leigh 4CK: next

Unicorn772: yeoowww

Leigh 4CK: :-)

Jello G: I like your thinking Leigh

Unicorn772: god I hope she has an industrial strenght bed

Jello G: go uni

Unicorn772: Lois mummers oh I don't like a solo seduction,its gotta be equal Clark

Unicorn772: Do you think you can handle me farmboy,Because I guarantee you'l need to be a Superman when

Unicorn772: I'm through with you.Riunning her hand down his chest slowly inching toward his

Unicorn772: next

Jello G: Slowing inching toward his S. They kiss passionately...for once, it was a

Unicorn772: cowrd

Unicorn772: hes baaack

Jello G: Lois/Clark/Superman much for a threesome...suddenly, his selective hearing gets

Unicorn772: hey its getting juicy now

Superman92: Wow!

Jello G: turned "on". Superman -- Help me! I'm in trouble! next..

Unicorn772: his hearing gets turned on dont you mean hes turned on

Superman92: Are we still doing the Groundhog thing?

Leigh 4CK: "I've Got You Babe...." Clark wakes up and looks at the clock. Now he melts it into a

Unicorn772: NO

Superman92: Maybe he's pointing north Uni

Unicorn772: LOL

Jello G: Deja vu...uh-oh...Is it me, or do you have the feeling we've done this already...

Superman92: LOL

Unicorn772: yea now that you mention it

Superman92: Gonna go back in time!

Jello G: Hey Supes you're back. How come?

Superman92: I'm addicted!

Unicorn772: missed us

Leigh 4CK: puddle with his heat vision. Furious he superspeeds to the Daily Planet. Lois is at her desk

Jello G: Ha! Ya ain't da only one!

Unicorn772: this all seems so familair

Superman92: My bill is so high!

Unicorn772: yours ha you should have seen last months

Leigh 4CK: and Dan is leaning over her holding an ugly as sin mobile. Clark pick him & his junk up and.

Leigh 4CK: next

Jello G: Supes: Ha! Ya ain't da only one! <---whoa, weird feeling of deja vu

Unicorn772: go supie

Superman92: What?

Superman92: mobile?

Unicorn772: the eyball thingy

Unicorn772: go Sup

Unicorn772: BRB baby's crying

Superman92: What the hell did you do with Lois last night Scar?(SM)

Jello G: Uni: Good choice of words. LOL

Superman92: Let's just say she tasted some banana!

Superman92: Sorry!

Jello G: LOL

Leigh 4CK: NOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)

Superman92: I'm sick of you Scar, besides, Lois is having my baby! NEXt

Superman92: I have no idea what is going on!

Jello G: Supes: Ha! You ain't da only one! <---damn deja vu

Beverly9: wow, you're here! Hi guys. is this a private party?

Jello G: Uni it's your turn -- is that okay Leigh?

Unicorn772: she's having my Baby what a lovely way of saying how much ya love me~~~~

Leigh 4CK: You better go Jello becaseu she won't know where to pick up

Jello G: okay

Unicorn772: no Bev its craziness at its best

Leigh 4CK: Uni you can go the next time round when you're back into the story

Unicorn772: okie dokie

Jello G: Supes stared at him coldly. "Stay away from Lois, Scar. Back off." Dan says,"You think

Unicorn772: LOL

Unicorn772: sorry when ya'l say scar I think Lion King

Jello G: you're so cool with those stupid tights." "They're not stupid." Dan laughed. "And why is

Superman92: Same here.

Beverly9: Leigh> bananas? what does this mean to you?

Superman92: LOL

Unicorn772: LOL

Jello G: that?" Supes grabbed the collar of Dan's shirt. " My MOTHER made it for me." He let him

Jello G: go. next

Unicorn772: its a metaphore Bev

Leigh 4CK: Bev -- a much larger jock strap

Unicorn772: larger hmm??

Superman92: bananas and hot dogs

Jello G: Bev: Scar's got his own banana...but not nuff to please the ladies

Unicorn772: my turn??

Superman92: I created a monster!

Leigh 4CK: OK my turn

Unicorn772: oohh go

Unicorn772: its gettin good

Leigh 4CK: Dan ::: You have a mother, Supie? I thought you just arrived full blown like one of those

Unicorn772: uh oh mistake

Beverly9: if Dan has a banana, what does Superman carry? sorry....

Unicorn772: STEEL

Leigh 4CK: inflated toys." Lois: "Your mother? Superman? On Krypton?" At this moment Lex

Jello G: How dare he call him Supie...that deserves another plunger attack!

Superman92: I sense "I got you babe"

Unicorn772: yeoow gt him Charge

Leigh 4CK: Luthor arrives. He opens a box with a red glowing gem. SM looks at it, looks at Lois and

Leigh 4CK: says, "I don't care." Next

Jello G: Bev: He carries Rocky Road..."chunky"...

