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Here's a scary one... the 1997 April Fool's issue that had a headline that actually turned out to be true. Oops!

The fake "reviews" of "Little Caped Men" were from a story written by Matt and Craig that was sent to the club's regular reviewers. We were hoping for a celebrity review, but the reviewer had to back out at the last minute for contract reasons. (And that's NOT an April fool!)

Surgeon General's Warning: The Contents Of This Issue Of The Krypton Club Newsletter Are All Made In Jest And Are Not To Be Taken Seriously. Pregnant Women, Those With A Past Medical History, Imps From The Fifth Dimension, And People Over 60 Years Of Age May Want To Consult A Physician Before Reading... No Heavenly Angels Or Wedding Destroyers Were Harmed Too Badly In The Production Of This Newsletter.


It's a sad day for all FoLCs as ABC has announced today that after the May 23 season finale, "Lois & Clark" will be no more. This following horrible ratings, lack of a good timeslot, and the fact that Dean and Teri would like to move on.

In other news, Krypton Club president Craig Byrne and Krypton Club vice-president Matt Combes have left the Krypton Club to become full-time writers for "Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman." You saw their first effort on Sunday night's episode, "Little Caped Men," and inside you'll find reviews of that episode. Taking over as club president will be John Doe. We're sure you'll like him because he's a "darn nice guy" who gives everyone warm and fuzzy feelings inside.

E-MAIL #1:
Reviews of Sunday night's episode!
What's going on!
What happened to Richie Cunningham's brother Chuck?
The Sound Man!
As if "Little Caped Men" was not enough.
Reviews of "Followers!"
For some reason, when you go onto the "Lois & Clark" message boards, you'd wonder what happened to "L&C"'s viewership--it seems like 98% of the FoLCs MISSED this special Sunday night episode! Where were you?? Luckily, some of you saw the episode and reviewed it... but it was surely not enough. Their reviews follow the review of a very busy artist named Kyle Rayner, who offered to submit his review...
By Kyle Rayner
Green Lantern of Earth

Except for a few episodes that have been pretty good, I have been disappointed in "L&C" for the most part now. Sure, there have been bright spots (like the "Meet John Doe"/"Lois and Clarks" arc), but this one is by far the best arc of the season so far, amazing for two new writers.

Where to begin? I enjoyed the talk between Lois and Clark when Clark wondered if he was the only Kryptonian who was still on Earth, kind of foreshadowing what would come up later in the episode. The whole plot of Superman being a "little green man" was interesting, and was something only Tempus could come up with.

I enjoyed the many winks to the fans as well... it's about time Cat was mentioned and that "the first year was kind of hazy for me" line from Jimmy was great. A perfect reward for those who have watched the show for a long time. And Lois telling Jimmy to "stuff it"--is "Mad Dog Lane" back? I can't wait to see if this "mood" continues into next week. And the idea of a faction called the FoLCs... the only thing I'm wondering is, what does FoLC stand for in the L&C universe? Surely it's not "Fans of Lois & Clark," because that would surely give something away.

Did the producers really think we wouldn't be able to figure out who Sculder and Mully were?!? The actors who they got to play them (can't remember the names... ugh!) were fantastic, and looked just enough like Duchovny and Anderson to pull it off. Let's hope Fox doesn't sue. I ROTFLed when I heard that Jordan's wife name was Eugenie, and son was Brad. A nice touch. They need to do more like that.

I have to admit though, except for the opening scene, there wasn't too much as far as the romance dept. goes (but what a scene it was!). Hopefully the next chapter would be better... surely Lois will be able to rescue Clark. The scene of Clark in the "Lone Rider" costume in the promo for next week has me wondering. But, after all that, they must be doing SOMETHING right... my girlfriend Donna was satisfied at least.

Anyway, this was a fantastic episode and I can't wait for next week's show. Definite A+ from me. And by the way, the bit where Tempus tells Jordan about the "very revered man who is known in his time as one of history's most patient men" was great. Catch you all later!
And here are some short fan opinions of the episode....

HazzardCB: "Great episode, although I would have expected at least one Dukes of Hazzard reference from Craig Byrne, but hey, I heard Ben Jones will be appearing next week... now if only they'd sign James Best for an episode, Rosco rules. I liked the bit about Cat and the first Jimmy, and the closet scene, reminiscent of the Pilot, was fantastic. Can't wait for part 2. Craig and Matt really do deserve regular jobs on the L&C staff." "This episode was one of the best I've seen so far this season. The
acting was wonderful, and I was thrilled to see Tempus once again as the lead villian, exploring a fairly new idea in his quest against Superman. I was so shocked to hear about Cat and Ralph; I had nearly forgotten about her. Also, I loved the little inside jokes about Jimmy's first year at the Planet. I can't wait for the next ep!!"

