When Smallville first premiered in 2001, while many were expecting to just see the young adventures of Clark Kent, Lex Luthor, and Lana Lang, there was another figure that quickly became a favorite among fans: Chloe Sullivan, the intrepid reporter and good friend of the young proto-Superman. Played heartfully by Allison Mack, the inquisitive character often stole scenes with her snappy lines, curious nature, and unmistakable delivery.

Chloe was so popular that the character was spun off into a series of online episodes called “The Chloe Chronicles,” and it was there that Allison first worked directly on a project created by Mark Warshaw who we interviewed here at KryptonSite yesterday. Flash forward to nearly 15 years later, and Allison and Mark are working on a new project together titled Lost in Oz in which Allison plays the mother of the show’s Dorothy. Lost in Oz is a show appropriate for the entire family, and having a familiar voice in the mix is yet another reason to check it out.
Allison participated in an interview with us over e-mail where she spoke about Lost in Oz, and, yes, we did talk about the legacy of Chloe and whether or not she will be appearing on any of the new crop of CW superhero shows at some point. You can read and enjoy the interview below.
KRYPTONSITE’s CRAIG BYRNE: How did you first meet Mark Warshaw?
ALLISON MACK: Mark and I met working on Smallville. His passion, energy and enthusiasm were totally contagious and lucky for me, he liked me and my work. Mark and I hit it off right away and I knew I wanted to work with him. It is a rare thing to meet someone like Mark. He has the drive and excitement of someone who is brand new in the business, and yet the wisdom and savvy you need to get things done. He is a wonderful creative partner. We became like family when we accidentally met one afternoon in Italy. I was coming out of a barber shop with my boyfriend while he was walking up the same street. We had no idea we were both in Italy but we spent the rest of our trip with Mark and the Warshaw clan – his whole family was there celebrating his Dad’s birthday. It was an incredible time that we reference often.

What was it like doing the Chloe Chronicles as one of the first transmedia web tie-ins to an established show?
I honestly didn’t really understand what we were doing and the extent of it until after it was done. I trusted Mark and was excited to do something that was so Chloe – centric. The coolest part for me was how much it helped me flesh out my character and really see different elements of her persona that I hadn’t been able to see or play in the show yet.
I read an interview where you mentioned that you and Mark made a pact to work together on other projects. Can you talk about that?
As I mentioned above, it is rare and special to find someone in any business that you click with in the way I click with Mark. We both are insatiably hungry for creative challenges and inspire one another in that way.

Did you have any inspiration for how you would voice Evelyn (Dorothy’s mother in Lost in Oz)? She certainly sounds different from Chloe.
Haha. I actually had a blast doing Evelyn. I wanted her to sound warm and loving. I wanted her to have a roundedness and a maturity that would be a solid structure for Dorothy to reference and come “home” to. I tried to make my voice sound and feel like a hug, the way it feels when my mom wraps her arms around me after a rough day. The kind of sound/feel that allows you to relax and trust that everything will be ok.
Do we get to see any of Evelyn’s backstory in Oz as the series goes on?
I hope so! We definitely see a few more bits in the first 2 seasons…. but if I had my way there would be a whole spin off show!! haha
What was your reaction when you saw the character designs for the Lost in Oz series, and then once you saw the show itself?
It was AWESOME! The fun part about working in animation and anything with CG or special effects is that it is always more than you thought it would be and usually very different. You can’t imagine the inside of the creative teams’ mind, so when the whole thing comes together it is always such a treat. It surpasses your own imaginings.
Can you talk about working with Susan Blu as voice director?
Of course. She is a cartoon! She has this tiny, playful voice herself and she leads the charge in energy and liveliness by the way she communicates with all of us. She is so fun and dynamic – a real pro.
Were there any particular challenges you had in portraying Evelyn?
None that I have run into yet!
Is there something about your career that keeps taking you back to Kansas?
Haha – I guess I am somewhat wholesome? Ha ha ha. That’s a stereotype if I ever wrote one.

Where can fans find you online to follow you on Twitter or on your website?
Twitter is better than my website right now – I am really into Instagram. Love the aspect of sharing my life through visuals…. and I always hit “share” to Facebook and Twitter. I will get back to writing soon – and then my website is a good place to go – but I also announce that through Twitter.… so that’s the safest bet.
What’s coming up next for you, beyond Lost in Oz?
I don’t have anything slated at the moment – but hopefully something very soon!
Smallville paved the way for a number of superhero series. Erica Durance and Laura Vandervoort have both shown up on Supergirl, and the show Arrow has Oliver Queen in a relationship with a smart computer-savvy blonde… would you ever be interested in appearing in any of those shows?
Anyone that knows me knows that I always say, “I am interested in interesting people. I don’t care the genre, the situation, the show…. I want to do good work.

What was it like to play such a legendary character that is still remembered and loved 5+ years later?
Such a privilege. You don’t realize it when you are in it because it is just life. But as I reflect on what we do, and on who Chloe became to so many people I am really proud. I feel it is a great honor and a responsibility and I intend on always doing my best to serve that. I learned a lot from Chloe Sullivan.
Why do you think fans who followed Smallville and Chloe will enjoy Lost in Oz?
It is Chloe in 20 years. Evelyn has the guts, the intellect and the loyalty of Chloe, but she is a mom and is older. So there is the same spirit and intensity, it’s just wrapped in a slightly different package – and maybe a little less fighting :)
Our thanks to Allison Mack for participating in this interview. You can check out Lost in Oz here!