Unicorn772: whos turn??

Superman92: Mine

Unicorn772: go>>

Superman92: I have my banana! I don't need anything else! Lois, you don't know what...

Unicorn772: LOL

Superman92: you're missing! You should have tasted chocolate when you had the chance.....

Superman92: Goodbye Lois!

Superman92: Next!

Jello G: Bev: He carries Rocky Road..."chunky"... <---oops, deja vu again

Beverly9: I don't think I'm grasping the plot yet.

Superman92: I got you babe doo doo doo doo doo doo

Unicorn772: there is no plot

Unicorn772: trust me we're just being silly

Superman92: The plot was thrown away when the banana aspect came in

Superman92: I'm really sorry I started it.

Jello G: BEV: Basically it's a mix of songs (preferably "I got you babe), bananas, and deja vu

Unicorn772: yea right

Superman92: And Groundhog Day!

Beverly9: got it, no plot, plenty of "apeel"

Jello G: LOL

Unicorn772: LOL

Unicorn772: yea shes got it

Jello G: Is it Uni's turn?

Superman92: I wonder what a banana peel would be?

Superman92: hmmmmm

Beverly9: a used condom? I can't believe I just said that!!

Leigh 4CK: LOL

Unicorn772: Lois gazes at S and says well he through down quite a gauntlet do you think your up to the

Jello G: Banana peel = Scardino. Looks good at first, but it's just plain trash

Superman92: LOL

Superman92: Bev, you read my mind.

Unicorn772: challange ? She runs her hands up and down his massive frame and says if he uses an banana

Unicorn772: what do you use?

Unicorn772: next

Jello G: Bev's turn

Leigh 4CK: This log will have to come with a warning

Beverly9: Um....well...I think I'm confused.

Leigh 4CK: go jello

Jello G: Ya know, I'll never look at bananas in the same way again!!!

Superman92: Just talk about bananas!

Leigh 4CK: a whole bunch

Leigh 4CK: :-)

Unicorn772: a loon alert or a inuendo alert

Jello G: Supes thought for awhile. "I use Rocky Road." He smiled. "You like it CHUNKY, don't you?"

Superman92: LOL

Unicorn772: OH my GOD

Unicorn772: LOL

Beverly9: whipped cream! go for the whipped cream!

Unicorn772: chunky LOL LOL

Superman92: Don't forget the banana!

Jello G: Lois smiled back. "You know I do." Their lips met in a steamy kiss...elsewhere, Dan

Superman92: And NUTS!

Unicorn772: no cherries

Jello G: sat alone...felling sorry for himself...AND his banana next...

Superman92: I'm glad you got the banana in there Jello!

Jello G: Ooh, don't forget the hot fudge!!

Leigh 4CK: My turn

Superman92: (didnt sound right)

Unicorn772: one is the lonliest number that I ever knew'

Jello G: Supes: Wouldn't leave it for the world Hey, don't ya got school?

Beverly9: Dan, in dejection, has to peel his banana himself.

Superman92: Nope!

Jello G: Bev, LOL!

Unicorn772: peel ??

Superman92: I have easter break this whole week!

Unicorn772: LOL

Jello G: Hey, me either! That's awesome!

Leigh 4CK: Lois continues to kiss Superman but something starts to bother her. She begins crying.

Beverly9: banana allergy?

Superman92: Steel banana!

Jello G: What happened? She don't like it chunky?

Unicorn772: shes smoochin sup and starts crying reality check ??!!

Jello G: Supes: OUCH!

Superman92: Are you a friend of Craig's, Jello?

Jello G: Yup. :)

Superman92: I can tell!

Superman92: We're clones you know.

Leigh 4CK: Superman tastes the tears and stops kissing her. "Lois!! What's the matter." Lois shakes her

Leigh 4CK: head.

Jello G: That's what I'm afraid of ;-)

Unicorn772: congrats on sucessfully cloning

Unicorn772: well what is her prob

Superman92: I hope you didn't mean how that sounded!

Unicorn772: I'l take her place

Superman92: Leigh!!

Leigh 4CK: "I do like Rocky Road, Superman. But I'll REALLY miss chocolate. Where's Clark?"

Jello G: Nah, J/K

Leigh 4CK: next

Beverly9: me me me...

Unicorn772: how did it sound I thought he was funny

Superman92: Hey, that's me!

Jello G: nice!

Unicorn772: yesss

Superman92: Uh, Clark is watching a preview of Heaven's Prisoners.

Unicorn772: what??

Jello G: Dan has a mini-Chiquita, while Clark has full grown ones...several of them

Superman92: I better go Lois, says Supe.