LoisKT: "While I was watching this ep, I was loving it (Mully&Sculder, Jordan's kids Eugene and Brad), but afterwards, I stopped to think... Wasn't Tempus just elected president a few weeks ago? One would think that these people would recognize him. GOOD NEWS FOR ALL FOLC's: They know we're alive! They heard our calls for Cat Grant and for the *old* Lois and the "coming attractions"! We have succeeded! :) This ep deserves a B+."

Dtroyalmh: "Excellent episode!!! It kept me at the the edge of my seat. Finally, some link to the old episodes!!!! Cat Grant as Ralph's girlfriend??? Isn't Cat a little above Ralph? (Sorry, I never liked Ralph). Tempus is back again!!! With his excellent line: "one of history's most patient man." <g> The Hatcher Park idea was exellent, and the bureau 39 idea was fantastic. The dialogue between Hatcher & Cain was wonderful!!! Their acting was tremendous!!! Many WAFFY fscenes in this episode!!! (Finally the writers remembered what the older viewers want). The montage scene rocked!!! Loved that little kid who said he liked the green men! Wasn't he the one who played Clark's "illegitamite son"??? Superman=Pookie??? Excellent idea to have Superman fly out through the supply closet!!! Overall, the plot wasn't excellent, but everything else in the episode made up for it. The kryptonite cage brought back fond memories of the 1st season finale. Anyway, I can't wait for next week's ep!!!! This one definately deserved an A+, will next week's top that???"

LNCTNAOS: "I *loved* this ep! 'Little Caped Men' was great! Everything was so funny! And I've always loved any ep. w/our fave villian in it -- Tempus. We should really have more eps. w/him!"

Superchic4: "First off, I want to say I loved LCM, but then again it had Tempus in it so how bad could it be? Not only did having Tempus back make the ep wonderful but all the little details made it so funny I was ROTFLOL. Seriously, it was a great idea to have Mulder and Scully as agents and to have Tempus holding Eugenie and Brad hostage. I also loved the story ideas Perry was assigning especially the Superman cult following called the FOLCs, it's good to know we are appreciated, I'm happy to see we'll be returning next week. My one problem was that Perry got the number of years he and Alice had been married wrong, geez, no wonder she divorced him. Also where were Ma and Pa Kent? You'd think they'd be there. But over all it was very good and I can't wait for the continuation!"

Linda (TVVMWombat): "How wonderful to see the return of Tempus! And having Robert Stack (aka "The Untouchables", "Unsolved Mysteries") as Christopher Jordan is a stroke of genius, especially with all the little "in jokes" from past television shows and characters sprinkled throughout the episode. Once again, a simple pair of glasses, and - DUH! - no one can tell our infamous Mr. Post looks nothing like ex-president Mr. Doe? LOL! My favorite scene, however, was the little tete-a-tete regarding "old" Jimmy and "new" Jimmy, and Cat Grant! Anxiously awaiting to see what happens in part two!"

SJansing: "I always get a little nervous when a new writer, or in this case new writers write an episode of the show, but the new writing team of Craig Byrne and Matt Combes was excellent. I couldn't believe it when I saw their names in the credits as the writers, but there they were and all I can say is: keep up the great work guys!! Anyway- as always I love to see Lane Davies as Tempus. He is without a doubt still my favorite villan. also good in this episode were Teri and Dean. They showed that the best reporting team is still the best reporting team. They also make me happy to see them as a happily married couple. Overall, this episode gets a big two thumbs up for me and as for Craig and Matt, tell Robert Singer you have a fan who wants you to write all the episodes!!"

Carla (N2UFGators): "ROTFL!!! What a GREAT episode : ) Finally a story that had a hint of X-Files crossover. I've been looking forward to this show since January and I must say it's the best one of the 96-97 season. It was wonderful to see Tempus back (he's such a darn nice guy) and I'm hoping to see Cat in the continuation. I'd like to give a big round of applause to the story writers Matt Combes and Craig Byrne...Way to Go!!!"

Marlene (macdougm): "That Tempus is nothing but trouble. My favorite part was the waffy part at the beginning -anyone surprised ;)? Loved the reference to the FOLC cult <bg> are they scared of us yet? Can't wait to see the FOLC's rescue attempt of Superman next week. Yeah Folc!"

