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Smallville and its characters are copyright ©2003 Warner Bros. & DC Comics. This is a fan site and not authorized by the WB or DC. Page copyright ©2003 KryptonSite, unless the material is noted as coming from someplace else or being by an individual author. Smallville stars Tom Welling, Kristin Kreuk, Michael Rosenbaum, John Glover, John Schneider, Annette O'Toole, Sam Jones III, and Allison Mack.



2002 KryptonSite Awards: And The Winners Are...
Here at KryptonSite we set up the 2002 KryptonSite Awards is honor and recognize the cast and crew of Smallville for jobs well done.

Fans were able to vote for the past two months, and the wait is finally over. The most-voted-for subject was of course Best Actor (2,159 participated), and the least-voted-for subject was Best Director (754). So why not take a look at the folks and episodes who won this year's Awards. Thanks again to everyone who participated!

Best Actor: Michael Rosenbaum

What more can we say? The fans love their "Sexy Lexy," and it appears that Michael Rosenbaum's portayal of the character is worthy of recognition.

Of the eight actors from Smallville, and despite very strong showings for many of his cast mates, Michael went home with 43% of the vote. We don't know yet if those are just Inquisitor readers that Lex bought off. Kidding, Michael! Congratulations on the win!

Best Guest Star: John Glover

Among fans, he's the Magnificent something or other. But no one can deny that John Glover can make even the worst Smallville episodes worthwhile.

Let's hope he survives the falling pillar so we can have more Lionel next season. Glover walks away with 1,092 votes, or 55%.

One might argue that Glover is practically a regular on the series, so for those of you who were wondering who came in at #2, it was Shawn Ashmore (Eric from "Leech"), who had 17%.

Best Episode: "Nicodemus"

This one won by only ten votes, proving that fans of Kristin Kreuk's body double beat out the fans of an episode with a tornado.

Of course, the excellent writing of the episode, and great performances by the cast regulars and the guests may have also had something to do with it. And hey, any episode where Jonathan Kent listens to the theme song to The Dukes of Hazzard is okay around these parts.

The story from "Nicodemus" is credited to Greg Walker, the teleplay was by Michael Green. James Marshall directed the episode.

Best Writers: Al Gough & Miles Millar

The creators of Smallville and writers of such episodes as the pilot, "Metamorphosis," and "Tempest," Alfred Gough and Miles Millar, landed at the #1 spot with over 51% of the vote. It should come as no surprise that this dynamic duo will be back next season.

Congratulations are also in order for second-place winner Mark Verheiden ("Rogue," "X-Ray"), who received 21% of the vote.

Best Director: Greg Beeman

Greg Beeman ("Hothead," "Tempest") was picked as Best Director for the 2001-2002 season of Smallville -- most likely because the episodes showed his incredible talent at working episodes around special effects. Whether it's fiery scenes in "Hothead" or tornados in "Tempest," Beeman came through and made sure it all looked great.

Beeman had 27% of the vote, beating out James Marshall ("Nicodemus," "Crush") by only 8 votes!

The Lewis And Laura Lang Award For Best Death Scene: Lewis & Laura Lang

Who else could die and still have their daughter talking about them fifteen years later on such a constant basis that we just want to strangle her?

Fans (32% of them) thought Lewis and Laura Lang had the best demise on Smallville. Or, maybe they just voted them in with hopes that Lana will finally get over it.

Grossest Scene: Jodi And The Deer

When Bambi's mother died you wanted to cry. When Jodi eats the deer, you just want to hurl.

We'll spare you a screen capture of this scene from "Craving."

This one was another close race -- "Bugboy molting" came at a very close (only 5 votes!) second place.

Worst Episode: "Craving"

Apparently the "fat sucking vampire" thing didn't go over well with fans.

Even though "Craving" had some great moments (such as the introduction of Joe Morton as Dr. Hamilton), the meteor diet episode just wasn't happening. 496 voters, or 33%, all seemed to agree.

Best Special Effect: "Bullet Time"

The Matrix-style slow motion effect seen in many episodes like "Hourglass" and "Zero" seemed to get the best response from fans, even beating out the meteor shower!

"Bullet Time" ended up with 35% of the vote. Congratulations to the special effects crew of Smallville for a job well done.

Best Song: "Save Me" by Remy Zero

Not only was this song performed in the episode "Tempest," but Remy Zero's "Save Me" is also featured at the start of every episode of Smallville during the opening credits.

"Save Me" got 26% of the vote, beating Lifehouse's "Everything" by 38 votes.

You can order Remy Zero's CD by clicking here.

Best Line: Lex Luthor in "Leech"

Boo-- err, Victoria Hardwick's luck has run out. She tried to con Lex Luthor, but of course, it turned out that he instead ended up conning her, in a scene that brought out this line:

"You call sleeping with me business? Tsk. I hate to think what that makes you."

40% of voters picked this one, proving that it's either true that Lex gets the best lines, or people really just wanted to hear someone say something like that to the brainless Victoria. After that, Kelly Brook and her bad-Austin Powers-accent father were never seen again.

Best Superman Reference: "Stuff of Legends"

In the episode "Hug," written by Doris Egan, Lex Luthor says the following line about his future with Clark:

"Our friendship will be the stuff of legends."

Well, it'll at least be the subject of comics, movies, and slash fanfiction, as it has been for over sixty years (except for the slash part). Either way, this one took a whopping 44% of the vote.

The Whitney Fordman Award For Best Auto Mishap: Lex And Clark On The Bridge

Poor Whitney. He gets booted off the show, his car crashes every other episode, and he still doesn't even win the award that's named after him.

Rather, 40% of the fans thought Lex driving into Clark and off the bridge in the Smallville pilot got the top spot. Who's going to argue with that? Sorry, bro.

Most Underrated Character: Pete Ross

The poor guy is supposed to be Clark Kent's best friend, but you'd never know from watching the show. Clark is always much more interested in fawning over Lana or hanging out with Lex.

But we, of course, know that Pete Ross is, can be, and will so much more. Sam Jones III does a great job playing the character, and we hear the second season will bring big, good things for Pete. 46% of those who voted can't be wrong.

For a list of KSite Awards nominees, click here.