Unicorn772: get him outa there and over ther the lady needs his bananas

Beverly9: "But Lois, haven't you figured it out? Rocky Road is mainly chocolate! Less the chunks"

Superman92: What is it Supie, they are real! Don't you believe me! NEXT

Beverly9: had to put in my .02 worth.

Superman92: I don't mind a chunk Bev!

Leigh 4CK: Uni go

Jello G: That didn't sound right Supes

Beverly9: yeah right, chunk this...


Unicorn772: just throw Clark on top of the choc and she wont need RR

Unicorn772: I'm at aloss I will observe for the moment

Leigh 4CK: Go Bev

Superman92: Don't BLOW it Bev!

Beverly9: hmmmmm.

Beverly9: the pressure...

Unicorn772: sorry just the pic of CK on top of a bowl of Choc yummm just lovely

Beverly9: suddenly Clark whips out a bag of ice cream accesories. "Allow me to illustrate..."

Unicorn772: accessories LOL

Jello G: LOL

Superman92: LOL

Leigh 4CK: :-)

Beverly9: CK: Take away the nuts, marshmallows, and the choc chips and what do you have?

Unicorn772: is that the same as going to a fantasy party

Superman92: LOL

Unicorn772: lord let him illustate

Beverly9: LL: Plain chocolate ice cream? CK: EXACTLY!

Unicorn772: go Bev

Superman92: Be right back!

Unicorn772: ok Sups

Beverly9: CK: Now, take away my cape, tights and extremely form fitting top, and what do you have?

Leigh 4CK: I'm going to have to go soon, guys. Want to start wrapping this up or do you want to continu

Leigh 4CK: doing this after I'm gone?

Beverly9: hey, I'm working here...

Unicorn772: sorry Bev

Beverly9: LL: You naked!

Superman92: It wouldn't be the same without you Leigh! (didn't sound right)

Unicorn772: yea naked cool

Leigh 4CK: The naked truth

Beverly9: CK: Lois, you're missing my point....

Superman92: Your banana!

Superman92: Sorry Bev

Unicorn772: yes the naked truth maybe the wrters could use that approach NYeaah

Superman92: point, LOL

Jello G: LOL. Romeo and Juliet..."My naked weapon is exposed"...

Unicorn772: point OLO

Beverly9: CK: Lois, do you see where I'm going with this?

Superman92: I'm reading R & J too Jello.

Leigh 4CK: :-0

Unicorn772: ooh goodness

Superman92: Great chiquita bananas!

Superman92: Wow!

Jello G: LOL

Unicorn772: I've laughed so much my kidneys are protesting

Beverly9: LL: I'm still working on you without the tights. CK: This isn't going where I'd hoped!

Beverly9: next... I'm giggling too much.

Superman92: My weasel is ready to go!

Leigh 4CK: Getting harder all the time, huh?

Unicorn772: where does he want it to go

Superman92: LOL

Beverly9: do weasels like bananas?

Unicorn772: your weasel

Superman92: Not mine!

Jello G: Clark was making a HUGE sundae...but suddenly, those darn Heaven s Prisoners previews

Unicorn772: not your powerful steel headed warrior

Leigh 4CK: Go Jello and then, guys, I'm wrappin' it up. You can start a new 1 after I'm gone

Superman92: LOL

Superman92: Go Jello!

Jello G: popped into his head...He said, "Lois I have to go"..."Why?"...He glanced..down..."Cuz.."

Superman92: LOL

Beverly9: it's the Kryptonite sprinkles that did him in.

Unicorn772: oh no not premature *****

Unicorn772: LOL

Jello G: "Clark, they're real, and they're spectacular!!"..."Um, these cherries aren't that great"..

Leigh 4CK: Naughty, naughty

Jello G: next..that was for you Supes :)

Superman92: Wow!

Beverly9: Well, mom said no one was going to notice my face...

Superman92: Can I be next?

Jello G: Sorry Leigh...had to put one from CK's POV I guess...I'll shut up

Unicorn772: she told the truth there LLis still oblivious

Leigh 4CK: "I've Got You, Babe." Clark woke up again. What a nightmare!!. He picked up his portable

Beverly9: portable banana?

Unicorn772: leigh LOL

Superman92: LOL

Leigh 4CK: CD player and went to the office. He pulled Lois out of her chair and began dancing with her

Jello G: LOL

Unicorn772: dancings good

Beverly9: Clark! do you mind? I was trying to eat a banana!

Superman92: LOL

Jello G: He thought he woulda smashed the CD by now or something...

Leigh 4CK: LL: What the...." The music came on, "I've only got eyes for you..." "Yes, Clark. Only you.

Leigh 4CK: .... and, um, your banana!!!! The End!

Unicorn772: isn't tht horrible the guy cant even have a decent w*t dream


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The Krypton Club is not affiliated with ABC, December 3rd Productions, or Warner Brothers. Special thanks goes out to Tom Terenyi for help in producing these pages.