Krypto29: "A nice cross-over with the X-Files (although a too brief appearance by Mulder and Scully). Also a nice reference to the Flash, though it would've been nice to actually see him. Lots of action and another appearance by Tempus, who seems to be getting more screen time this season. What happened to the premise that Lex would be back? Not enough time was devoted to Lois and Clark's relationship, which to me are the strongest scenes in the series. And just as we're about to be treated to a great sex scene between Lois and Clark we're robbed of that, too. Doesn't Clark ever ignore an emergency, even once, to finish what he started (could you)?"

Shannon Callahan: "Finally! An episode that has the Planet deeply embroiled in a hot story. (OK, so it *is* an alien story, but I really can't complain.) I was afraid the writers had forgotten that our heroes work at a major metropolitan newspaper. I enjoyed the montage especially. The music they used gave the sequence a real 'frenetic' feel. Tempus was his delightfully acerbic self. I love how Craig Byrne and Matt Combes used Tempus' dialogue to poke fun at the viewers (especially us FoLCs!) The promo (Yes! Can you believe it? A promo!) for "Followers" looks great. Loved the exchange between Perry and Lois regarding Tempus' *disguise*! Kudos to the cast and crew."

Flori (Curly3s): "Wow! LCM has got to be the best Tempus ep so far! I loved the part about 'Mully' and 'Sculder'- "The truth is somewhere" LOL! And are we FoLCs finally getting some recognition or what?! We're guest stars! Tempus is glasses had me ROTFL, and the part about the wishing well was hysterical! I give LCM an A+++++++++++!! Can't wait for 'Followers' next week!"

CKent15: "This was one of the best episodes I've seen in a very, very long time! The writing quality ranked right up there with the episodes from the first season, and the inside jokes about Cat Grant and the Michael Landes version of Jimmy were the perfect touch. Besides, I love any ep with Tempus, and Ralph kicks ***!!!"

Gravy9: "'The truth is out there somewhere...' Yes it is and 'Little Caped Men' is honestly one of the best eps of the season. Any episode with Tempus is appealing, but what made LCM a classic was all of the little touches. First off, Jay Gruska's piece during the Superman montage was brilliant. Jay, if you're listening, PLEASE include this on the CD!! Another strength was the inclusion of the strong, but seldomly used, supporting cast. From Perry to Jimmy to Ralph, we were able to see the effects of the conflict on not only L&C but on a slice of society. I especially liked the reference to Cat Grant and that new reporter Causer. Let's hope there's more of him to come in the future! Finally, I'd be remiss if I did not comment on Lois' negligee in the balcony scene. Absolutely GORGEOUS!!! Subtle, yet sexy, showcasing every curvaceous turn that makes Teri the sexiest woman on television!! For lack of a better term: hubba-hubba! Overall an excellent job! I can't wait for next week's conclusion! A-"

Beth012400: "I loved Little Caped Men! Lane Davies was wonderful as always as Tempus, and I loved how much airtime Jimmy and Perry got. Its about time! But my favorite parts were all the inside jokes, especially when the FoLCs were once again mentioned, and the introduction of FBI agents Mully and Sculder (let's see them again!). Bravo to the entire L&C team and thanks for another great episode!"

Jennifer Bullock/LucyLane1: "Bravo!! Bravo!! <insert clapping here> Wonderful episode! Whoever wrote this episode needs a great big pat on the back ;) This episode had everything, humor, romance, and of course.. TEMPUS! Whoa.. the romance.. talk about STEAMY! I pity anyone who missed this episode, it was truly one of the most romantic episodes since.. well, since VD i'd say. The conversation on the balcony was wonderfully romantic, but then comes the steamy part..the chase to the bedroom. I was laughing so hard, Clark giving Lois a head start.. such a sweetie. Though i was rather confused at first when Clark said it would only be 5
minutes tops.. but then I realized he was talking about the crash that he heard.. and well he would be GONE for about 5 minutes.. my bad. Tempus. The King of villians in his 6th episode of L&C -- he needs his own show -- did yet another wonderful job! Another scene i enjoyed was the conversation with Ralph, Lois, Clark, Jimmy, and Perry. I can't believe Ralph was going out with CAT GRANT!!! Then again, who couldn't see those two together?"
Here's some random "L&C" news...

TERI, DEAN CAST FOR "SUPERMAN LIVES": Kevin Smith has had a change of heart, and he has decided to cast Teri Hatcher and Dean Cain for the upcoming theatrical feature. As a primer for this new feature, "Batman & Robin" stars George Clooney and Chris O'Donnell will also be seen in the upcoming "Moonlight over Metropolis" episode, which will be the next to final episode of "L&C." The villain in the episode will be Poison Ivy, and it will lead into the new movie, where Teri and Dean will make appearances.

LANDES TO APPEAR IN NEXT "DALLAS" REUNION: Tracy Scoggins and Chris Demetral appeared in the last one, now it's Michael Landes's turn. Look for Landes to take over the role of J.R. "Jon Ross" Ewing III, who was played by Omri Katz in the original series. Scoggins and Demetral will also appear. The next "Dallas" reunion airs September 26 on CBS.

TNT DROPS "L&C" RERUNS: Due to the cancellation of the show and the falling ratings, TNT has decided against showing "L&C" reruns in the fall. We'll keep you updated if we hear of the show popping up on another station.

TIM MINEAR = DEAN CAIN?: Rumors have been circulating on the America Online message board that fan-favorite writer Tim Minear is in actuality Dean Cain. Dean felt that he wouldn't be taken seriously as a writer so he created this pseudonym. Some dude named Melvin Hofflemeyer was also involved, we don't know where he fits in though. "Minear" responded to these rumors by signing a message board post "David Duchovny."
By Russ Dimino

Lois and Clark is a good show...well, it WAS a good show, anyway. Otherwise we wouldn't have watched it, and no one would have gone to all the trouble of organizing a fan club and newsletter. But, the show wasn't without it's flaws, it's inconsistancies, it's own little discrepancies that really irritated, annoyed, and downright ticked off the viewers. Things that made no sense, or went against what we'd learned or seen in past episodes. And that's probably what got the darn show canceled in the first place. And without new episodes, who really cares anymore (we sure know that those people with the initials ABC don't...)?! And that's why this week's question has absolutely NOTHING to do with Lois and Clark at all!!! It's our April Fool's Issue, we're going to live a little, so we're going to ask....

"Richie Cunningham had an older brother for two seasons, and then suddenly POOF! he disappeared. Then, in the final episode of Happy Days, Howard and Marion said 'both our children are now married...' Well, what about Chuck?!?! What's up with that?!"

Send your responses before Thursday night, April 3! Not promising we'll print them as this is not a Happy Days newsletter, but we'd still like to see your opinions.
Here is "L&C" trivia question for this week...

What was "The Sound Man"'s real name?

The answer to #158's trivia: Cat Grant was last referred to in the first season finale, "The House of Luthor," as Lois said she missed her friends at the Planet. Unless you count "Little Caped Men," where Ralph announces he has a date with her.
The continuation to "Little Caped Men" is about two factions of people--the anti-Superman faction, who believes he truly is a little green alien, and the pro-Superman faction, called the FoLCs, who wants him released. Meanwhile, Lois sneaks to Nevada to rescue her Man of Steel... will she be successful?

"Followers" is written by Craig Byrne and Matt Combes. Guest stars in the episode include Lane Davies as Tempus, Robert Stack as Christopher Jordan, and Ben Jones as Congressman Corbin, with special appearances by both Terry Kiser and Hamilton Camp as H.G. Wells, Tracy Scoggins as Cat Grant, Jenny McCarthy, Carmen Electra, Michael Landes and Pauly Shore as the FoLC leaders, and Jerry Mathers as the Beaver. Look for it on Sunday night... that is, if your station is planning on showing it... apparently not many stations decided to air "Little Caped Men."
The very first issue of the "new" Kryptonite Club Newsletter, with fan reviews of "Followers!" And, now that we're finished we can say to you... APRIL FOOL'S!! <G> Please do NOT take ANYTHING you read in this issue of the newsletter seriously--Craig and Matt will be back next week, "L&C" is NOT cancelled, Teri and Dean are NOT in "Superman Lives," you didn't miss an episode of "L&C" on Sunday, and TNT has NOT dropped the "L&C" reruns... the only things that were true in this newsletter were the names of the reviewers (well, the fan reviewers at least... don't ask us why Green Lantern Kyle Rayner wanted to do a review) so DON'T PANIC!!! <G> Assignment: Daily Planet and all of the newsletter's regular features will return in issue #160.

John "Craig Byrne" Doe
President of the Anti-L&C Kryptonite Club

Andrus "Matt Combes" Andrus
Vice-President of the Anti-L&C Kryptonite Club
The Krypton Club Newsletter is copyright (c) 1997 The L&C Krypton Club. All rights reserved. Any material within is property of the Krypton Club and/or respective individuals unless otherwise noted as coming from elsewhere. Any opinions within belong solely to the individuals who express them. Copying or any unauthorized publication of material from the Krypton Club newsletters without permission is illegal. This week's quote came from "Little Caped Men." Don't we just have a blast on April Fool's? And who wouldn't want an episode like "Little Caped Men" on the *real* L&C, huh? Written by...well...DUH.<g>

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